Clubs and societies May 16

Cycling Club Bahamas. - Upcoming Events:

New event - Sunday, May 18, 1st Annual Megan Louise Sands Ostomy Foundation Fun, Run and Walk. The event starts at 6:45 am and begins and ends at the Montagu Beach foreshore, near the Yacht Club entrance.For more information, and to register, call 359-0020 or email mlsostomyfoundation@gmail.com

New event - Friday, June 6, Salt Pond, Long Island, Long Island Sheep Runner’s Bike, Run and Walk, start at regatta site at 6:30am sharp. Bike: 30 miles, run: 6 miles, walk: 4 miles. Entry fee: adults $20 Schoolchildren: $5. Contact Carol Fox at cfox289@gmail.com for more info.

Saturday, June 7 - Pineapple Man Triathlon in Gregory Town, Eleuthera https://www.facebook.com/events/149027425163288.

Saturday, June 28 - 8th Grand Bahama Road Cycling Championships. This event will have three categories, from 37 miles in Cat 3 to 100 miles in Cat 1. Contact: gb-cyclist@hotmail.com.

Sunday, July 13 - Independence Road Race, Nassau. Contact Barron Musgrove call or text @425-1057 npcyclingassociation2013@gmail.com

Saturday, September 13 - Give a Child a Ride - bike ride and race in Nassau. Email: info@giveachildaride.com.

Sunday, September 20 - The Potcakeman Tri http://www.baarkbahamas.com/potcakeman-2014-triathlon/

October 2014 – UWC Tri, Nassau (TBC)

Saturday, November 1 - Conchman Tri-Taino Beach, Grand Bahama, https://www.facebook.com/conchmantriathlon

Sunday, November 23 - Bahamas Half Marathon & 10K, Arawak Cay-Nassau, http://www.bahamashalf.com/

Morning rides west - Wednesdays and Fridays at 4:45am, Goodman’s Bay, West Bay Street, 20-mile ride route: Headed west to Lyford Cay & return. One-hour duration. All-level cyclists welcome. Cyclists are invited to join in anywhere along the route. Contact Shantell the day before to confirm your attendance: shorelinecargo@gmail.com

Afternoon rides west - Tuesdays and Thursdays, leaving 5:30pm sharp, parking lot next to Lyford Cay Gas Station, 18 or 24 miles depending if you do second loop. This is an advanced cyclist’s ride. The pace will range from 20+mph.

Morning ride east - Wednesdays leaving 5:30am sharp, Harbour Bay Shopping Centre, 26-mile ride route: East to east end, west on Prince Charles to Marathon Mall to East/West Highway, to Milo Butler Hwy, north to six-leg roundabout to JFK to Baha Mar roundabout return to six-leg roundabout, north to Saunders Beach roundabout, east on West Bay St. to Harbour Bay One-hour duration, advanced level cyclists. The pace will range from 20+mph (advanced cyclists are invited to join in anywhere along the route).

Thursdays leaving 5am sharp - start/end Seagrapes Shopping Centre (under the big sign), East Prince Charles Drive, 1-1.5-hour duration All-level cyclists welcome, Prince Charles Dr- Eastern Road-Shirley St-Church St-East Bay-Eastern Road- Prince Charles. Please have lights attached to your bike.

Saturday - leaving 6am sharp from Harbour Bay Shopping Centre in front of First Caribbean Bank, 30 miles headed west. In order to complete this ride, it is recommended that you have done some recent cycling! Leaving P/I Bridges optional at the beginning/end. The pace will range from 18mph – 20+mph, two to three-hour duration

Sunday - leaving 6am sharp from Harbour Bay Shopping Centre in front of First Caribbean Bank, 40-50 miles headed east. This ride is not recommended if you have not cycled recently or first timers! P/I Bridges optional at the end! The pace will range from 18mph–20+mph, three to 3.5-hour duration (intermediate & advanced cyclists are invited to join in anywhere along the route).

DEARS. - DEARS is one of the newest non-profit organisations formed with the mandate of building a stronger society - however, they’re incorporating a unique touch. The organisation goes by the name DEARS - which simply means ‘Doctors Empowering and Rebuilding Society’.

Davina Knowles, a medical student at the University of the West Indies Bahamas an idea to her class members that life has to be more than self, that there can be more done with the time given to us, and that they needed to get involved in helping others. Therein, DEARS was created.

The founding members are Amanda Rahming, Blair Sears, Bradford Turner, Davone Rolle, Kelson King, Leaslie Sealy, Nadia Miller, Patrishka Duncome and Tameka Johnson. DEARS is comprised of doctors in training dedicated to making a difference in society, one outreach programme at a time. DEARS is geared towards community service and health promotion.

“We were thinking about things we could help and assist the community not just about self but helping the bigger picture in the Bahamas. We have a lot of time dedicated to the hospital with pursuing our medical degree but we wanted to help in a bigger spectrum of life and not just helping ourselves with our career.”

The organisation’s work since it began in October 2013 includes: Paint the streets pink, which was a fun, run, walk that aided in promotion of breast cancer awareness and donation to the Breast Cancer Society, Can Drive, community service at The Great Commission, Blood Drives and the most recent, a fun day for the Children’s Emergency Hostel.

“It was just amazing spending time with the kids. We were able to do so many things with them, and you could see based on their reaction how much they appreciated us just spending the entire day with them. The day started with wonderful stories about the Crucifixion and Resurrection, giving the opportunity to win great prizes on the matter. Then it was on to the big Easter Hunt, where the children blazed to find the hidden treasure, eggs filled with candy! The day ensued with great games, bouncing in the bouncing castle, and entertainment by the magician clown. Happiness and laughter filled the atmosphere at the Easter Egg-stravaganza!” says Knowles.

The passion that members of DEARS display just talking about the goodwill mandate of the organisation is evident as they speak about the mission ahead. As soon-to-be doctors, health remains a critical component of their goals and that has been evident already with their work.

“So health is important to us. It’s what our careers are all about, and we see that Bahamians need more support and information in leading healthy lifestyles, particularly among our youth. So our work surrounds a strong education campaign that gives the necessary tools and information to youth so that they can lead healthier lifestyles and understand the importance of exercise and what they eat. This involves going into schools and working with students.”

The mission of DEARS is to empower and rebuild Bahamian society through community service programmes, blood drives, and health promotion.

“We set goals to engage in at least one-community service program a month, to promote healthy living throughout the Bahamas, to start an annual blood drive that promotes sustainable collection and storage of blood, and to foster relationships between doctors and the community,” according to Knowles.

Member Tameka Johnson says she is thrilled to be able to team up with her fellow classmates for such an important cause.

“We were sitting in the classroom one day and just talking, and we recognized that we all had a desire to contribute more to our society. It’s so amazing to be a part of such a positive thing with my classmates knowing that we are doing our part to give back to society in a good way. I’ve enjoyed participating in all of the events so far. The best way to sum it up, I guess, would be to say it’s been a great experience!”

Johnson is not alone in her views, Bradford Turner, also a medical, student at UWI agrees wholeheartedly about the need to be involved in building a stronger society. As a young man, he sees the need to ensure young men have strong role models to follow.

“When you look around and see the challenges our young men are faced with, it’s important for them to know and feel that there are other men who care about their success. Men who can show love and mentorship and ensure they follow a positive path to obtaining their goals. Every time we have the opportunity to work with young people, we are excited when we see the positive result from our reaching out.”

The organisation fully depends on the resources of the public or themselves to fund their programmes. President Davina Knowles says that’s a challenge they hope the corporate Bahamas and the public will help them overcome.

“We are all final year medical students in university, so we really need the support of others to help fund this cause. Every bit makes a difference no matter how small. As college students, we don’t have the kind of resources we would like to see injected into the program so we have no choice but to depend on donations, to fund the organisation’s work. We assure you, the money will be well spend and people can always track our progress and see where their money is being spend.”

Those wishing to donate to DEARS can email Dears15b@gmail.com or call Davina Knowles on 447-7943.

Knowles says those who may not have the time to get involved in a positive programme geared toward improving our society can still participate with donations and it would count in the same manner as if they were on the ground giving their time. “It’s all about partnership,” she says, “and wanting to see a better, healthier, safer and more productive Bahamaland! With our motto ‘Act Responsible, Think Sustainable’ we are sure that even if we make a small change that we have impacted in a big way.”

New Providence Cycling Association. - This Sunday in New Providence, npcyclingassociation will stage its second Road Time Trial. The event will start at 7:30am at the start/finish in front of The Caves, West Bay Street. The distance is 18 miles. The cyclist will start at The Caves and head west along West Bay Street, passing Delporte, Sandy Port, Cable Beach, turn onto Baha Mar Blvd, along Baha Mar Blvd to roundabout at JFK Drive, right onto JFK, travel to Old Fort Bay, to Lyford Cay, around the roundabout at Lyford Cay, back to old fort Bay, continuing alond the water front passing Gambier, Organe Hill Beach ending back in front of The Caves.

Categories: Open Males, cover 18 miles, top seven finish, $8; Open Male Masters 45, 18 miles, top four, $8; Open Women, 18 miles, top four $6; Open Novice M/F, ten miles, top four, $6; Open Junior Boys/Girls, ten miles, top four, $4. Registration will start at 7am to start time For more information, contact npassociation2013@gmail.com.

Rotary Club of East Nassau. - The Rotary Club of East Nassau is hosting the Rotary Fun Regatta as part of their continued support of the Bahamas Sailing Association and the Bahamas National Sailing School. The event is Saturday, May 17, from 10am to 3pm. There will be six races encompassing the following classes: Optimist Intermediate, Optimist Advanced, Lasers and Sunfish with presentations being made at 4pm at the Nassau Yacht Club. Lunch will be on sale from the Rotary Hamburger Van from 12-2:30pm. If you have your own boat, load it up with the family and friends and start your own cheering section next to the course.

Rotary Clubs of New Providence and West Nassau. - The Rotary Club of New Providence and Rotary Club of West Nassau will be holding a mock casino night tomorrow at the Melia Nassau Beach Hotel at Cable Beach. The event starts at 7pm and features the Visage Band. Dress code is elegant casual and the ticket price is a $100 donation.


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