‘School did not protect my kids from racial slurs’


Tribune Staff Reporter


A BAHAMIAN woman is furious with the principal of a local school who she claims failed to act appropriately when her children became the targets of racial slurs while in school.

Chavaz Cassar, the mother of a 4-year-old and 6-year-old, said beginning in January of this year both of her children were called derogatory racially-charged names by their Caucasian peers on at least four separate occasions.

In one instance, Mrs Cassar said her son was told by a Caucasian boy, of a foreign nationality, that “brown boys” were not allowed to play soccer with the other kids on the field.

She said she was made aware of the incidents when her children, who attend Tambearly School in Sandyport, came home and asked her why their skin was brown and why their hair wasn’t straight.

Mrs Cassar said she immediately called the principal and set up an appointment to speak to her about the multicultural school’s policy on racism, but she said the meeting and subsequent conversations proved fruitless. In fact, rather than address the situation, Mrs. Cassar said the principal suggested that she take her children out of the school if she was not satisfied with how the school was being run.

At one point during the meeting, according to Mrs Cassar, when she asked why wasn’t there a higher quota of Bahamian teachers to foreign teachers, the principal said she had a problem with Bahamian teachers who did not know how to properly pronounce “ask” as apposed to “axx”.

The Tribune attempted to contact the school but calls were not returned up to press time yesterday.

“The fourth and final incident occurred on Tuesday, April 29th, the same day that the racially-charged statements made by Donald Sterling from the Clippers (basketball team) went public. Given this issue in the international news it was suggested that she take a stand and make it known publicly that her school is ‘anti- racist’. My husband and I met with her and due to the frequency of these racial slurs asked about the school’s policy on racism.

“After she confirmed that there was none, we suggested that the school implement one in writing as soon as possible and verbally announce it at the next assembly. She appeared to accept the recommendation and said it would appear in the next school handbook.

“At this point we began looking for new schools and forwarded teacher referral forms to be completed by principal and our kids’ current teachers. From then to now nothing was said in assembly even though she attended assembly. We decided to give her an opportunity to address it in the school’s weekly newsletter that is circulated on Tuesdays, but the direct point on non-tolerance for racially-charged statements either students or teachers once again was not addressed at all.

“I then sent an email on Tuesday, May 6th, asking why didn’t we meet the other child’s parents, especially since she admitted that this same child told her that Bahamians are bad people. Given the current global issue on racism we suggested to her that she would not be considered odd in publicly declaring that her school is ‘anti-racist’. She responded by acknowledging receipt of my email sent of Friday, May 2, which contained teacher’s referral forms by simply saying, ‘Mr. and Mrs. Cassar, Thank you for your email and I have noted its contents. We have completed the forms and forwarded them to the school and wish the children success in their new school’.”

Mrs. Cassar said she would have never thought in 2014 that her “beautiful brown Bahamian kids” would be made to feel uncomfortable in their own country.

She said she is writing to the Ministry of Education as well as the Department of Immigration to voice her concerns.


B_I_D___ 10 years, 10 months ago

I am totally against any racial or derogatory slurs or terms or attitudes...which baffles me as to why the brown or black variety of people are so hell bent on throwing the 'N' word around with such reckless abandon.
On the flip side, being of the 'white' variety, I do have objections to schools teaching 'white' kids a book that preaches that no one is white, and that everyone is a shade of brown...I get the concept, I do, but do you need a 4 or 5 year old coming home and saying I'm not white I'm brown. No, actually, you are more pink than brown...but either way, the fact it was brought up in the first place, just makes a bigger issue out of something that really isn't needed...in my opinion anyways. There are times and places to discuss these things...in the pre-K years, maybe not that appropriate. In the grand scheme of things, absolutely everyone has a different colour skin from the person sitting next to you. The sooner we learn to not group the various tones into segments the better. Heck, some of the worst racial divides at this moment are brown on black...if your skin is TOO black you get ridiculed by the lesser brown variety. Craziness!!

soldierking 10 years, 10 months ago

how does it baffle you that black people call eachother nigger. it is a term of endearment for black folk. since your white however i can see why you are sqweemish . get over it , your white , enjoy that cause you will never feel racism in your life.

Purcell 10 years, 10 months ago

I seen many Bahamians call whites (adults and kids) Conky Joe, Cracker crap like this and whites call blacks N and other crap. I seen Bahamians call Haitians too black and all sorts of other shit. Ignorance knows no race or nationality. Don't let the nonsense the US loves so much (race baiting) infect the Bahamas. Stomp it out on all sides.

B_I_D___ 10 years, 10 months ago

Ahhh...but ya see, it's easier to keep those racial tensions at their peak so you have an excuse for not living up to your potential.

Purcell 10 years, 10 months ago

Sure that is why the morons over in the US are loving it. We must put a stop to any kind of this shit against white, black, brown, yellow and green people.

soldierking 10 years, 10 months ago

your comment is stupid. using generalizations like "the morons over in the US" . we know that racism happens to all but black people get the most in the western world because 300 years ago they were slaves. so stop with your comments because they are redundant and foolish on this context.

killemwitdakno 10 years, 5 months ago

a system against african americans is really excuses for not living up to potential. their black 5 yr olds don't get to grow up with such a colorblind message, the same one you mentioned. maybe that would have helped. who knows.

killemwitdakno 10 years, 5 months ago

I guess you weren't aware that a "conch" is what they called a perm back in the James Brown and Supremes days. Of course you've heard the term "John Doe" before. A "conchy joe" is a straight haired fella. you're welcome for my forgiving your jumping to chastise and take offense before looking into where it may have come from. and if you're not from here, shut the hell up and learn before applying your expert opinion. typical. I can say I never heard the term cracker. It don't even sound like a word blacks would come up with. go figure, it was used in the Jefferson's show when his white screenwriter made him say it.

Fox_Mulder 10 years, 10 months ago

Also being of the "white" variety (as the previous comment states), and being a Tambearly parent, I can attest that my children NEVER had a problem in their 9 or 10 year tenure so far. They have friends from every color of the rainbow. Yes, once or twice they came home and asked us "Why xxx told us that the black ants are the laborious ones, and the red or whitey only bite and attack?", and some other comments that I can't remember. Because the inverse racism is also an issue. I would suggest the mother of the, I'm sure, beautiful brown skinned children, to take the comments with a grain of salt and don't give much importance of the sayings of another 5 year old little guy. They have no idea of what they are talking about. A quick heads up to the parents of the "offender" should fix the issue. Maybe the school had no policy on racism because they never had an incident.

Straight_Talk_Bahamas 10 years, 10 months ago

I think the problem is the principals lack of action when the issue was raised.

Perhaps there was no policy because there has never been an issue.

But once an issue was raised, your response should not be, "take your kids to a different school" That is unacceptable.

And while 5 year old guy doesn't really know what he's saying, he's obviously being exposed to a certain mindset. One that should not be accepted anywhere.

The proper thing to do was to call in the parents of the offender, like you suggested, and ask them to explain to their child that that kind of language is mean and not accepted because it hurts other kids.

Tthey should've then told the parents of the offender, if the incidents continue they would have to move their child.

Straight_Talk_Bahamas 10 years, 10 months ago

That is what I would've expected from any school.

The reaction of that the parents got suggests that racism is ok and tolerated at that instituition. .

Unaceptable in 2014 in The Bahamas and anywhere else in the world.. The owners/administration should issue an appology to the parents immediately and clarify for the public their policies on this issue..

(And no I don't care one iota that its an exclusive private school that I've never heard of...). ..

Fox_Mulder 10 years, 10 months ago

Allegedly lack of action....

Purcell 10 years, 10 months ago

The kids learned that crap at home. You can bet on it. Same crap different color when black kids call white ones or mixed race kids names. The school should educate the kids though or this nonsense will perpetuate.

killemwitdakno 10 years, 5 months ago

"beautiful brown skinned children" lol. could have just said they should have corrected the child

killemwitdakno 10 years, 5 months ago

always the "i have a black friend" immunity. the teachers did nothing about it. what happened to calling aside and saying this isn't a nice word, god says everybody is the same, say sorry. i witnessed this exact thing in a conservative republican white baptist american school. now that i'm grown, i wish i never went there. more than that incident left an impression on me.

sheeprunner12 10 years, 10 months ago

So much for these little uppity, "rich kids" schools................... if you dont want your good kids to go to government school, shut up and live with "we make the rules" private schools .... ...................thats the reality of this out of whack BAHAMIAN educational system promoted by uppity whites, expats and Uncle Tom Negroes ....................Its called status quo.


PS. Who runs Tambearly School anyway?????????????????????

bahamian242 10 years, 10 months ago

The Tambearly people are just prejudice, of people not of their kind! The school originated on Queen Street next to the US Embassy, and then moved to Deans Lane and finally to Sandy Port where they are today! They have always had that attitude, and has gotten worse as the years go on!

spoitier 10 years, 10 months ago

If you are of a white origin, how do you know what kind of attitude the white kids had towards others? That is the same reason why racism is prevalent in the United States; whites think that black Americans are just making it up. When in fact I came from the Bahamas and other blacks came from all over the world and witnessed the same thing. Are you guys saying that blacks are not smart enough to notice injustice? Or you're saying that because it is better than it was, we should be happy?

Emac 10 years, 10 months ago

You have obviously been in America too long. You have begun to take on the tone of the lazy black Americans who blame their misery on everyone else but their lazy ass attitude.

killemwitdakno 10 years, 5 months ago

why don't you do what white people usually do and go research or get first hand experience. you sound like stereotypical dumb redneck ; )

killemwitdakno 10 years, 5 months ago

i never ever understand this reaction where foreign white folk bulldoze and badger at any concern or question brought up that might result in them being wrong where a minority called it out. it's really ignorant to not hear someone out especially when they are paying client. despite making your point already , they police every such comment made by locals on social media. my christ. just acknowledge sometimes.

KimAra 10 years, 10 months ago

and among the VERY first students there was lovely smart Felicity Humblestone, and all sort of young Maynards ( Julians kids) and many other Bahamians who are multi racial and have grown up and gone far....

soldierking 10 years, 10 months ago

i was student of the year at tambearly

Emac 10 years, 10 months ago

That is a great accomplisment! Care to identify yourself?

killemwitdakno 10 years, 5 months ago

if that didn't sound racist BOL

killemwitdakno 10 years, 5 months ago

This calling island folk uncle toms just because we don't think about everything racially really has to stop. I'm sorry that I don't need another black power holiday because I don't need a victim view to learn from history. what happened to celebrating names and legacies, cultures, minorities and struggles.

bahamian242 10 years, 10 months ago

Yes in that case it would be racism, but they are more on the prejudice side. I myself experienced that with them some 25 years ago, when they were on Deans Lane, with my eldest Son! If you are not in High Society, they just do not want you! So this goes back not just only being racism, but not allowing Blacks, but also not allowing Catholics, Eastern Orthodox, Asians and Jews. Only those that are in High Society, that are White Anglo-Saxon, Protestant, WASP's, and yes that is considered a racial slur!

HarryWyckoff 10 years, 10 months ago

My child is there in a class with 4 caucasians, 1 latin american, 4 black children, two mixed race and 1 asian. All are from varying backgrounds, none from 'high society'.

It appears that the only racism and prejudice involved is your own.

spoitier 10 years, 10 months ago

You just can't discount someone else experience because you didn't happened to you.

HarryWyckoff 10 years, 10 months ago

The person I replied to claimed as fact that this school does not, to this day, accept anyone that is:

  • Not from high society
  • Black
  • Catholic
  • Eastern Orthodox
  • Asian
  • Jewish

I merely pointed out that the information they wrote is utterly incorrect, by providing actual really real, real world facts about the make up of my child's classroom.

This is not a difference in experience, it is a difference between rumor and fact.

Just because you want to believe something is true, does not actually make it true.

Walking into a classroom and seeing multiple ethnicities, from multiple socio-economoc backgrounds and multiple religions, however, does make it true.

This also is fact.

KimAra 10 years, 10 months ago

I can't speak for 25 years ago...but my kids went to Tambearly and there were all sorts of religions, colors, and financial situations....everybody was treated the same...respect, manners and learning....the kids were happy and excelled...there was no racism and no prejudice

killemwitdakno 10 years, 5 months ago

mixed with black means black in the real world sweety

ohdrap4 10 years, 10 months ago

some private schools and some family businesses are controlled absolutely by individuals in the bahamas.

the reputation of this school precedes it, so i wonder why people even enroll their children there.


then find a school run by a mainstream religious group, and which was established for at least 50 years. there will be more fairness there all around.

soldierking 10 years, 10 months ago

you wrong son. sit down and enjoy the chicken.

killemwitdakno 10 years, 5 months ago

that comment was racist and your clearly not bahamian.

The_Oracle 10 years, 10 months ago

Every coin has two sides, and also an edge! If one goes looking for racial problems, one finds them, real or perceived. Seems that by getting Min. of Ed and Immigration involved we have a case of reverse racism, or PLP'ism. Here we go again.....

killemwitdakno 10 years, 5 months ago

PLP'ism , can't argue there.

bismark 10 years, 10 months ago

children will say all sorts of hurtful things to other kids,that is a part of growing up,but in this case that child only could have learned that from in the home,it is obvious that's where it came from.

killemwitdakno 10 years, 5 months ago

the kid got it from somewhere. maybe his parents has no black friends.

Emac 10 years, 10 months ago

I am writing in response to bahamian242 postings and others who have lambasted the school’s administration without first investigating the circumstances or without even acquiring any knowledge about the school’s policies or history.

Well, interestingly enough, I was one of the first black teachers at Tambearly, when the school opened its doors sometime around 1983, through Queen Street. I taught at this school for about 10 years. Even today I am still considered to be a part of the Tambearly family.

Let me state emphatically that I have never seen or heard anything even resembling racism throughout my tenure at this school, or even during my recent visits. I know the principal on a personal level, and again I can attest to the fact that she is colour blind. She strongly believes in diversification. This is quite evident when students showcase their works and talents during the end of school productions. Nevertheless, the school’s administration is very stringent with whom it hires. The school has a very high standard and they try to maintain this standard at all cost. So teachers who do not meet the standards of the school, whether black or white, Bahamian or foreign, are simply not hired. You cannot expect for the principal to hire teachers solely based on the applicants being Bahamian or black.

As a matter of interest, Tambearly was one of the first private schools to fully embrace Bahamian culture through music, art and theatre. This has allowed foreign students and parents to learn about our culture by speaking the dialect, learning dances like the quadrille or eating native dishes. These shows have culminated into the formation of the school’s theatre program that has helped instill discipline, cultural appreciation and good posture in all students, of all origins. I have had the opportunity to meet with many former students of Tambearly who came from all walks of life. They always mention how a large part of their success can be attributed to the time they spent at Tambearly School.

While I do not know the details of what went on with this irate parent and the principal, based on what I have read so far, I believe there must have been some kind misunderstanding. This principal always listens to everyone’s concerns and always tries to resolve in a timely manner.

sheeprunner12 10 years, 10 months ago

Everyone needs to have a cheerleader...................... SMH

Emac 10 years, 10 months ago

Just stating the facts my friend...Just stating the facts.

killemwitdakno 10 years, 5 months ago

"Let me state emphatically that I have never seen or heard anything even resembling racism throughout my tenure at this school, or even during my recent visits" ridiculous PR.

The school originated on Queen Street next to the US Embassy, and then moved to Deans Lane and finally to Sandy Port where they are today. But you were "one of the first black teachers at Tambearly, when the school opened its doors sometime around 1983, through Queen Street".

"Tambearly was one of the first private schools to fully embrace Bahamian culture through music, art and theatre. This has allowed foreign students and parents to learn about our culture by speaking the dialect, learning dances like the quadrille or eating native dishes. " I guess that makes it the school for foreigners who don't want to integrate and raise kids Bahamian, like a South African boarding school.

you don't know the details so maybe this is not a time to make a stand for your appreciation of the exceptional inclusion you were granted.

KimAra 10 years, 10 months ago

There is so much nonsence being thrown around....Tambearly is NOT racist...the kids are not either...Little kids say silly things...when my kid was being called "white boy" I did not have a fit.In fact I did nothing!..My children went to Tambearly for many years, I have had eight family members (no, actually, not all white, of various ethnic combinations and backgrounds) attend the school...many children of successful Bahamians white and black have benefited from Tambearly's exceptional programme...There have been PLP families and FNM families...no teasing, no jeering...Kids say stupid things..if you say that kids only say things they heard at home them I am here to tell you that we all must have said some shocking things at home, because I hear kids saying the worst of things often, in public places...yes, kids from families I know well, and I am sure their parents do not talk that way nor think that way....Sorry if am i insulting anybody. I taught at Tambearly for five years. Sure I heard kids say nasty things to each other and each time it was dealt with, kindly and professionally..the children ended up shaking hands or hugging and understanding. I must say I am sorry for these kids, because I understand ( I do not know for a fact, but lots of people told me) that they had to be removed from Meridian also because they were victims of comments perceived to be racial slurs.Correct me if I have been wrongly informed. If it is the case how sad that at their young lives this is happening more than once. Is it possible that too much has been read into the stupid comments in both cases? Now Just because some revolting old 80 year old American said some disgusting remarks to his "Sweetheart" more than 50 years his junior (UGH), we now in the Bahamas have to have "racial seminars" for the kids....this is the Bahamas for God's sake!!! Any here we go back to losing an argument and running to Immigration...can you imagine if in the States somebody told my child that tall children can't sit down, or white kids can't dance or some other foolishness...can you imagine me rushing off to the US dept of Immigration....give me a break, how far do you think I would get before being laughed at.

sheeprunner12 10 years, 10 months ago

Words of a typical uppity Bahamian (?)....... justifying status quo. Go spend one day in a public school or send your "nice" kids to one of them for a week and then come and talk real Bahamian experiences.......... you live in an ivory tower ................. enjoy it

KimAra 10 years, 10 months ago

which bit is "uppity"?... Is it only uppity kids who are rude? Is it uppity to think that that 80 year old mess and his 30 year old sweetheart are disgusting? Is is "uppity" to support an institution you believe in? ....perhaps! Loyalty is not a quality we see often now days. I suppose your silly little question mark is because you are questioning if I am Bahamian?...oooops wrong here, I am. You know what I find funniest is that I am the only one here with the guts to use my own name and stand publicly by what I say...oops, is that uppity? I have no idea where "real Bahamian" experiences and sending "nice" kids to Government schools fits in...aren't your kids nice...but then I do not know who you are....I may live in an ivory tower, but I spend a hell of a lot of time time out of it...I really don't know what you are getting at?

killemwitdakno 10 years, 5 months ago

"Is it only uppity kids who are rude?" are you serious? diversion.

"Loyalty is not a quality we see often now days. " Loyal to the queen lol.

killemwitdakno 10 years, 5 months ago

"I am sorry for these kids, because I understand that they had to be removed from Meridian also because they were victims of comments perceived to be racial slurs." yeh, when you say mean thing you go sit down. if you can't play nice and fair, you can't play. WTF ?? don't tell me you're a teacher. you just said things were always dealt with hypocrite.

killemwitdakno 10 years, 5 months ago

"Now Just because some revolting old 80 year old American said some disgusting remarks to his "Sweetheart" more than 50 years his junior (UGH), we now in the Bahamas have to have "racial seminars" for the kids...." boy they really think we stupid. this gettin little annoyin now

killemwitdakno 10 years, 5 months ago

" tall children can't sit down, or white kids can't dance "

this educated bitch just compared that to " you can't play with me because you're brown"

damn. Tamberly in trouble

killemwitdakno 10 years, 5 months ago

you laughed at such comments. really? that's almost worse than when this happened in my school days, one white teacher reprimanded, and the other said well "why can't he say nigger", "why'd you put him on the bench". turns out it was her daughter who told me I couldn't play because I was brown. stupid little girl who had black friends anyway. I diagnose this a racist form of bipolar.

tmoore 10 years, 5 months ago

The very first problem that I have with this comment is that it is a typical foreign response. My challenge is that you have conceded that because this is your perspective it is correct and this lady and her children are incorrect. You are wrong from many perspectives. In addition, you have never been black and obviously have know understanding and or respect for such race of people. If you did, you would never attempt to justify such actions, or justify a system that is not aware enough to have in place a policy of racism/ prejudice of any kind prior to its induction. An institution of such, whom claims to be of such high standards should truly be ashamed as this shows an immense lack of character. In closing, it is teachers like you, with values like yours at institutions like Tambearly that reaffirms my decision to home school my children. Shame on you for being that human being that teach but cant lead. Shame on you for suggesting that kids will just get over it, and not recognizing that children are their environment. Oh, and by the way the notion that your rich FNM and PLP friends' kids came out well only worsens your position in this case, because all I hear is you saying that they learned how to deal with it.

KimAra 10 years, 10 months ago

I have been contacted by Chavaz Cassar and she told me that her children NEVER attended Maridian School. I do hope that I have not caused any stress on my good friend Lisa McCartney by mentioning her school in error... I apologize for the mistake....

killemwitdakno 10 years, 5 months ago

and these aren't trolls. wow. and more foreign uppitys comin

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