Minnis: Do you want a speaker or do you want solutions?

Dr Hubert Minnis

Dr Hubert Minnis


Tribune Staff Reporter


FREE National Movement leader Dr Hubert Minnis has dismissed persistent criticism that he is “a flip-flopper” and not charismatic.

In his latest campaign video, Dr Minnis responded to critics who have said he is not the best candidate to lead the party to victory in the 2017 general election.

Dr Minnis suggests that he should be re-elected as the party’s chief because he has the “solutions” to rescue the “ailing” country.

The video, posted to Dr Minnis’ Facebook page and YouTube account yesterday, opens with the question: “Some people say you are not the best speaker nor are you the most charismatic. What do you say to them?”

He responded: “I say to them, our country is ailing at this time, do you want a speaker? Do you want an orator? Or do you want solutions?”

The video says that political pundits have also branded Dr Minnis as “wishy-washy and a flip-flopper”. 

To that Dr Minnis said: “I have been said to be many things. (But) as a leader (and) as a surgeon, one makes decisions based on the information that is presented to them today.

“A wise man, if three weeks later new information is presented to him, he will then work and analyse that information and new determinations might come forth. That is not flip-flopping, that is wise.”

Since he was elected FNM leader in 2012, Dr Minnis has been dogged by criticism that he has wavered in his stance on gambling and value added tax (VAT).


Deputy FNM Leader Loretta Butler-Turner also launched another campaign video that began circulating on social media yesterday. The Long Island MP is the only FNM to openly declare her intent to run against Dr Minnis.

In the new video, she emphasises the need for new leadership that will unite the FNM to defeat the Christie administration .

“Along with countless others I believe that our country desperately needs new leadership,” she says in the video. “I believe that I am the most capable individual at this time to unite and to lead the opposition in order to defeat a failed government.

“I am running for leader because I do believe that the FNM needs the quality of leadership that will attract more independent voters and young people as well as a growing number of PLPs who are disturbed by the direction of our country today. We have faced challenges before but what often determines success or failure is the quality of leadership. The opposition cannot wait we must be more effective in opposition today.”

Both candidates are expected to continue campaigning until the party holds its convention on November 21.


countryfirst 10 years, 4 months ago

We have have a prime minister that is good at speaking and stealing and nothing else he represents the worst area in the Bahamas and has done nothing to help it.He and his administration is a failure and I dont think the FNM are up to the job either we need to throw all of them out and start from scratch they work together to keep the masses down while they rape and rob the treasury.

duppyVAT 10 years, 4 months ago

That is called revolution ............ USA, Haiti, Cuba etc. Are we up to that? Who will lead it? and What economic/political model will we adopt?

killemwitdakno 10 years, 4 months ago

Unfortunately PLP are more pro Aristede, Castro, and Chavez. This was the wrongest time for them to be in.

ThisIsOurs 10 years, 4 months ago

“A wise man, if three weeks later new information is presented to him, he will then work and analyse that information and new determinations might come forth. That is not flip-flopping, that is wise.”

True, but my problem with DR Minnis is, it seems like he has no standard to judge anything against. Situations may change, new information may come to light, but the standard never changes. In reference to not being a great speaker, that's the wrong characterization. Hubert Ingraham wasn't a great speaker but he got a clear point across, right or wrong. Dr Minnis doesn't have a clear point to get across. He doesn't have priorities, he doesn't have a clear agenda. Rather than commenting on every single scandal that pops us, speak about the larger issues that ALL of the scandals touch. Say it over and over again until everyone in the Bahamas hears and absorbs how corrupt our politicians are, that we have to weed them out and put rules in place to bar them or their kind from ever popping up again. I wish he would change his handlers, sit with some professional strategists to talk about speaking points and strategic direction.

Emac 10 years, 4 months ago

Nominating you to run 2017!

ThisIsOurs 10 years, 4 months ago

Not me!! I like to work in the background. If you run I'll be there:)

killemwitdakno 10 years, 4 months ago

didn't seem Minis hears from the background

pablojay 10 years, 4 months ago

You are quite wrong about Hubert Ingraham not being a good speaker. A good speaker is not one who speaks superfluously like the present prime minister,but rather one who gets his point across and keeps the attention of his audience, like the former prime minister did.

ThisIsOurs 10 years, 4 months ago

I think we're saying the same thing, that was my point. When Dr Minnis mentioned not being a 'good speaker" I did not interpret that as him saying he never made sense, I took it as "my grammar isn't the best". Hubert Ingraham's grammar isn't the best, but he definitely gets his point across, he knows the direction he's headed right or wrong and he typically sticks to it.those are the qualities missing from Dr Minnis. He could acquire them, but he needs better people around him. Hands down PGC is atrocious (he'll understand that better than "plain awful")

pablojay 10 years, 4 months ago

We seem to be one the same page with this one , as i often say that Dr Minnis ,with the right people advising him could be better. Due to your level- headed response, without the normal defensiveness,you seem to be, to quote the one who prefers dabbling with Webster to working ," one of great equanimity".

TalRussell 10 years, 4 months ago

What neither Minnis or his deputy leader Loretta have never addressed is not what PM Christie is doing wrong but what have they done to change why the voters in 2017, will not do to the red party as in before elections? Voters were given a chance to vote for the red shirts party and they declined their support. The voters rejected them in all the 3 previous elections including Papa Hubert's former House seat. Rejected as a party in Elizabeth. Rejected as a party Cooper's Town and rejected massively throughout Bahamaland in 2012. Fact is despite all PM Christie and his Cabinet Colleagues doing so much give Bahamalander's good reasons to forgive the red shirts party, but still the party has NOT lifted-up the reds under Minnis and Loretta? If this is a truth, why would any red go with a Minnis or Loretta leadership, come November Convention time?

Well_mudda_take_sic 10 years, 4 months ago

The last thing we need is to have our country run by the likes of Minnis or LBT with annoying Cash in the background. I would swallow hard and vote for any candidate not affiliated with the PLP, FNM or DNA, or not vote at all!

licks2 10 years, 4 months ago

The PLP won with 48% and the REDS were rejected with 42%? Are you outta ya damn mind? The DNA had 13 plus percent of voters who did not vote for red or gold!!! BOTH ER THEY TAILS WERE REJECTED BY MAJORITY VOTERS!! King makers voters rejected both parties in 2012!! The DNA have more grounds to say they got "accepted" by the people who decide elections in this country! You must remember that just about 20% of non-affiliated voters decide who is government! Winning with your base is done even if you stay home and don't campaign during the run-up to election time!!

As for the big red race coming up- - -I think that LBT is one big fake who is playing juvenile cheap political tricks to become the big dog in the party! She may be getting traction inside her red party. . .but not among us "king makers" who make or break governments!!!

We prefer a solution oriented, mover and shaker who can get things done!! We have one of the best "speakers" in this region as PM right now. . .with the most lousy record for his ability to get things done!! Errybody taking he azz for low fence!!

LBT do not have the "it" for us 20% king makers to support for PM!! The PLP want here to win. . .then they will have a cake walk back into government in 2017!!

And don't for get that the court "GEE" the PLP that win in Lizzy. . .by one invalid vote!!!

TalRussell 10 years, 4 months ago

I am told no more than 100 reds are expected to show up decide on party's leader? Maybe, offer a Free Turkey for showing up? That while it is being billed as an official red party convention, the only order of business is Minnis and Loretta? If you can't win in 2017 why not just take the once all powerful red party into bankruptcy for not only coming up short on fresh ideas but cash? Maybe DNA can step up plate to assume your headquarters lease and furniture's? Many red Comrades think the calling of (12) Hours November Convention is solid proof of Minnis and Loretta being more focused toward which one walks away with red's leadership crown, than on the red party's real business, that of regaining the confidence of Bahamalander's lost in the 2010 Elizabeth By-election, 2012 General Elections and who can or wants to forgets the humiliating October 2012 rejection of Papa Hubert's "love offering" replacement candidate for his Cooper's Town seat By-election? Yes, the red party should by now have had the PLP party on political crutches but instead the party will spend over $100,000 of which it doesn't have in bank to 'hopefully' settle the Minnis and Loretta conflicts. Yes, 'conflicts' cause Loretta has been upset with just about everything else her leader has done. Can't wait see if Loretta unseats Minnis. Will the PM now do for Loretta what he refused do for Minnis, assign his 'careless' taxpayers police chauffeur an actual official car to drive her around Nassau Town? Comrades I only wish I could write such funny stuff but it's the truth where this red party finds itself this November 2014, almost 3 years since being fired as government. Minnis was right on one point. They laughed at what was left of red party after Papa Hubert but what he and Loretta won't admit to, is them two have becoming the laughing stock as the worst possible political marriage in Bahamaland's long history.

Emac 10 years, 4 months ago

A Free Turkey for showing up? You know da ain the way of the red team. Das dem other people dem.

licks2 10 years, 4 months ago

The red party settling their dispute. . .one way or the other cant help the PLP now! The PLP "jookin up" is coming from we the peoples dem! The next election will be tween the greens and reds them so!! Gold party has already passed it "fail safe" point to be considered for anything beside jail come next election!!

I say that the PLP will lose because the PLP fight is not with the red and green.. .but against we the people!!! There is a general loathing for that party. . .the people cannot see virtue in them. . .even if they are doing good. . .they have done too much evil against the hearts and minds of the people!!!

themessenger 10 years, 4 months ago

Thats a nice pair of rose coloured glasses you're looking through Licks, but notwithstanding all of the crap that the PLP have been shoveling the peoples way there is still a very large number of stupid people in this country that will do exactly that, vote PLP!! If the reds and greens can't find a way to let bygones be bygones, 46% or even less of the vote will win the PLP the government again Heaven help us. I've said before that God must love stupid people, He made so many of them.

The_Oracle 10 years, 4 months ago

The next election will exchange one set of fools and incompetents for another, for the simple reason that Bahamians have found the switch! Not that there is any intelligence required to flick it, but like a child, we will flick it a few times more before we realize that this too hurts us as a country. 5 year plans are obsolete as soon as formed, political expediency alone is a sorry plan.

duppyVAT 10 years, 4 months ago

It is possible that a coalition government will really emerge next election........... I wont be surprised if a number of Independents hold seats next time. Perry has to retire if the PLP is to repeat........and God knows what will come of the FNM after the Convention ............ Bran can be an X-factor

ThisIsOurs 10 years, 4 months ago

Perry retire? And leave the country to Brave????? After the Kohlrautz affair? Scary.

duppyVAT 10 years, 4 months ago

OPTIONS FOR 2017: Perry, Hubert Minnis, Bran, ?????? .................................... SMDH

The_Oracle 10 years, 4 months ago

Better put the Standards Bureau to work upgrading political standards if you want to see anything other than the 40 year slide we've been on. Seriously, elect garbage, garbage you get.

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