Wells slammed and told ‘not good enough’


FNM Chairman Darron Cash


Tribune Staff Reporter


FNM CHAIRMAN Darron Cash yesterday criticised Bamboo Town MP Renward Wells for choosing to “break his silence” on the Stellar Waste to Management letter of intent controversy during a time when the nation is in mourning.

Speaking with The Tribune, Mr Cash said while he “shares the pain and sense of loss” experienced by Mr Wells, now is “not the time for this issue, especially when Mr Wells had months to speak up” on the controversy and chose not to.

Mr Wells told The Nassau Guardian on Tuesday that Pastor Myles Munroe, who died in a plane crash with eight others on Sunday, urged him to “accept total responsibility” for his actions.

He said he signed the $600 million LOI for the “good of the people”.

Mr Cash said now is a time for “quiet reflection and remembrance” not for Mr Wells to attempt to distract the Bahamian people with his “fiasco”.

“I, with thousands of Bahamians are mourning the death of a beloved Bahamian treasure and the disciples that he cultivated within his church. We feel the pain associated with that loss. These should be days for quiet reflection and remembrance of the great contributions that Pastor Myles and others have made,” he said.

“I have taken note of the comments made by former Parliamentary Secretary Renward Wells within the context of Dr Myles’ passing and the advice given to him by Pastor Myles as it relates to the Letter of Intent (LOI) with Stellar Waste to Energy. Reading his comments I cannot help but feel a sense of hurt and anger that this precious moment would be sullied by the remembrance of Stellar Waste to Energy. In many respects, I am offended that now is the moment Mr Wells has chosen to break his silence.

“I suspect that for me and many Bahamians, Stellar was an enormous distraction and in the midst of this sombre moment, a moment to remember a great man, we are once again distracted by Mr Wells,” Mr Cash said. “We share his pain and sense of loss, but this is not the time for this discussion.”

Mr Cash said despite Mr Wells accepting “responsibility for his actions” only three words come to mind – “not good enough.”

In mid-October Prime Minister Perry Christie fired Mr Wells from his post of parliamentary secretary in the Ministry of Works and Urban Development following months of controversy sparked by his reportedly unauthorised signature on a $650 million letter of intent with a waste-to-energy company in July.

Mr Christie has repeatedly said he hoped Mr Wells would tell the nation what prompted him to sign the document.


TalRussell 10 years, 4 months ago

Hard tell which man's is attempting grab spotlight? Every glimpse into Comrade Red Chairman Daron's is proof there is poverty throughout the leadership of an confused party as they ready for convention November 21, 2014. I am told there is some serious arm twisting to even get 100 card carrying red shirts show up as official convention delegates. Outside of Nassau Town, there appears be little interest who walks away as no more than "caretaker" of red party's leadership?


ThisIsOurs 10 years, 4 months ago

I wonder if Dr Munroe told the person who told Renward to sign that they need to take responsibility for what they did.

I disagree with his advice to Renward, the Bahamian people employ Renward, he is obligated to tell us, his employer, the full truth of what happened

EasternGate 10 years, 4 months ago

In the final analysis, Wells has revealed that he nothing more than a faithful PLP anxious to return to the inner circle of emperor Perry

ChaosObserver 10 years, 4 months ago

there is alway "less press" on such issues when people are distracted by things like death..thus it's the perfect time to speak out.....still did not address the issue of "why" though...just following lock step with the party.....comedic politicians...

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