Son vows to carry on Munroe's work

Chairo Munroe speaks to the delegates at the end of the convention in Grand Bahama yesterday to thank them for their love and support following the death of his parents, Dr Myles Munroe and his wife Ruth, and seven others in a plane crash. Chairo’s sister, Charissa, stands at his side during the speech, wearing a peach jacket, left. Photo: David Mackey

Chairo Munroe speaks to the delegates at the end of the convention in Grand Bahama yesterday to thank them for their love and support following the death of his parents, Dr Myles Munroe and his wife Ruth, and seven others in a plane crash. Chairo’s sister, Charissa, stands at his side during the speech, wearing a peach jacket, left. Photo: David Mackey


Tribune Freeport Reporter


MYLES Chairo Munroe, the son of Dr Myles and Ruth Munroe, with his sister Charissa and other family members, stood bravely before the Global Leadership Forum and thanked everyone for the outpouring love and support following the tragic deaths of their parents, and the seven others who died on Sunday in a plane crash in Grand Bahama.

Surrounded by his family, Chairo, 29, said that while loved ones are affected by the tragedy, they are not “hopeless.”

“I would like to make it known that although we are grieving our losses and are deeply saddened by this tragedy, we have never been, nor will we ever feel hopeless,” he told the crowd.

“There is no question in our hearts that the spirits of the nine persons whose lives were taken are now resting with our heavenly Father. We rejoice for we know they are in a better place watching over all of us and rejoicing among Heavenly angels,” he said.

Dr Munroe, founder and president of Bahamas Faith Ministries International, his wife Ruth, Dr Richard Pinder, a BFMI executive, Lavard and Rudel Parks, BFMI youth ministers, and their son young Johanan were on board.

Pilot Capt Stanley Thurston, co-pilot Frankan Cooper, and Diego DeSantiago, an American, were also killed.

The plane went down in severe weather just after 5pm and crashed in a junk pile at the Grand Bahama Shipyard, after hitting a crane on its approach to land at the airport.

Investigators have recovered the cockpit voice recorder and a probe into the cause of the crash is underway.

The group was heading to Freeport to attend the leadership conference, which Dr Munroe hosts every year in Grand Bahama. The event is attended by many persons from around the world.

Before the close of the conference, Chairo and his family made their first appearance since the tragedy.

“I hope the conference has been a blessing to everyone,” he said. “I take this time to address everyone here and around the world who has shown their support and expressed condolences during this difficult time.

“We know there are many questions as to how or why something like this would be allowed to happen to such great individuals, but still God is in control,” he said.

“The past few days have been the most difficult times for my sister and I, my family, and all affected by this loss. We are all saddened, but comforted and encouraged by outpouring of love and support we received from everyone around the country, and from those around the world at large.

“I want to thank everyone that has called, that has emailed, that has left messages, or that has just given words of encouragement. We are truly grateful,” he said.

Dr Munroe, 60, was an internationally renowned religious leader, best-selling author and business coach. He has travelled all over the world conducting leadership training, teaching and preaching.

His son has vowed to carry on his father’s legacy.

“We will not allow death to claim any victory, but we celebrate the life and legacy of each individual. This tragedy does not mark the end; the end of life, the end of a vision, the end of a journey, nor the end of a purpose, but it marks the new beginning of a new era.

“An era of new generation that will carry on the vision and legacy of my father and mother and of each individual whose life was lost so unexpectedly,” he said.

“So let’s not mourn their deaths, but let us celebrate their lives and find joy knowing that although God may not explain himself, he will reveal Himself.”

He ended, by quoting words of his father by saying, “The greatest tragedy in life is not death, but is in dying without purpose. We know there is a greater purpose in all of this and we are now the vessels for this new vision and this new legacy to be carried on.”

Attorney General Allyson Maynard-Gibson also addressed the conference on Wednesday. She extended condolences to Dr Munroe’s children, and the families of the other victims.

“I am sure that many of you like me would like to wake up and realise that it was all a bad dream. But the tragic events of this week. . .is a reminder that in the midst of life we are in death,” she said.

Mrs Gibson said that Dr Myles Munroe was an iconic leader, who led change in a globalised world.


TalRussell 9 years, 10 months ago

A much younger Comrade Dr. Myles (RIP)



TalRussell 9 years, 10 months ago

Myles Munroe RIP - The Power Of Purpose - Azusa Conference (1990) with Carlton Pearson.


John 9 years, 10 months ago

A few years ago ( I know it was a few years because the road works had not begun yet) I was driving down East Street and just as I crossed Wulff Road this man flagged me down. He had a book in his hand and said he needed a ride to BFM on Carmichael Road because he was in charge of a meeting and he was running late. It was like 5 or 10 mins past five in the evening and I told the man I could not go all the way in the 'back there' because I had to be somewhere for 6 p.m. But he walked around and got into the passenger seat anyway and said, "I tell you what, you drive and I will pray and we will make it in time." He said 'Just drive normal". So I started down East Street as the man had already bowed his head in silent prayer. Needless to say we drove all the way on East Street thru a green light on Robinson Road, down to Soldier Road and all the way to BFM without barely having to stop. In five o'clock evening traffic! The only other thing he said to me during the drive was when we reached to Soldier road to turn onto Soldier Road. When we reached BFM, the man, who was either a youth pastor or in charge of men's fellowship, thanked me profusely and invited me to come in and meet some of the BFM family. I reminded him that I had a 6 o'clock appointment and had to leave, so he invited me to come visit with them sometime. On the drive back the experience was the same, there was always traffic ahead in the distance but everything directly in front of me kept moving and I got to my appointment about 5 minutes ahead of time. My only regret : I wish there was someone else in the car with me to witness what I had just experienced.

mackeymedia 9 years, 10 months ago

I attended this very moving press conference and shot video coverage, to see the Press conference video go here: http://vimeo.com/111685970

Delroy_Jarrett_Jamaica 9 years, 10 months ago


I don’t know where to start….in this moment of distress! Listen to these song entitled [“In the Presence of Jehovah”][1] & "[HE'S ABLE][2]" to find consolation and strength.

Even though we all struggle to find answers and come to grips each passing day with the daily news update of this heart-breaking, agonizing and tragic circumstances and struggle to find answers, I am very encouraged and confident that Dr Myles Munroe has established and put in place a Succession Plan for any unforeseen possible occurrence such as this tragic plane crash for his legacy to continue…through his first born son Chairo Myles Munroe and the Bahamas Faith Ministries’ family. Myles & Dr Pinder along with the BFM Broad of Directors recognised the principles of succession planning and therefore put in motion a suite of Global leadership training and empowerment sessions repetitively.

Myles’ once stated in one of his best seller books, entitled, The Principles & Power of Vision: that Eyes that LOOK are COMMON but the ability to SEE (VISION) further than your eyes can see is so RARE. Examined closely, Myles’ thought it fitting to named his firstborn, Son, a Greek name Chairo (chairó) phonetic sound (khah'-ee-ro) meaning “I rejoice”, “I am glad”, “I am favourably deposed to delight in God's grace ("rejoice")”. In addition, he named his daughter, Charissa that comes from the Greek origin. In Greek the meaning of the name Charissa is: Grace. In other words, I (Myles, et al) am now Rejoicing! I (Myles, et al) am glad! I (Myles’ et al.) am in the very presence of Jehovah because GOD’S GRACE!

As I viewed the photograph in The Bahamas Tribune newspaper of Myles’ son, Chairo Myles Munroe alongside his sister Charisa Munroe and supported by the BFM family, speaking boldly to the delegates at the end of the convention in Grand Bahama in the face of the sudden passing of their father Dr Myles Munroe and their mother Ruth, and seven others in a plane crash. The message to us is…that in face of or in spite of this situation “I (Myles) am now rejoicing”, “I (Myles) am glad” and now see my son boldly standing and vowed to continue the Legacy of building on the firm foundation laid to now move to the next dimension of heralding the message of rediscovering God’s Kingdom and a plethora of break-through and thought-provoking books on The Principles & Power of Vision, In Pursuit of Purpose, Effective Living, GOD’s BIG IDEA to the next generation through innovative technologies and new digital electronic platforms!

Unquestionably, Myles’ legacy of pure excellence, sharpened intellect, spiritual accuracy, forward and creative thinking, transformation next generation leadership and so forth will expand and never expire for generations to come…IT’S IDENTICAL TO THE EFFECT OF YEAST IN A LOAF OF BREAD!

Written by: Delroy Jarrett, Mandeville

Delroy_Jarrett_Jamaica 9 years, 10 months ago


Myles Munroe has influenced each of us and placed a permanent mark in our minds. He had recognised that the whole system of leadership, authority and governance were heading in the wrong direction, and therefore, with singleness of purpose make a difference in the local and international community to transform FOLLOWERS into transformational Leaders and more importantly, transform our existing ministers of governments, business leaders, regimes, diverse religions, regimes, governing authorities, media practitioners, supervisors and managers into change agents to bridge the divide!

Accurately, Myles Munroe and Dr Pinder were mentors and had many protégés around the globe. Indeed, they were sincere SHEPHERD (PASTORS) unlike those that we see around us today! They were a gift to the body of Christ. Though they were busy, they were very effective to keep track of their flock (far and wide). Myles (a Shepherd) knew how to locate and keeps track of each member associated with him around the globe…it is remarkable! The team at BFM were his fingers and arms! His presence as a FATHER and SHEPHERD was noticeable present and felt! Besides, they (Myles & Dr Pinder) both went about empowering those who were considered lost, disheartened, neglected, despondent, pessimistic, miserable, unhappy and hopeless. Men and women were stunted at his pure excellence, sharpened intellect, spiritual accuracy, forward and creative thinking, break-through ideas on the messages of the God’s Kingdom, VISION and PURPOSE!

Importantly, Dr Pinder work and senior pastor at BFM should not go unnoticed! He was like the glue that held things together - administratively - while Myles expanded his ministry teachings globally. They (Myles & Dr Pinder Pinder) worked together on all occasions.
Indeed, Myles Munroe and Dr Richard Pinder, his close friend and later a family member in Life (i.e. both attended University TOGETHER; both were the founding fathers and responsible for the Start-up and growth of Bahamas Faith Ministries (BFM) TOGETHER; Myles' roles and influence in Dr Pinder’s marriage to his sister (TOGETHER family member) and even in death both men were TOGETHER (i.e. in the same place [plane crash]. MEN OF DESTINY TOGETHER!

Written by: Delroy Jarrett, Mandeville, Jamaica

Delroy_Jarrett_Jamaica 9 years, 10 months ago

WORDS OF COMFORT & ENCOURAGEMENT IN THE FACE OF TRAGEDY (Cont’d…Part 3) I vividly recall in one of Myles’ teachings on “Understanding The Principle of Purpose”, Myles acknowledged and stated that “…in the last seven (7) years of my life…for those who are around me long enough, I (Myles) have been talking always about death, My death! I am always talking about time too. Why? Because, I (Myles) have appreciated that is the way GOD THINKS! GOD THINKS outside of TIME so, death has nothing to do with this thing. GOD was here before time began…he started time. So what GOD has for you to do is very significant and important, but HE(GOD) wants you to find it [purpose] early so when you find your purpose you live very close to death [he paused and under his breath says, ’this does not make sense right now’]. When you know what you have to do, when it finally hits you! I was born for this thing! All of a sudden, death becomes very friendly because you know that there is so much you have to accomplish before death catches up with you and therefore, you become like Jesus…every moment was precision [living]…he wasted time on nobody. Anybody HE [JESUS] was with is an appointment. [At this moment, he chuckles with a quiet laughter]… THE ONLY THING THAT IS MORE TRAGIC THAN DEATH TO ME [Myles] IS A LIFE WITHOUT PURPOSE! THERE IS NOTHING MORE TRAGIC THAN LIFE WITHOUT PURPOSE!"

We are remained by the Apostle Paul in the book of Romans 12: 31.. likewise Pastor Myles Munroe that (According The Message Translation: ") "..So, what do you think? With God on our side like this, how can we lose? If God didn't hesitate to put everything on the line for us, embracing our condition and exposing himself to the worst by sending his own Son, is there anything else he wouldn't gladly and freely do for us? 33 And who would dare tangle with God by messing with one of God's chosen? 34 Who would dare even to point a finger? The One who died for us - who was raised to life for us! - is in the presence of God at this very moment sticking up for us. Do you think anyone is going to be able to drive a wedge between us and Christ's love for us? There is no way! Not trouble, not hard times, not hatred, not hunger, not homelessness, not bullying threats, not backstabbing, not even the worst sins listed in Scripture: They kill us in cold blood because they hate you. We're sitting ducks; they pick us off one by one. None of this fazes us because Jesus loves us. I'm absolutely convinced that nothing - nothing living or dead, angelic or demonic, today or tomorrow, high or low, thinkable or unthinkable - absolutely nothing can get between us and God's love because of the way that Jesus our Master has embraced us.” Written by: Delroy Jarrett, Mandeville, Jamaica

duppyVAT 9 years, 10 months ago

Of course he would want to carry on the MMI Corporation ................ as far as BFM is concerned thats in DaveyB hands now ............. gatta share da pie guys.

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