24-year-old man shot dead in Pinewood area


Tribune Staff Reporter


POLICE are investigating a murder in Pinewood yesterday that left a 24-year-old man dead.

Antonio Burrows was shot shortly after 8am, his death bringing the country’s murder toll for the year to 102.

He was shot next to a white truck located steps away from his front porch on Willow Tree Avenue, according to reports, and rushed to the hospital, where he succumbed to his injuries.

Three men appearing in the area in a grey Honda with the licence plate 24746 are believed to have been responsible for his death.

Chief police Superintendent Ken Strachan told reporters at the scene of the crime yesterday that the murder may have come as part of a robbery attempt.

The assailants, he noted, are believed to have snatched a gold chain from the upper body of the victim. Before escaping, however, one of the men fired two shots at the victim, striking him in his upper chest. Responding officers found the victim lying on his stomach at the rear of the white truck.

Pinewood MP Khaalis Rolle was at the scene and told reporters violent crime in the country will not be curbed until the the root of the problem is targeted and addressed.


ThisIsOurs 10 years, 1 month ago

Pinewood MP Khaalis Rolle was at the scene and told reporters violent crime in the country will not be curbed until the the root of the problem is targeted and addressed.

So true, ROOT = corrupt politicians.

Conflict of interest = "I, my family, friend, fiancée, mistress, or business associate will benefit financially if I award this contract to this company"

Integrity = "if I say I want to promote urban renewal, I cannot take money from an organization that does nothing to uplift the status of the members of that community"

Ethics/bribery= " if I have professional ethics I will not taken money from an investor to push their project through cabinet, that would be bribery"

Extortion = "I will not ask a wealthy investor to pay me money to push their project"

Tiefin = "I will not demand that contractors pay me for every project I award to them"

Teifin again = "I will not award a contract to someone at a price far exceeding the fair market value with an agreement that they pay me a kickback when they get their payment.

Money laundering = "using legitimate operations (like urban renewal) which apparently have no financial controls to funnel dirty money.

Professional ethics again = "I will not use my position to set up a personal harem among the females at my ministry"

Ethics again = " I will not appoint persons to positions that they are clearly unqualified for and where the only things they can accomplish are confusion and degradation of employee morale

Mr Rolle, the next time you address parliament, let the other MP's know that until we get rid of all colleagues guilty of any ofthese offences, crime will continue to skyrocket. The criminals are modelling themselves after YOU.

Emac 10 years, 1 month ago

As usual, right on target!

John 10 years, 1 month ago

We must reach out to these single mothers who continue to raise young men in the absence of their fathers. They cut the sons off from their fathers. These 'men' grow up with the emotions of a woman and a Jezebel spirit of jealousy and revenge in them. They are angry because all their life they heard the story that, 'all men are no good', and ' you gonna be jus like ya no good pa.' These young men are essentially emasculated by their own mothers, but they rather die than be sodomized. That is the problem we face.

Emac 10 years, 1 month ago

Agreed. But at least write so that the average Joe can benefit from your comments.

John 10 years, 1 month ago

That is spiritual sodomy for those who have ears to hear

duppyVAT 10 years, 1 month ago

John thats some deep shit on a Sunday morning ... but there is some truth in that. Pinewood qualifies as one of three killing fields in Nassau along with Fox Hill and Bain Town

MaLambee 10 years, 1 month ago

Ok so we have information and good reasoning of the bad behaviour (scientific or not) . What is next what do we do to help these people (single moms and their boys) which would by extension help society and the country at large. John may certainly be on to something!!!! I made the suggestion many years ago and so many 'leaders' jumped up and down saying its the not problem as they themselves were raised by single mothers. I still they they are wrong and we need to fix it.

John 10 years, 1 month ago

There is no one solution to fix the problems we face. So it has to be a concerted effort, multi pronged and sustained over a number of years. We need to get to these young men years before the police have to get involved. The education system needs to be revamped to be more attractive to the male student, an also one that can cater to students that are not academically inclined. Rather than keeping students who are failing after grade 9 and bringing the national grade point average to a "D", these students should be allowed to take up a vocation or learn a trade. As to how to replace the missing male or father in the family and the shortage of male teachers in the school is difficult to answer. One suggestion I offered a few years ago is when these mothers take the 'baby daddys' to court for child support, both the mother and 'baby daddy' be required to attend counseling sessions where they are taught the importance of both parents being involved in the child's life and also the damage the mother does to the child when she uses it as a weapon to get money from the baby's father or to spite him.

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