27 years of pastoral service celebrated

UNDER the theme “Anointed To Carry The Glory”, Bishop Arnold Josey and Elder Vernita Josey along with members of the Commonwealth Mission Baptist celebrated 27 years of pastoral ministry. State Bishop Josey, a prot�g� of the late Rev Dr R E Cooper, Sr, was commissioned as pastor in September 1987, and continues to serve diligently. Bishop Josey, along with his wife, Elder Vernita Josey, their children, as well as dedicated members and officers continue to live by the church’s motto: “The community church, where the invisible Christ is made visible.”

This belief has enabled the ministry to attract souls from every sector of Bahamian society, and even though hundreds have come, there is still room for more, the church said.

According to the church: “The Lord has placed in the spirit of our senior pastor, State Bishop Josey, the theme ‘Soaring with Eagle’s Wings’. Hence, he has commissioned the members of Commonwealth Mission Baptist to allow this to be their vision and our thrust for the future.”

Photos: Shawn Hanna/Tribune staff


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