Tribune Staff Reporter
ARRIVING at the Holy Trinity Convention Centre this morning, the first impression was that it was more a rally for Dr Hubert Minnis than a party convention.
A number of signs bearing Dr Minnis’ face, urging people to vote for him to remain as Free National Movement party Leader, could be seen as one either drove or walked into the premises. Additionally, there were a number of smaller, placard versions wielded mostly by women members of the party.
When Dr Minnis arrived, he was flanked by numerous supporters, colleagues and friends. He greeted them all before heading into the convention centre to await the start of the closed session.
In a straw poll of the early arrivals, all but one said they were in support of Dr Minnis, at odds with a poll of readers on the website which showed Loretta Butler-Turner with a substantial 62 to 38 per cent lead of those asked who they would back in the leadership race today.
“I am voting for Dr Minnis as my leader today in the FNM because he is a man of change,” said a women who wished to remain anonymous. “He is going to bring about a change that we need not only in this party but in the Bahamas today. He is involving the young persons, letting them be involved in everything, all aspects of the party. That’s something I look forward to, because I’m a young person, up and coming in the Bahamas, and I would want my child that I have also to be involved in all of the things that’s going on in the country. He’s giving us a chance.”
VC Colebrooke said his support for Dr Minnis stems from having known him for five years. “In all the time I’ve known him, he’s been a decent, straightforward person,” Mr Colebrooke said. “His character, his integrity is beyond reproach. He’s a person that sticks to things that he starts, and I admire him as a human being and a humanitarian. When the rallies are over, then we need to run a country. He is that steadfast, dedicated, strong individual that we can depend on.”
Ethan Adderley, who is running for assistant treasure, said he was “confident” Dr Minnis would retain his post as party Leader.
“I’m supporting Dr Minnis,” he said. “I’m a member of Killarney and a resident of Killarney. I’ve known ‘Doc’ for 23 years. I know his heart and I know his passion, I’ve seen his action first hand, side by side in working with him in Killarney. ‘Doc’ was put in a situation where he had to become the leader and he stepped up to the plate. I like his vision and I support his vision.”
Elvis Curling, the incumbent assistant treasurer, however, told The Tribune that he supported Mrs Butler-Turner as she was “the best person to lead the FNM at this time.”
Mrs Butler-Turner, when asked whether she was bothered by the number of signs in support of Dr Minnis, said: “No, not at all.”
The results of the leadership contest, and for all the other posts, is expected this evening.
birdiestrachan 10 years, 4 months ago
who cares ? Six of one half a dozen of the other. They are all Papa's children. visionless.
afficianado 10 years, 4 months ago
You hit the nail right on the head!!! I'm not an advocate of either parties because they both are usesless. I watched Dr. Hubert Minnis give his speech last night and he seems spineless.
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