Tribune Staff Reporter
DEPUTY Prime Minister Philip “Brave” Davis yesterday dismissed claims that he is trying to “undermine” Prime Minister Perry Christie in an effort to become PLP leader.
The Deputy Prime Minister was responding to Fort Charlotte MP Dr Andre Rollins who on Wednesday said he believes Bamboo Town MP Renward Wells is a victim of a leadership struggle between Mr Christie and at least one other member of the PLP.
While Dr Rollins did not specify who he meant, his comments suggested that there was a battle between Mr Christie and Mr Davis.
However, Mr Davis told the House of Assembly that Mr Christie has the “full support” of the majority of the party, including himself, and any suggestion otherwise is “untrue and baseless”.
“At my last understanding, the Rt Honourable Member of Parliament for Centreville is our Prime Minister. He is the leader of our country and the great leader of the Progressive Liberal Party,” Mr Davis said.
“As Prime Minister he enjoys the support of the majority in this place, including me, and as the leader of the executive he alone has the authority to appoint and disappoint. As leader of the party, he has the authority to lead and guide. As members of the hierarchical creature we call a party, officers and members have roles.
“When all of us know and play our roles, this machine becomes a thing of beauty ... The final thing to which I will respond is to Fort Charlotte’s allegation that a matter concerning the member for Bamboo Town is caught in a ‘power struggle’ geared toward removing our Prime Minister from his position of leadership.
“That is a serious assertion, serious and baseless. We have but one leader and I fully support one leader – that is the member for Centreville. The finger will only point in one direction if the truth is asked about who questions and seeks to undermine the present leadership,” Mr Davis said.
Dr Rollins was referring to Mr Wells’ role in the controversy over the signing of a $650m contract with a waste-to-energy company.
Mr Davis also questioned Dr Rollins’ motives and asked if he is still a member of the PLP. However, he said, just like “a wounded goose”, the party will “stay with him and nurse him back to health.”
“Spoken words have power and define you,” Mr Davis said. “They are like toothpaste out of the tube. Once the words are out of your mouth, no amount of apologising will put them back in. Once out, you can no longer hide from your words or the truth of who you are. All of us will do well to remember that, all of us should think before we speak. Disagreeing in viewpoints is the circumstance of a democracy. However, respect must issue from both sides.
“There is no reasonable point fanning the flames of controversy on a team. We go back to the example of the goose and recognise the wounded one. This team stands ready to stay with him, nurse him back to full health and assist his flying once again.”
Although he has always been outspoken, Dr Rollins has taken an adversarial stance against his own party over the past few months.
In mid-August he resigned as government whip in the House due to his disagreement with several of the Constitutional Amendment Bills before the House.
In September, he was the only PLP MP who voted against the passage of the Gaming Bill in the House. He was joined by the opposition MPs who were present in the House.
He has also become involved in heated rows with several PLP Cabinet ministers during debates in the House of Assembly over the past few months. His most stinging criticism came during a debate in the House last month on Value Added Tax (VAT) legislation when Dr Rollins said that it was “evident” the country needed “new political leadership.” At the time, he accused Mr Christie of “wasting the public’s time” by quoting scripture and “threatening” junior PLPs “instead of focusing on the critical debate.”
These remarks later prompted Mr Davis, then acting prime minister, to fire Dr Rollins after he did not resign as Gaming Board chairman.
On Wednesday, Dr Rollins said he will not apologise to Mr Christie for criticising him, despite PLP general council members urging him to do so last week.
He also said the Prime Minister, while deserving respect, was “not a god” and exempt from criticism.
However, he admitted that he could be “more diplomatic” in how he presents his views about the performance of the Christie administration. He said that he would apologise to senior members of the PLP council who may have been offended by some of his recent comments.
realfreethinker 10 years, 3 months ago
You aint trying to undermine perry. The deed has already been done ,perry just dont know it yet
B_I_D___ 10 years, 3 months ago
"As Prime Minister he enjoys the support of the majority in this place, including me, and as the leader of the executive he alone has the authority to appoint and disappoint."
Maybe the majority of the PLP MP's, but not the 'majority' of the people...and yeah...he surely does have the power to 'disappoint'...well said!!
Tommy77 10 years, 3 months ago
Very well said.…" style="display:none">
ThisIsOurs 10 years, 3 months ago
I bet that wasnt a slip of the tongue:) he's undermining him while saying he's not undermining him
dehavmoss 10 years, 3 months ago
Yes he is trying to undermine the PM. The PLP council knows it, the Prime Minister knows it, the FNM and DNA know it and Dr. Rollins said it.
I can't see how Mr. Davis does not know it.
Honestman 10 years, 3 months ago
Of course he knows it - these people just think the general public is brain dead.
TalRussell 10 years, 3 months ago
MY GAWD: Forgive me if I be sounding like Comrade "All is genuine between red leader & Me'" Loretta. Where in hell is that Palookaville situated where Loretta has established her "Friends of Loretta'" 2017 campaign headquarters up in Abaco?
OH THE LOVE:: Ain't saying there is this genuine 'love-in' between da PM and his DPM but as long as he’s believed holds power fire DPM - he still the boss – even if that story only makes for good public consumption.
NO VICTIM: Up front, believe the DPM when he tells Dr. Andre, how PLP's has reputation of standing ready nurse his kinds back to full PLP House MP health and privileges.
TRUST: PLP's Politburo stands at ready to have Comrade Dr Andre be once again flying quietly, as expected, from all PLP's.
THE FIX: Just stop echoing we PLP business in da public would be a damn good start.
REAL CAUSALITIES: While the politics play out, the loss of paychecks and protection from criminals effects thousands Bahamalanders and they families.
IGNORING PEOPLES DESPERATION'S: But why draw attention PM, DPM and Dr. Andre, about such little nuisance things during they’s playing politics game playoff times?
Hogfish 10 years, 3 months ago
you think the country broke now?
lord only help us if sticky fingers gets in!
ThisIsOurs 10 years, 3 months ago
Money worries won't be our only concern. Ministry of Works has never been so mismanaged for as long as I can remember. Everything is either behind, or spiralling out of control while the Minister waits on some mysterious report to be compiled for his review.
killemwitdakno 10 years, 2 months ago
that's why I could agree that he's not trying to undermine. That would put him in front of everyone. This one has to go.
TalRussell 10 years, 3 months ago…
SP 10 years, 3 months ago
This going to be a very long weekend with "Sneaky Brave" as subject matter!
Altalk 10 years, 3 months ago
Can brave become the leader of this country with a foreign wife...or she has dual citizen ship? And to think Brave becoming leader of this country the third law partner of pery hubert and brave &co
Well_mudda_take_sic 10 years, 3 months ago
You only need to know one thing about Davis: He's got short grubby dirty stubby sticky fingers! He's very comfortable living amongst the drug dealers he has represented over the years who have built monstrous homes in his neighborhood. You can also count him as a real friend of the numbers' bosses like Craig Flowers. Yes, Brave got his fearless name by showing time and time again just how comfortable he is with the criminal types in our society!
John 10 years, 3 months ago
As Julius Caesar would say, " Et tu Brave ... err I mean Brut?"
TalRussell 10 years, 3 months ago…
SP 10 years, 3 months ago
Brave Davis is not trying to undermine Christie but has a hand in the renewable company
Alfred Gray is doing all he can to stop Dominican poachers.
Even though Alfred owned fishing boats with Dominican staff and is always the attorney of record for all Dominicans that they miss and catch.
Corruption and conflicts of interest gone ta bed!
Where is Dr. Rollins?..........The country needs new leadership!
SP 10 years, 2 months ago
Where are the PLP supports of this bozo? Surly there is one idiot out there that believes in the DPM.
Will someone please say something positive about Brave "Stick Fingers" Davis just for the record?
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