UPDATED: Miller says 5,000 gallons of fuel spilled by thieves

Workers try to tackle the spillage yesterday, as BEC chairman Leslie Miller watches on (inset).

Workers try to tackle the spillage yesterday, as BEC chairman Leslie Miller watches on (inset).

UPDATE: BEC Chairman Leslie Miller has said today that around 5,000 gallons of fuel have been lost - not the 50,000 that was feared yesterday.


Tribune Staff Reporter


THE BAHAMAS Electricity Corporation lost more than 50,000 gallons of fuel yesterday when a man, illegally cutting fill off Carmichael Road, accidentally ruptured one of its main fuel lines with a backhoe.

BEC Chairman Leslie Miller told The Tribune last night that one of the valves on the line that runs from Clifton to Blue Hills burst spilling more than $175,000 worth of fuel underground. It caused power supply failures in eastern New Providence.

“The man was out here cutting fill and did not know the line was there but the thing is, they did not even have permission to cut this fill,” Mr Miller said.

“So when he ruptured the main line, everyone in the east and some parts of Soldier Road went off about 4:10pm. We are hoping that it will be fixed by morning.”

“Right now we are load-shedding and we do not have spare capacity. If one machine goes bad now, we are screwed, we are in trouble. Right now, because of the demand, we are running these machines all day and all night and because of this now Blue Hills has to run even harder, which will cost more.

“This is 50,000 gallons of fuel wasted and we pay $3.50 a gallon and it’s going to cost about $10,000 to fix it. That is money the Bahamian people are going to have to pay because going to court won’t make any sense. The gentleman who cut the line was working for people who don’t even own the land. So this is going to be on BEC — we have to pay for that.”

Mr Miller said when they arrived on the scene, they also discovered someone had removed the top of the manhole that leads to the line and stole at least $300,000 worth of BEC’s fuel.

“Someone,” he said, “has been siphoning fuel from this line. They removed the manhole, which weighs about 500lbs, and even put their own lock on the line. We aren’t sure how long they have been doing this, but we know it’s not more than six months because we check the gauges every six months. This is another maybe $300,000 worth of fuel gone – wasted – that we cannot get back.”

Mr Miller said BEC technicians will work “straight through the night” until the line is repaired, costing the corporation thousands of dollars in overtime.


GrassRoot 10 years, 2 months ago

Mr. Miller, it is your job to run BEC successfully. That is why managers like yourself get paid. Thieves and overtime and the price of a cup of tea in China are irrelevant.

Greentea 10 years, 2 months ago

So what happened to the man "illegally" cutting fill? Was he persecuted? Of course not and here lies the root problem in this country- a complete lack of accountability and lack of will and or the ability to enforce standards. A country without the rule of law will eat its young.

Publius 10 years, 2 months ago

So what about the island's water table, with this fuel spilling "underground"?

B_I_D___ 10 years, 2 months ago

Bah...that's irrelevant... ;-) just kidding!!

asiseeit 10 years, 2 months ago

Being a thief is ingrained in the Bahamian psychology. This is a learned behavior from our so called leaders. As the old saying goes shyte rolls down hill. Real or not it is common thought that our political leaders are THIEVES, thus the average Bahamian believes it to be OK to steal. It is also a fact that in the Bahamas, if you get caught doing wrong there is no penalty (as above), so therefore it is cheaper to steal. This country is a corrupt, lawless, cesspool and will remain that way until our political leaders find some morals and decency. The church needs to come too as well, they are little better than the politicians.

Mayaguana34 10 years, 2 months ago

Why doesnt PM make this seat vacant? Miller is clearly incapable of managing this mess and the public would be better served if he went back to businesses and work towards making another payment on his bill - He hasn't made another since the 100k in cash ...

duppyVAT 10 years, 2 months ago

This is TREASON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

asiseeit 10 years, 2 months ago

The PM can not fire anyone who knows what he is doing. Why do you think it took so long to fire the Wells fella, they had to iron out an agreement where both party's where happy and would not stab each other in the back. All of those in politics are in the same club and they do not betray each other as then the whole house of cards would fall. Corruption rules this country!

Greentea 10 years, 2 months ago

asiseeit maybe its the other way around. in this upside down world of ours you just might get fired if you know what you are doing and stand up to corruption. I can't swear for Wells or anyone for that matter- but in my opinion he is cut from an entirely different cloth than Miller- who should have been gone long, long time. This government is weak because it is compromised. We don't - at least I don't know how- but its actions or lack thereof reek of compromise and corruption.

ThisIsOurs 10 years, 2 months ago

I say the cloth has the same pattern and texture. Reward knew what he was doing when he signed that letter. At minimum he knew he had no authority to sign it.

SP 10 years, 2 months ago

...............STOP THE ISLAND.......I want to get off!

asiseeit 10 years, 2 months ago

SP, there are many that are in the process of doing just that. There is no future in this country for those that are not connected to politics and willing to compromise themselves. If the parents are not able to get out they are scraping the money together to send their children off with the hopes they stay. What awaits an honest, hardworking, intelligent, person who has experienced the real world in this cesspool called the Bahamas? Crime, corruption, nepotism, dirt, high taxes with no return, and the negatives just keep piling up. Unless something drastic happens The Bahamas holds no prospects for a reasonable life to most with half a brain.

Emac 10 years, 2 months ago

Wow! Well said. My sentiments exactly

concernedcitizen 10 years, 2 months ago

We go on about the politicians being corrupt ,the police ,the ministers ,,they are us ,they did not come from mars ..We got independence and in forty years proved we have no morals ..75% children born to single mothers ,courts stuff to the gills w/ dead beat dads ,85% of sex among young people id transactional ,,ie what you ga do for me ,,,,single moter of 5 for 3 different dead beat dads is the norm ,,geez i like fun but we as a people take very little personal responsibility for our actions ,,the dead beat dads run to their mummies to pay their child support ..


EnoughIsEnough 10 years, 2 months ago

so, I'm a little confused. They know who the perpetrator is and they know who he was working for. why should the Bahamian public have to pay for this. they should be taken to court and made to cover the cost of the damage over however long a period it takes. we can't just let people steal and destroy property like this without accountability. is it that hard for our govt to grasp? come on, Mr. Miller, surely you can see this. It's the same as people who are driving recklessly and knocking down lamppoles or people's property walls - if you are at fault you should also have to pay for damages. It happens in other countries it CAN and SHOULD happen here. aaarghhhh.....

killemwitdakno 10 years, 2 months ago

And the environmental minister has a preparedness plan for oil spills from pipelines to deep water drilling...?? sure

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