No breach of FNM constitution

EDITOR, The Tribune.

While we all have our opinions about matters and it is our right. We should not be telling outright non-truths about matters that are easily verified, the duplicitous of some people are amazing. Below are matters for the Free National Movement related to the constitution:


49. A Party Convention shall be held at least once in every two years at such time and place as the Central Council shall appoint.

50. The Convention shall consist of the Parliamentary Members, National Officers, Members of the Central Council, and not less than three nor more than seven delegates from each Constituency Association.

51. The Convention shall be the ultimate authority of the Party and, without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, shall deal with any or all matters affecting the Party and in particular with:

(a) Proposed amendments to the Party’s Constitution and Platform;

(b) Resolutions and Reports from the Central Council, Constituency Associations and Committees;

(c) Initiating and maintaining policies and programmes of the Party;

(d) Reviewing the performance of the party in all aspects;

(e) Election of officers of the Party.

(a) Appointment and ratification of honorary life members of the Central Council called Meritorious Council Members from the ranks of distinguished Party Members, such number not to exceed 60 members.

Above is an excerpt of the FNM’s Constitution - please highlight where any aspect of it has been breached by calling of the upcoming convention.



October 18, 2014.


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