PM laughs off calls for Wells review

Prime Minister Perry Christie

Prime Minister Perry Christie


Tribune News Editor


PRIME Minister Perry Christie was evasive yesterday when asked about the results of his administration’s probe into the controversy surrounding Renward Wells’ signing of a $650m letter of intent with Stellar Waste to Energy Ltd to build a facility at the New Providence landfill.

Mr Christie had promised on Friday to “imminently” address the controversy surrounding Mr Wells, as critics accuse him of sweeping the matter under the rug. Mr Wells, parliamentary secretary in the Ministry of Works, reportedly signed the document without Cabinet approval.

He was asked about the outcome of the government’s probe moments after Free National Movement Leader Dr Hubert Minnis called for the appointment of a select committee in the House of Assembly to investigate the government’s deal with Renew Bahamas to manage the landfill and Mr Wells’ actions.

“Now the opposition wants a committee of the House so now I am mindful to let them run with that,” Mr Christie said before laughing, when asked about his review of the controversy surrounding the letter of intent.

On Friday Mr Christie said he had “just received” information on the matter from Deputy Prime Minister and Works Minister Philip “Brave” Davis and Environment Minister Kenred Dorsett and would analyse these reports over the weekend.

However, he has not made any statements on Mr Wells since then.

This silence prompted Dr Minnis to call for the select committee in Parliament to probe the Renew Bahamas contract and the circumstances surrounding the Letter of Intent (LOI).

In June it was announced that Renew Bahamas was selected to privately manage the Nassau landfill and would remediate the site. Dr Minnis has previously questioned whether the government went through a transparent bidding process before selecting Renew Bahamas to manage the landfill.

He also called on the government to disclose the details behind Mr Wells’ signing of the controversial LOI, which became public on July 11. Political observers have also called on Mr Christie to fire Mr Wells over the issue, which has rumbled on for almost eight weeks.

In early August, the prime minister said he would make a decision on Mr Wells’ future after completing an investigation. He added that, in the meantime, the Bamboo Town MP could step down as parliamentary secretary, if he felt it necessary. However, Mr Wells has not left his post.


Well_mudda_take_sic 10 years, 6 months ago

Just look at that bloated oaf! He's certainly got nothing working for him upstairs and the same probably applies for whatever shriveled up equipment he may still have downstairs. He deserves every bid of misery that has and will come his way and is now guaranteed to be left with a legacy that no man would wish upon the devil himself! Staying out of prison should now be his foremost concern!!

HarryWyckoff 10 years, 6 months ago

The sickening contempt this man shows for the People of The Bahamas is utterly amazing.

Why is the entire country not in uproar?

Emac 10 years, 6 months ago

Because no gay cruise ship coming in port.

birdiestrachan 10 years, 6 months ago

I do not understand What trying to destroy Mr: Wells will do for Dr: Minnis especially .when the Country has so many issues to be addressed, but when one has no vision, they have to find something to boast their ego. So soldier on Dr.Minnis

BSObserver 10 years, 6 months ago

Mr. Wells destroyed himself when he allowed himself to be used as a scapegoat.

hj 10 years, 6 months ago

After being publicly humiliated by his own backbenchers, I guess there is nothing else for him to do than laugh and try to play down the incidents. The sad reality must be that nobody listens to him anymore.

The_Messenger 10 years, 6 months ago

Laughing off serious matters is really weakness in disguise.

PKMShack 10 years, 6 months ago

@ birdie how minnis get in this, we the people want to know what they doing other than lying, stealing and just collecting a pay check, you support anything said plp, can't wait till your kind can't vote anymore- non thinkers and born plp or fnm

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