Air academy student has sky high ambitions

NATASHA Albury, from Hope Town, Abaco, has been appointed Director of Operations at Florida Air Academy Wing Diamond - one of the top leadership positions among FAA students.

Her recognition follows her completion of the invitation-only FAA Leadership School, a programme that brings together 50 boys and girls from across the United States and overseas to attend leadership and communications classes and compete for top positions for the coming school year.

The week culminates with the announcement of more than 20 student leaders, including the top ranking positions within “the Wing Diamond”.

Natasha, 17, is the daughter of Peter and Anna Albury and was educated at Hope Town Primary School and Forest Academy, Marsh Harbour.

Students invited to Leadership School at must be recommended by at least two faculty members and have high personal and academic standings. Students spend the week learning about the challenges of leadership and communications and working through issues such as conflict resolution, core values and developing people skills. Students are scored, reviewed and interviewed for top roles within the school and the five primary leadership positions within the Wing Diamond.

While Natasha is not in the flight programme at FAA as it is an elective course, she does have ideas as to her future. “I know that I would like to go to New York to study business and chemistry,” she told The Tribune. “However, I am unsure of which university yet. I want to own a company that produces makeup and skin care products.”

Founded in 1961, the FAA is Florida’s premier co-ed, college preparatory boarding and day school for young men and women in grades six to 12, focusing on academics, character and leadership. With 100 per cent college acceptance for its graduates since 1978, the FAA places graduates in the most prestigious colleges in the US and around the world. In addition to academics, the school offers competitive sports and student activities including aviation training and has an enrollment of 300 students from 25 countries and 20 US states.

Dean of Students at FAA, David Graham, said “It’s a major achievement to be chosen to attend Leadership School and to secure a position on the Wing Diamond is a huge honour. It carries a lot of responsibility within the school.”

The Wing Diamond students must lead by example, consistently achieving and maintaining high standards. “It’s a heavy load,” Mr Graham said, “and not for everyone, but fantastic preparation for college or a future business career.”


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