‘Clifton oil leak would go other direction from Adelaide Beach’


Tribune Staff Reporter


BAHAMAS Electricity Corporation Executive Chairman Leslie Miller yesterday emphatically denied that its Clifton Pier plant was the source of a significant oil leak near Adelaide Beach.

Speaking with the press outside the House of Assembly, Mr Miller said if the oil came from BEC’s plant it would have “run in the opposite area” near Jaws Beach away from Adelaide.

His comments came after a significant amount of oil washed ashore on Adelaide Beach on Thursday, prompting the Ministry of Environment to begin an investigation into the origin of the spill.

“The spill that took place has nothing whatsoever to do with BEC. In fact, if we have any leakage it goes the opposite way by Jaws Beach. We have never gone in that area,” Mr Miller said.

“It is suspected that one of those ships that plies through our waters on an hourly basis may have made a discharge without anyone noticing it but from what I understand it has nothing whatsoever to do with BEC. Nothing.”

Mr Miller also said instead of always “pointing fingers at BEC” maybe someone should take a look at all the other plants that operate in the Clifton area.

“I will give you guys an analysis to show you what is really happening,” he said.

“People are also so quick to cast aspersions on BEC when there is an oil spill. You need to analyse and see the fuel that is mixed in those spills – most of it is not BEC fuel. I daresay many of it even is jet fuel that is in the mix. You have Esso, Texaco and Shell that have been operation for the last 50 years. They too need to come to the table and take responsibility for spills that occur on their run, and stop blaming BEC.”

Sam Duncombe, Director of Rebirth Bahamas, also called for a “full and immediate” investigation into the entire south western New Providence, to determine what animal and plant wildlife may have been affected by this most recent spill.

In a letter addressed to the Minister of Environment Ken Dorsett, Ms Duncombe said the continuous haemorrhaging of oil along the south west coast of New Providence is poisoning our ocean, beaches and our fisheries.

On Sunday, the Ministry of Environment said it had been alerted on Saturday to oil washed ashore on Adelaide Beach.

The government said members of the National Oil Spill Committee were notified to establish a plan of action while the Ministry of the Environment immediately dispatched technical officers from the Department of Environmental Health Services (DEHS) and the Bahamas Environment, Science and Technology (BEST) Commission to visit the site.

“We note that much of the oily debris had been washed away by the tide after an apparent clean-up effort by concerned citizens. The Department of Environmental Health will seek to determine the source of the oil emission and other necessary clean-up and remediation actions as the investigation unfolds,” the statement said.

“Due to the ongoing and the very long-standing environmental concerns at Clifton Pier, well in excess of a decade, and reports from the National Oil Spill Advisory Committee of the same, a Cabinet Committee was appointed to review the Clifton Pier area and the associated reports.

“Recommendations have now been advanced by that committee which includes the development and implementation of an environment management plan and an independent environmental review of the entire Clifton Pier area.

“Additionally, as Clifton Pier is an industrial area including power generation and the supply and distribution of petroleum products, all activities undertaken in the area will be analysed as part of the environmental review,” the statement said. The government added that environmental protection is a priority for the Christie administration.


GrassRoot 10 years, 4 months ago

of course it is BEC, who else, Stuart Cove?

jt 10 years, 4 months ago

There are aerial pictures of the oil emanating from BEC. This man's tongue would jump out of his head before it uttered a true statement.

ChaosObserver 10 years, 4 months ago

Environmental Protection......here in bahamas means NOTHING! It's a "do nothing" topic simply because the people and government (majority of them) don't give a damn about the environment...it's always "someone else's" problem.....

proudloudandfnm 10 years, 4 months ago

Ok this guy is just an ignorant asshole. The leak is from BEC. Period full stop. Leslie Miller needs to stop being such a scumbag now.... Tired of this piece of garbage....

killemwitdakno 10 years, 4 months ago

why would it go anywhere, why wouldn't it be FUCKING CLEANED UP!!!!!!!!!!!!

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