PM disappointed in Rollins


Tribune Chief Reporter


PRIME Minister Perry Christie yesterday said he was personally disappointed in Fort Charlotte MP Dr Andre Rollins’ recent public statements that have been critical of him and his administration.

However, yesterday Dr Rollins did not let up on his critique of his party and charged that the Progressive Liberal Party was no different from the United Bahamian Party in its decision to uphold the prohibition against casino gaming for residents.

Dr Rollins also told The Tribune he was not phased by the indirect hints for him to resign from the party and attempts to build support against him. He added that he felt his views were held by the majority of PLP supporters.

Mr Christie addressed personal criticisms against his leadership, morality, and integrity during his wrap-up contribution to debate on the Gaming Bill in the House of Assembly.

He said that while he acknowledged his imperfections, it was difficult to accept personal attacks on his commitment to honest governance after eight consecutive terms in Parliament.

Mr Christie pointed out that he would only have nine more years if he was given the opportunity to live as long as his mother, adding that he had already surpassed former Prime Minister Sir Lynden Pindling in age. His comments were in response to speculation over whether he would run for office in the 2017 general election.

He charged that any party member that fundamentally disagreed with his position as leader was free to leave as the PLP has a “revolving door”.

He added that it was not his intention to engage in public debate with someone who could have met with him in person to discuss and settle matters.

“That’s why I’m personally disappointed in the member for Fort Charlotte,” Mr Christie said.

“(Dr Rollins) knows the confidence I had in him,” he said. “He knows the confidence I have in his ability, his mother knows the confidence I have in his ability. He knows the extent to which I personally am responsible for his nomination, he knows that.

“I don’t take away from him his right to speak, I don’t want to, it’s not my style, but just allow me to be who I am in all of my imperfections. Allow me to be who I am.

“I have been in public life for a very long time, during the process I have been instrumental in facilitating many persons coming into public life,” he added. “I’ve done so on the basis of my judgment on what I think would be right for the PLP and the country. Sometimes we make mistakes.”

Speaking of his experience as a party dissenter earlier in his political career, Mr Christie explained that he was able to get elected as an Independent due to his political base and support from the Free National Movement, who did not run a candidate.

He had not received a nomination from the Progressive Liberal Party.

“When people on my side in the process of governance disagrees fundamentally with me,” he said, “they have a choice firstly to recognise that the PLP operates on a revolving door. The door swings in and it swings out, so you are free at all times to stay or to leave.

Mr Christie added: “There is no problem with me in my leadership in that regard.”

When asked afterwards to respond to Mr Christie and criticism from other members of his party, Dr Rollins said: “There are those in the party with tremendous influence that don’t want me to remain in the party, but we live in a free society, it’s a democracy, I can handle the hints.

“If they wanted to they could revoke my membership in the party, not they as individuals, but the council.

He added: “I personally believe that I speak for the majority of persons who support the Progressive Liberal Party.”

“I think that there are some in leadership who are trying to drop hints to supporters of the PLP to express disapproval for the views that I have espoused,” Dr Rollins said, “they would like to convey to the PLP’s base and those who support the PLP that I am no longer welcome and therefore they should no longer welcome me. They’re not coming out directly and saying they don’t support me, they are trying to influence the thinking of those who support the PLP so that they can voice disapproval of me.

“At the end of the day,” he said, “the persons who support the Progressive Liberal Party, I believe support the empowerment of all Bahamians. They see the contradictions, they see the hypocrisy in pushing for legislation in 2014 that the founders of the PLP fought against in 1953 and 1967.”


Well_mudda_take_sic 10 years, 3 months ago

Christie's disappointment in Rollins can never rise to the level of the Bahamian people's disappointment in Christie! Christie needs to be taken to the wood shed by Bahamian voters, especially all of those voters that lay claim to being good God fearing Christians.

Sickened 10 years, 3 months ago

Christie needs to speak with Bahamians who are outside of his circle in order to get honest feedback on his, and the PLP's performance. He needs to stop and talk with regular people at his local food store for example. Then and only then will reality sink in and he will consider stepping down.

He needs to stop asking Brave for feedback because Brave is silently enjoying watching Christie stroll down that lonely path of self destruction.

Politics is dirty Mr. Christie. You need to start listening to people who truly don't have a horse in the race.

ThisIsOurs 10 years, 3 months ago

Speaking of "local food store" and way off topic, what is going on??? Super Value has raised the price of eggs a whole dollar and VAT even eehn here yet. and the meat is spoiled! I looked at that meat ten times before I bought it! yes I bought it and yes it was spoiled, had to throw the whole meal out. Don't speak about Fresh Market and their old spoiled over priced fruit. Do they truck the spoiling fruit from out West to sell at Harbour Bay?

Sorry that was way off topic, but you mentioned "food store" and that yuck up my vexation.

SP 10 years, 3 months ago

Someone finally has gotten Christies undivided attention!

WE THE PEOPLE stand firmly behind Dr. Rollins!

Dr. Rollins needs to "whip" Christie and his boot licking, lousy MP ass's with truth and common sense at every sitting of Parliament.

reverendrichlive 10 years, 3 months ago

How can two walk together unless they agree? Divison comes from two words, " di " meaning two and "vision". In one party as in a home, a church you cannot have two visions. If Rollins have another vision then he should not have to be asked to leave, he should do the right honorable thing and leave. But as we know, not all who are in the Honorable House are honorable. Sir Lynden said it wisely, " If you can't fish, cut bait, if you can't cut bait, get the-hell-out-of-the boat." Enough said.


The_Oracle 10 years, 3 months ago

Look no further than the mirror Mr. Christie, for the real disappointment. the travesty of the Numbers, Do you owe them, or do you owe the Bahamian people? Tis the people and history that will judge you Sir. Harshly.

Tommy77 10 years, 3 months ago

It never ends! http://s04.flagcounter.com/mini/kfoW/bg…" style="display:none">

licks2 10 years, 3 months ago

Captian kangaroo ger get throw outta the boat soon? He has become VOICE CRYING IN THE WILDINESS. . .DUUUUH. . .WHAT I GET MAKE PM FOR?

For the ffuture of the PLP they must trow PGC ova board before he steer the SS LOP into dat big roak named Bahamian voters in 2017!! Enough said!

John 10 years, 3 months ago

That Andre Rollins could get up on the floor of the house and hold press conferences and speak his mind even when it is against his own (PLP) party and against the person most responsible for helping get to the House....makes liars of those who claim democracy is dead in the Bahamas!

ChaosObserver 10 years, 3 months ago

So let me understand this....we have a politician that is speaking up against his party leaders for his constituents, and the "Party Leaders" are disappointed in him? So apparently this hitler run government says there cannot be any discontent within the ranks?....well guess what dumb A, that's what our representative are supposed to do.....not fall "lock step" into your hitler mindset. Wake up PM Christie (and others), a government is supposed to represent its people. Not represent the party line to each other......grow a set of balls and stand on your own politicians! The next time i meet one of these so called politicians I just want to beat his/her A in the ground....

licks2 10 years, 3 months ago

Now this boy telling the PLP that if they fire Wells for dat letter of intent. . .he will call all they names for sure!!! OOHHHHHHHHHHH . . .THIS GETTING HOT HOT!!

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