Dead man was relative of victim in murder case


Tribune Staff Reporter


A MAN recently released from prison on a murder charge is back in police custody after he allegedly shot and killed a man during an argument yesterday morning.

The murder happened around 10:30am on Adderley Street, off Fox Hill Road. Police were later able to arrest the suspect after a high-speed car chase that ended in Nassau Village.

Officer in charge of the Central Detective Unit, Supt Paul Rolle, said the 27-year-old suspect was released on bail in June charged with the 2010 murder of a woman and attempted murder of her son. He was also wearing an ankle monitoring bracelet.

According to Supt Rolle, yesterday’s victim – the country’s 87th murder of 2014 – is a relative of the woman the suspect is accused of killing four years ago. He said the victim went to the suspect’s home around 10am, which resulted in the two men having an argument.

“Around 10:15am, the victim, a resident of Step Street, rode his motorcycle into the Johnson Road area and stopped at a residence,” Supt Rolle said. “Shortly afterward, two additional males came in the area on motorcycles.”

“The victim got into an argument with a resident of the house where he had stopped. As he was about to leave, the male resident withdrew a handgun, discharging shots in his direction, hitting the victim to the back of his head. He was taken to the hospital by a private vehicle where he later died of his injuries.”

Supt Rolle said officers from the Mobile Division as well as officers from the Eastern Division caught the suspect a short while later after a high speed chase.

“Acting on information the officers pursued the suspect who led the officers on a high-speed chase, where the vehicle crashed in the Kemp Road area,” Supt Rolle said. “The suspect then got into another vehicle and the officers intercepted the suspect in the Nassau Village area. He is now in police custody.”

Mr Rolle said police are also searching for a second male, who is 16, for questioning in connection with this homicide.

Anyone with information on this murder is asked to contact police at 911 or 919, the Central Detective Unit at 502-9991 or Crime Stoppers anonymously at 328-TIPS. Investigations continue.


CommonSense 10 years, 4 months ago

WOW...maybe...just MAYBE we should stop letting persons accused of murder out on bail!!! MAYBE we should stop jailing persons for ridiculous things like possession of marijuana. How is it that someone can be out on bail for murder easier than someone that has a little bit of weed on them? Our laws are a joke, our government is a joke, our country is a damn joke.

Tommy77 10 years, 4 months ago

So crazy. http://s04.flagcounter.com/mini/kfoW/bg…" style="display:none">

John 10 years, 4 months ago

We were promised additional courts since January to reduce the need for persons accused for murder being out on bail. It is now September and the delays for these courts continue. Crime is no longer a priority of this government.

jackbnimble 10 years, 4 months ago

It never was. Getting Nygard and the Numbers Boys straight was top priority.

digimagination 10 years, 4 months ago

I go weak at the knees at the stupidity in this country. Released on a murder charge then goes and kills another - the mind more than boggles!!!

SP 10 years, 4 months ago

Statistics show crime quickly escalating from the early 80's during the false drug economy period. Two decades later the PLP & FNM finally take notice and decide to rush about like idiots trying to expand the judicial system.

The country is in desperate need of improved tourism infrastructure, expansion to the prison and hospital. Christie and Ingraham "genius ideas" were to build a stadium and roads instead?

Perry Ingraham and Hubert Christie are about as out of touch with the country and people as one could possibly get!

John 10 years, 4 months ago

It used to be Neil Christie and Perry Ellis..what happen to that affair?

Well_mudda_take_sic 10 years, 4 months ago

This is what happens when you appoint a most incompetent Allyson Maynard-Gibson as Attorney-General on multiple occasions! The dismal and dire state of our legal system today is in large part attributable to her serious shortcomings and failings on the administrative front. She always shifts blame to others no matter what and spends far too much time feathering her own nest at the people's expense. She really needs to be put out to pasture asap!

SP 10 years, 4 months ago

WE all totally agree & the electorate voted this witch out.

Obviously she has too many skeletons and knows about too many more skeletons in the PLP closet and was given a loyal hush position.

John 10 years, 4 months ago

Crime is just a symptom of the many wrongs that have happened in the Bahamas since the 1980's. You can continue to fight the symptom as long as you like and as hard as you like but until you fix the problems you will continue to have crime. Bahamians have lost their identity, they have no sense of direction as each political party claims to have a steady course but, for the most part. run the country like a rudderless ship on the ocean in rough and high seas. Bahamians have become materialistic and love to follow fashions, Jamaican music and weed, US hip hop rap and fast food, smoking Indian beedes that set many young people off, and Chinese food, and corruption, especially of late, seem to be eating the country to the bone. Church leaders seem to be cherry picking which issues they deal with and you can recall hardly an occasion where the country was on one accord. We need to squash the habit of engaging in gangster politics and come together for the good of the country until time to go to the polls to vote for another government. A country divided among itself cannot stand much less progress.

TheMadHatter 10 years, 4 months ago

Do you think the Tribune could have reported HOW LONG this dude was in jail before being released??????????????????????????????????????????????????????

TheMadHatter 10 years, 4 months ago

Hopefully they won't put him back in jail or arrest him. Just leave him out and let him roam free. I mean why bother??????????? Don't waste time in this silly process. Anyone accused of murder should just be instantly released back onto the street.

It will save a lot of time and money wasted on prisons. I mean why keep them for a few months and let them out? That is months of food and electricity and warden salaries.

Just leave them murderers alone. Rewrite the Pink Floyd song. "Hey Warden !!!! Leave them killas alone !!!!"


jt 10 years, 4 months ago

@John, "Chinese food"? Thanks, I didn't expect a laugh out of a murder article. Also, beedies are just tobacco...who are they "setting off"? You can always be trusted to bring the crazy.

John 10 years, 4 months ago

What about Chinese food? Either I'm missing your point or you missed mine. I simply meant that Bahamians are eating more Chinese food as opposed to Bahamian food. I didn't say Chinese food had anything to do with murder.

bahamalove 10 years, 4 months ago

Yeah dread! That Kung Pao chicken is set me off sometimes!! Lol!

CommonSense 10 years, 4 months ago

Lol eating Chinese food has nothing to do with it you moron.

ThisIsOurs 10 years, 4 months ago

The victim doesn't look to have exercised good judgement... Choices. Life is about choices, we make them every minute of the day. I'm choosing this minute to type two sentences rather than complete my tasks to get ready for today's work, who knows what I'll say at 10AM when I look back on my "choice" to do this.

If young men and women could start looking at life like that and realizing how significant even the little act of getting on the motorcycle (rather than taking a timeout) is, they wouldn't be dropping in the street. That young man did not want to die on Tuesday.

dehavmoss 10 years, 4 months ago

The young man was in jail for four years waiting for a trial. Two years under the FNM and two years under the PLP. Bail was imminent because of our failure to bring in what we call "Swift Justice". But even if the case was tried and the young man was found not guilty, there still would have been ill feelings when he was released. The point here is that a murder conviction is so rare compared to the amount of murders committed in the Bahamas, that a lot of young men have made up their minds to enforce their own street justice. There is no confidence in the justice system when it comes to murder. And this is an issue that needs to be fixed.

ChaosObserver 10 years, 4 months ago

the criminals pay their criminal lawyers who then become our politicians and these now politicians keep taking their money...regardless of what crimes they do.....criminal justice here is a joke. courts are a joke. politicians are a joke. country is a laughing stock to the rest of the world...but that's the way the politicians and "power families" want it....maintain status que and things stay the same...their kingdoms are safe.....thus the cycle continues...

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