Court must now consider the safety of victims


Tribune Staff Reporter


A DAY after a man on bail was taken into police custody charged with murder, the Christie administration outlined restrictions in a Bill to Amend the Bail Act that aims to lessen the number of violent offenders who receive bail.

Legal Affairs Minister Damian Gomez also tabled statistics showing that between January 2013 and August 2014, 592 people were granted bail, including 90 accused of murder, attempted murder, manslaughter, abetment, causing harm or other crimes against the person - while 121 were denied bail for those serious offences.

He said 41 had their bail conditions varied; seven had their bail revoked and 334 people have had their cases adjourned.

Regarding armed robbery, attempted armed robbery, receiving and burglary crimes against people or involving property offenses, 135 applicants in this category were granted bail while 38 had their bail conditions varied. He said 78 people either had their bail application denied, revoked or dismissed, while 218 had their cases adjourned.

As for rape, attempted rape or rape with another offence, 25 applicants were granted bail while five had their bail conditions varied. He said 11 either had their bail application denied, revoked or dismissed while 26 had their cases adjourned.

The government, responding to widespread criticism that courts too often grant bail to people who commit serious offences and then re-offend, highlighted the enhanced restrictions bail applicants will face if the Bill is passed.

Under the present Bail Act, people charged with such major crimes as murder, armed robbery, rape, possession of automatic weapons, possession of a firearm with intent and kidnapping are prohibited from receiving bail except when the court believes such people have not been tried within a reasonable time or are unlikely to be tried within a reasonable time, so long as certain conditions are met.

Under the Bill to Amend the Bail Act, applicants, as opposed to the prosecution, will have the onus of proving that they should be granted bail. The court will be forced to consider the safety of alleged victims of their crimes when deciding whether to grant bail.  

He said the amendments will protect complainants and prevent the “fraudulent practice of professional bondsman”.

Mr Gomez told The Tribune that renovations to the Ansbacher Building on Bank Lane, which will house additional courts, should be completed by the end of next month, with the courts being phased in overtime.

The Bill to Amend the Bail Act was commended by all PLP members during their contributions yesterday, though Nassau Village MP Dion Smith joined Fort Charlotte MP Dr Andre Rollins in calling for greater initiatives in the fight against crime, such as increased use of CCTV, helicopters and drones over hot spots.

The Bill was passed by the House of Assembly last night.


ChaosObserver 10 years, 3 months ago

Bit late for this type of action by christie and his cronies isn't it? Damn! takes tons of murders before this government starts taking things serious....2nd world nation trying really hard to be a 3rd....

bismark 10 years, 3 months ago

The judiciary itself is full of shit,i have witnessed people going to court for delinquent credit card payments and threatened with jail time just because they fell on hard times,but these scum murder and maim innocent people and they get bail like kids getting candy in a store.

Well_mudda_take_sic 10 years, 3 months ago

Gomez now talkin' as if the judges and the AG's Office were never required to consider the safety of others in the Court's deliberations over whether or not to grant bail to certain types of defendants. What utter poppy cock! Truth be told, the current AG, Allyson Maynard-Gibson, has plenty of blood on her hands. Umpteen murders of innocent victims by hard core criminals out on bail have occurred and the Minister of Legal Affairs is only now talking about tightening the requirements for bail as a result of concerns for the safety of others. Bullocks! This is what happens when you appoint a most incompetent Allyson Maynard-Gibson as Attorney-General on multiple occasions! The dismal and dire state of our legal system today is in large part attributable to her serious shortcomings and failings on the administrative front. She always shifts blame to others no matter what and spends far too much time feathering her own nest at the people's expense. She really needs to be put out to pasture asap! As for Gomez, well, what can you say? His mild squeaky voice tries to do what it can, but it really takes the roar of a courageous lion for the Bahamian people to get done what needs to be done when it comes to rectifying all of the failings of our legal system.

ChaosObserver 10 years, 3 months ago

If bahamians would expect more and demand more, they might listen...but then again, govt only listens to their own council.....sucks!

Clamshell 10 years, 3 months ago

You are correct ... Bahamian media do not ask questions or look things up. They are too busy playing with their cell phones. They are not reporters, they are stenographers -- but in fact their grammar is worse than most stenographers'.

Publius 10 years, 3 months ago

This was already something that had to be considered before the granting of bail for certain specified offences under Part C of the Bail Act since 2011. This is already the law of the land, it is not new. Does the Bahamian media know anything about their country or do they get paid extra just to repeat what is said without context or challenge?

duppyVAT 10 years, 3 months ago

Give them all bail ........................ and then let them be executed.............................. Swift Justice

TheMadHatter 10 years, 3 months ago

I agree. The police commish (Greenslade) should come out publicly - on live radio and tv - in a public square as well - and inform the Bahamian people that he is ordering all police officers to simply ignore any persons suspected of murder. His officers will refuse to arrest them, because they do not want to see them back out on the street in six months' time. Of course, the PM and Governor General will together fire him. But he will at least have made a great statement, and prove he is a man of principle. He should not resign, but wait to be fired.

He should also in that same speech, ask the Bahamian people to observe carefully - "Which task will the Government be able to complete the fastest? Firing me? Or finishing the construction and bringing into operation the nine new Courts of Law? From their choice, you will be able to discover their priorities. You will discover whether they care about you or only about me."


SP 10 years, 3 months ago

BREAKING NEWS...........Jackass's one and all!

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