Tribune Chief Reporter
BEC Chairman Leslie Miller yesterday said he had no regrets over his recent threat of disconnection to three hotels in western New Providence - and that two hotels have promised to pay $2m today.
Mr Miller revealed that he has received assurances of payment from two hoteliers since he warned that the corporation would move to disconnect service for outstanding electricity bills, collectively worth more than $30m.
He made the announcement during his debate contribution in the House of Assembly, adding that he was told to expect a check for $2m today.
The corporation chairman cautioned hotel owners during a guest appearance on the More FM radio show ‘Real Talk Live with Ortland Bodie’ on Tuesday.
He did not name any of the hotels during the show; however, he later clarified that Baha Mar was not excluded from the grouping. Last night, Baha Mar VP Robert Sands refused to comment.
Outside the House of Assembly yesterday, Minister of Works Philip Davis confirmed that the government has made an intervention concerning collections at the corporation in an attempt to assist cash flow.
Mr Davis did not confirm whether or not he supported the disconnection of hotels; however, he noted that Mr Miller did not need to seek permission for such activity.
“I wouldn’t say that he has to seek my permission,” Mr Davis said, “we are intervening in an attempt to try to assist the cash flow of BEC by trying to collect money that is outstanding. As chairman, he didn’t need to seek direction from me for what he’s trying to do.”
In the House, Mr Miller said: “Mr Speaker, I was on a talk show (Tuesday) and the question came up with one of the Bahamians who called that they were in dire stress and their light was off for a while and they wanted to know how was it that I kept complaining to the public that Bahamians are being turned off, more than 4,000 are still without light and some of the major entities in the Bahamas continue to enjoy benefits without any payments.
“I then indicated that those entities, the major entities, that is the hotel sector in this country would either pay their pay or I would go to the extreme measure of having them disconnected.”
He added: “I realised that my minister and probably the prime minister were going a little nuts saying that ‘Miller going crazy’ by attempting to cut off these major suppliers, but it was necessary to make those threats, Mr Speaker. BEC is in a very tough financial situation right now where our suppliers are telling us that unless we come up with $55m by the end of the month we will not get any fuel, so the whole Bahamas will be without electricity.”
He said around lunchtime yesterday he got a call from two hoteliers who said by today BEC would get a cheque for $2m.
“So I was happy that I said what I said because for months now they have played these games that ‘when you turn me off I will make a call and you will be told to turn us on.’ Every Bahamian has an obligation to pay for services rendered, every entity likewise.”
He said Atlantis pays BEC an average of $5m a month, which is paid promptly.
He said he wishes other hotels, which have been “grossly negligent”, would assist BEC with payments.
“I’m sorry if I offended anyone, Mr Speaker, but tough times require tough decisions.”
Since assuming his post, Mr Miller has been outspoken about BEC’s financial woes.
However, he came under fire when it was revealed earlier this year that he and his family owned businesses collectively owed electricity bills totalling $239,533.33.
His daughter paid $100,000 in cash on the arrears after the information was leaked to the media.
DonAnthony 10 years, 5 months ago
Okay, now we are beginning to see a little progress.... Now can the deputy prime minister Brave Davis who has oversight for B.E.C call the Chairmanof B.E.C., Mr. Leslie Miller and threaten to disconnect his delinquent businesses so we can get another cheque by tomorrow?
Well_mudda_take_sic 10 years, 5 months ago
This pudgy fella Brave Davis has little grubby stubby dirty sticky fingers. What should be going to BEC is likely going elsewhere!
Hogfish 10 years, 5 months ago
this jackass still owes what? close to 200k ?...
then you got his buddy Jones...
and then you got old wanna-be royalty Lady SLOP who sipsip say owe +300k !!
... that's all another 1/2 mill+ right there!
they all f'kin joensers.
CommonSense 10 years, 5 months ago
That $4million he's getting today is barely a drop in the bucket to the $55million that must be paid to the fuel suppliers!!! His 100+ thousand can go a long way towards helping as well! Leslie you are a joke. This was a wise decision but you are joke. Tell the hotels that they have until the end of next week to pay their FULL amounts or they'll be disconnected. Disconnect yourself at the same time.
Honeybun 10 years, 5 months ago
"Every Bahamian has an obligation to pay for services rendered, every entity likewise.”
I hope you Leslie Miller follow suit...btw Brave Davis looks like a little goat, just saying
SP 10 years, 5 months ago
Jamaican hotel owners truly believe that because they employ Bahamians they have government and the Bahamas by the short hair.
Jamaican culture is to not pay any bills or settle anything unless forced to do so or absolutely necessary.
Government need to stop looking at white smiling faces and spend 20 minutes doing some research on various nationality cultures prior to giving them the keys to the city.
Smiling white faces also led Hubert Ingraham to "give away" BTC & now we all suffer the consequences!
SP 10 years, 5 months ago
Power companies are known cash cows. Where else in the world has a countries power company gone bankrupt?
41 years of asinine political stupidity and massive corruption have finally caught up with the PLP and FNM.
Enjoy being PLP & FNM "die hards" in darkness you herd of jackass's!....Explain it to your kids!
SP 10 years, 5 months ago
Leslie Miller doesn't have to disclose anything "live and in color".
Anyone that wants to can see and feel for themselves the results of 41 years of PLP & FNM corruption!
SP 10 years, 5 months ago
Proud to be a Bahamian.....Were in the Caribbean news highlights........Hooraaayyy!!!!
PLP & FNM....All the way....TO HELL!
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