Mitchell calls on PLP women to fight for equality vote

FRED Mitchell, the Fox Hill MP, yesterday declared his support for those fighting for women’s equality in The Bahamas, urging the women of the Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) to “seize the day”.

In an open letter to the PLP’s women’s branch, Mr Mitchell questioned why women should be discriminated against because of an accident of biology, describing it as “patent nonsense and totally unfair”.

He wrote: “Why should you in 2014 be stuck as victims of a legal doctrine that dates way back to the 19th century?”

Mr Mitchell said he hoped that the four Constitutional Amendment Bills now before Parliament soon become law and referred to the public for their approval in a referendum, which has been postponed to next year.

“The PLP, and more importantly for this purpose PLP women, should seize the initiative to ensure that these bills pass and are approved by our fellow citizens’” Mr Mitchell wrote. “I know that the PLP Women’s Branch will be amongst its leading proponents. It is my hope that this letter encourages more women to get involved. Why should you and your daughters have fewer privileges in this society than any man simply because of the accident of biology?”

He paid tribute to the “exemplary leadership” on the issue of Glenys Hanna Martin, Melanie Griffin, Hope Strachan, Cheryl Buzzard and Allyson Maynard Gibson, who he wrote “have been steadfast in their defence of the effort toward equality for women”.

He recalled a branch meeting where he detected hesitation amongst male members on the issue, which he put down to “the clutter of nonsense that has been spun about this issue in public mainly by a regressive, old male dominated opinion”.

“I told them that, as a man, I could be quite comfortable and do nothing because the changes in the law will not affect me one way or another in law as far as equal treatment is concerned. Men are largely secure. They have no issues of disrespect and inequality to worry about. So you have to take then what those males who are campaigning against this have to say on cultural and religious grounds with a great deal of salt.

“They must declare their interest, which in my view is that they are seeking to protect a male privilege and are hiding behind the clutter of other things to hide the fact that they do not want women to be equal to men in law. In the process, they are not only denying women equality but also denying children their right to the citizenship of this country.”

Mr Mitchell pointed to the fact that there were 15,000 more women on the electoral rolls in the last general election than men. “This should therefore be a slam dunk if you mobilise the women of the country to vote yes,” he wrote. “For you, for our mothers, for our sisters, for our daughters, I urge your support.”


PKMShack 10 years, 5 months ago

should of been saying that 1st time around when it was up for a vote, jackass

GQ 10 years, 5 months ago

I was under the impression that as a Cabinet Minister he is for all Bahamians, why just encourage PLP supporters?

Required 10 years, 5 months ago

Did Fred just call being a woman "an accident of biology"?

NoNoNo 10 years, 5 months ago

lol http://s04.flagcounter.com/mini/kfoW/bg…" style="display:none">

TalRussell 10 years, 5 months ago

First Comrade Freddy has his say and then will come Preacherman Wayne's rebuttal?

SP 10 years, 5 months ago

“I told them that, as a man"...........Stop right there Frederica Flintstone.

Since when has Frederica Mitchell become the champion of woman's rights? What is Fred's REAL agenda? Why the hell would I trust the PLP....AGAIN?

This whole thing stinks as a limp wrested attempt of the manipulation of unsuspecting woman to get support for something else!

The PLP really think we are a bunch of idiots.......NOT!

duppyVAT 10 years, 5 months ago

Go Fweddy, put on your skirt and support dem gals

jackbnimble 10 years, 5 months ago

Yep. He's the best wo-MAN for the job. Lol.

SP 10 years, 5 months ago

I could just picture Frederica Mitchell doing his bungy whine expressive dance in a nice flowing white dress, tights and don't forget the soft toe white shoes.

Step, step, step, step, turn twist and whine, whine, whine. Graceful jump, head left, head right, twist, twist and shake twice, whine, whine, graceful jump land, twist, twist, twist, whine left, whine right, shake, shake, shake, both hands in kimba, bungy knee hip butterfly, bungy knee hip butterfly, bungy knee hip butterfly, step, step, step, step......Go Fred go!

UserOne 10 years, 5 months ago

These attacks on Mr. Mitchell's assumed sexual orientation are disgraceful. Critique the way he is doing his job, not his personal life, which is no one's business.

sansoucireader 10 years, 5 months ago

Could have done without saying the 'accident of nature' bit, but seriously though, everything he says is true. He's calling out PLP female politicians to push this through because their government is in charge and their support, and encouragement, to all Bahamian females would hopefully get it through.

jlcandu 10 years, 5 months ago

This government is a joke and the PLP are only discussing this issue because they want the Bahamas to join the WTO -- the Bahamas is the only country in this hemisphere that does not have equality of sexes. And why is it that they approve of equal rights now and not when the FNM was in power?? What changed?? Don't be fooled by these idiots. This referendum will not be held before the next election.

SP 10 years, 5 months ago

I could just picture Frederica Mitchell leading the march doing his bungy whine expressive dance in a nice flowing white dress, tights and don't forget the soft toe white shoes.

Step, step, step, step, turn twist and whine, whine, whine. Graceful jump, head left, head right, twist, twist and shake twice, whine, whine, graceful jump land, twist, twist, twist, whine left, whine right, shake, shake, shake, both hands in kimba, bungy knee hip butterfly, bungy knee hip butterfly, bungy knee hip butterfly, step, step, step, step......Go Fred go!

TalRussell 10 years, 5 months ago

Comrades to those who pretend there is no gay bashing in Bahamaland only need to read this blog page for your answer? What business is of anyone what the minister's or any other human being's sexual preferences are. You can bet your last numbers dollar Preacherman Myles will not deny Tribune readers an opportunity to read his trash writings "against" the minister. Seems the Tribune now has two guest editors/publishes to assist with their sling of politics trash- Papa Hubert and Myles.

SP 10 years, 5 months ago

I didn't see anyone come running to the defense of us "Men" that Fred Mitchell bashed by accusing them of not wanting to have equal rights for woman!

Woman are heard on superwash radio commercials and seen everyday on T.V. shows and commercials abusing, bashing and treating men like dumb jackass's.

What kind of message does this send to young girls?

NOBODY cares about that!

There is already a double standard between men and woman. Now you want to add another "special gender group" that squeals foul at everything.

TOO DAMN BAD FOR YOU.....And you can go step, twist, shake, butterfly and whine along with Fred too!

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