Rollins: I do not have any evidence of corruption


Tribune Staff Reporter


FORT Charlotte MP Dr Andre Rollins sought to distance himself yesterday from reports suggesting he would expose wrongdoing within the Christie administration if his friend Bamboo Town MP Renward Wells is fired as parliamentary secretary in the Ministry of Works for signing a $650m letter of intent with a waste-to-energy company.

He also denied that he was withholding any information on corruption within the government.

Dr Rollins told NB12 in an interview that aired on Monday that “there is more than meets the eye” in the Renward Wells controversy, adding that if his “friend” is fired, he is prepared to “say who also should be fired”.

“Some other people need to be fired too,” he said in the earlier interview, adding: “If Renward Wells needs to be fired, he is not the only one, and I have a problem with you trying to scapegoat my friend.”

Many observers took his words to mean he had information on impropriety within the Christie administration.

However, in a statement yesterday, Dr Rollins suggested his views on the matter were misrepresented.

“I want to make it absolutely clear that nowhere in my interview with NB12 did I impute corrupt motives to anyone,” he said. “I never suggested that I had any information to that effect. In no way do I support or condone corruption in government. Without being comprehensive in my response to the question asked by (NB12 reporter) Ms Toote, I can understand how I may have created this impression. I certainly regret that such an impression was created. In giving my terse response, I was referring to the principles of ministerial and collective responsibility as defined by the Westminster system of government and in that regard, I sought to convey that any shortcomings or failings with respect to the (letter of intent) matter cannot be levelled solely at the feet of a junior member of the government.

“To do so would be to make that individual a scapegoat, which would demonstrate a clear lack of respect for that individual and the system of government we are supposed to be guided by. The implications for the minister and Cabinet, therefore, are what I was alluding to when I said that there is more than meets the eye with respect to this matter.

Dr Rollins also reiterated his criticism of Prime Minister Perry Christie’s failure to deal with the matter.

“Having this LOI matter linger for as long as it has without a conclusive statement from our nation’s leader has only served to feed the perception that our government lacks transparency and accountability, which is not in the interests of our nation’s growth and development. Therefore, as I have said previously, the nation would be well served by having the prime minister address this matter,” he said.

Political reaction to Dr Rollins’ statements to NB12 were swift and negative.

On Tuesday Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) Chairman Bradley Roberts called him an egomaniac, and urged him to disclose the information he knows or “shut the hell up.”

Free National Movement (FNM) Deputy Leader Loretta Butler-Turner and Chairman Darron Cash criticised Dr Rollins for threatening to blackmail the government, saying he should disclose any information that would aid the public’s understanding of a controversy Mr Christie has thus far declined to publicly address.

Mr Wells signed the letter of intent with Stellar Waste to Energy Management on July 4. Officials have suggested he did so without Cabinet approval and that he acted outside the parametres of a parliamentary secretary.

In August, the prime minister said he would address the controversy “imminently” and told reporters he had ordered a report into the matter. However he has said nothing on the controversy since then.


asiseeit 10 years, 3 months ago

These politicians will NEVER turn one of their own in for corruption. Why? Because they ALL are corrupt. Birds of a feather!

NoNoNo 10 years, 3 months ago

Agreed 100% http://s04.flagcounter.com/mini/kfoW/bg…" style="display:none">

spoitier 10 years, 3 months ago

Correct! You watch them after every election talking about the corruption of the last government and how they have evidence, but they would never spill the beans because not only that they have skeletons, they also want to have their five years of raiding the cookie jar so spilling the beans is going to mess things up for them. That is why no one will agree on FOI, because it will mess up what has been going on for decades.

proudloudandfnm 10 years, 3 months ago

Typical PLP. All mout and no action....

PKMShack 10 years, 3 months ago

yep, there it is, smoke and mirrors

TalRussell 10 years, 3 months ago

I been blogging from day one this soap opera that Comrade Dr. Andre may not be the angry PLP he tries making himself out be. That his greatest weakness is his quickness open his mouth. Too bad Loretta doesn't want her fellow House MP Dr. Andre join the ranks her red party, The two them make excellent red leader and deputy leader candidates. Minnis is too good a man for this red bunch loudmouths. Not even Papa would dare get in between these two rebels without a cause. What's next a 'Palookaville, Abaco Friends Club' For Dr. Andre?

Stapedius 10 years, 3 months ago

This is exactly the reason one should be measured in how we react and respond. Mr. Rollins can and should handle himself better. Get a grip of your senses and be strategic in your thinking. You can't just keep spouting in the media. Sometimes its best to hold your tongue and wait for the right moment. So now you've made idle threats an absolute no no in politics. The moment the threatened gets the upper hand on you you're done for.

It is obvious that Rollins craves a Shylock revenge on the PLP. But it requires strategy and time. Like Shylock, Rollins has some villianous qualities which he appears to want to use but can't seem to keep it together. Interestingly, he is being portrayed in the media as Shylock was as the victim. So villian or vicitim. Who knows? Thank God for good literature because our politcians are not even smart enough to make for good news. Just a load of petty squabblers.

John 10 years, 3 months ago

The man's creditabilty is shot..nuff said

The_Oracle 10 years, 3 months ago

They (The corrupt) bind each other over, Collective impunity guaranteed by the code of thieves. No more, No less. Petty thieves at that.

Hogfish 10 years, 3 months ago

shame, it seemed this one might have been different and had an ounce of integrity. but Nope! he's one of them and where he belongs.

PLP_Catastrophe 10 years, 3 months ago

I never trusted him, especially when he voted yes to VAT. He has no integrity, like the rest of the PLP

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