Tribune Staff Reporter
PRIME Minister Perry Christie said yesterday that “something” has to be done to minimise the level of “severe craziness that possesses” young people as murder and criminal activity remains a challenge for law enforcement.
Speaking during a luncheon at the Hilton, Mr Christie said it could not be business as usual where young men are allowed to destroy the country’s economy through violent acts. He said parents who condone their children’s behaviour must also be condemned.
“We have to as a country find the answer to this,” Mr Christie said to loud applause and cheers, “otherwise we are going to continue to have our economy and our way of life negatively impacted by countries putting out advisories for tourists to be concerned about their safety. Now we see Canada has joined in this and is saying be careful.”
“No young person must be deemed to have the right to destroy this country and parents who know and condone it must be condemned themselves. We cannot allow this to happen. Because the young person who does the killing, he is as much of a victim as the person he kills.
“But there must be a new relationship with the people of this country to help improve public policy as to how we go about minimising the impact of this level of craziness, severe craziness that possesses our young people. We have to do something about this. We must resolutely continue to commit ourselves to it.”
Recently, State National Security Minister Keith Bell said a “lock down” of crime hot spots in New Providence was necessary to “turn the tables” on serious criminals.
Mr Bell told The Tribune that police needed to be acutely aware of the movement of persons in certain areas that are known hot beds for crime or neighbourhoods where criminals live.
Last week National Security Minister Dr Bernard Nottage said a “lock down” of hot spots was under consideration by the government, but only “to the extent that the law permits it”.
Mr Bell’s suggestion to impose draconian measures came after “special meetings” between Mr Christie, Dr Nottage and Police Commissioner Ellison Greenslade began almost a month ago to discuss new measures to combat crime.
The meetings followed the death of Mr Christie’s press secretary and friend Latore Mackey. He was killed more than a month ago during a suspected attempted robbery.
More than a week ago, the Canadian government issued a travel advisory to its citizens to “exercise a high degree of caution, especially in Nassau”. The country raised its alert status from normal.
The nonresident Canadian High Commissioner for the Bahamas Robert Ready, said at the time that the release of the enhanced warning came with the lead-up to the peak winter tourism season in mind.
He said the Canadian government was aware of some increased violent activity in and around Nassau.
Yesterday’s luncheon was in recognition of the Department of Social Services 50th anniversary. It honoured several women who have contributed greatly to the nation’s social development over the years.
bahamian242 10 years, 5 months ago
Look at who is calling the he kettle Black! You have germinated the seed, or the genesis of this problem! Another words looks who's talking about this problem!
concernedcitizen 10 years, 5 months ago
killemwitdakno 10 years, 5 months ago
and the porn their numbers boys funded provided
PKMShack 10 years, 5 months ago
@ cc your right, have a problem, let's junkanoo and all will be ok, guess his ideas coming to market are not helping. PRIME Minister Perry Christie said yesterday that “something” has to be done to minimise the level of “severe craziness that possesses” young people as murder and criminal activity remains a challenge for law enforcement. Junkanoo junkie is his best work. When will he see that he needs to take a tougher stand on crime, oh that's where most of his support comes from
Well_mudda_take_sic 10 years, 5 months ago
Perry, where are the private sector jobs for these D- young people your government policies have produced? Your poorly performing government can't hire them all as you are about to learn the hard way that an unproductive public sector work force that crowds out the private sector results in a dwindling tax base no matter how many new taxes you may see fit to introduce. You're just plain dumb Perry, and most Bahamian voters are finally beginning to realize just that but unfortunately it may possibly be a day too late!
Reality_Check 10 years, 5 months ago
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ohdrap4 10 years, 5 months ago
I think Severe Craziness should be stopped among people of all ages, outside and inside the Souse of Assembly
observer2 10 years, 5 months ago
With the additional VAT and Numbers taxes government could hire threes young people.
Also with Carnival/Junkanoo it will give the something to do in their spare time.
PKMShack 10 years, 5 months ago
@observer you can't be serious, carnival is seasonal and which person you know will be qualified to handle VAT concerns if they doing dumb shit with criminal activity. Those are the persons I want to be employed with the country's monies? You can't be serious
TalRussell 10 years, 5 months ago…
jlcandu 10 years, 5 months ago
You cannot blame the "young people" for their craziness when the so-called leaders of this country from Independence until now have shown nothing but acceptance of criminality and criminals. If young people don't have any mentors or role models that demonstrate positive behaviours, what could you expect of them?
This country has been sowing the seeds of criminality for over 40 years -- now it is reaping the effects. These "crazy young people" are only following the behaviours they have witnessed over these many years.
How do you arrest this trend?? Zero tolerance to crime and criminality, starting with the members of HOA, the police force, defence force, immigration officers ,etc.
expat8090s 10 years, 5 months ago
From another article in today's Tribune...
“I really got serious about a year ago when I passed around the park and I saw so many young boys just hanging around with nothing to do,” said [ex-pro boxer Quincy] Pratt, now a taxi driver by profession. “What’s better than boxing? It’s been good to me because not only did I get to stay off the streets after I came out of the Boys Industrial School, but I got an opportunity to travel around the world.”
Pratt, who grew up in the area as a troubled young man, said he was disappointed when he contacted a number of business persons for assistance of building material and the only person who responded was Steve Barr. But Pratt said that in no way has that diminished his plans to make the facility one of the best on the island.
“These same boys I’m trying to recruit are some of the same boys who I could end up saving from destruction,” he said. “If it wasn’t for boxing, I don’t think I would be here today. Boxing saved my life and that is why I’m here trying to save some other young men.”
Some people do, and some people just talk. (See article for how you can help get this gym up and running.)
Hogfish 10 years, 5 months ago
Perry 'the pussy' strikes again.
Lets do 'something' eh? You said you had to do 'something' after yer own fella press secretary get killed.
concernedcitizen 10 years, 5 months ago
The_Oracle 10 years, 5 months ago
Something about "show them the way they should go....." Prov.22:6 Bahamian youth have learned well, from the leadership and political faces. As have their parents. They have emulated you all, in your most visible habits. You have left them to fend for themselves, and beaten them down at every turn. You have proven that hard work is not rewarded, but theft, indiscriminate behavior, debauchery is. How could you have expected any other outcome? Reap what you have sown, we are. and will continue to do so.
John 10 years, 5 months ago
WELCOME THE PM TO THE BAHAMAS!! for how many years young people have had their minds poisoned with 12 radio stations pumping out mostly garbage music 24/7? Add to that the violent and sex filled and blood flowing horror movies. Then consider that so many young people (school age children) are abusing drugs and alcohol. Many of their diets are simply fast foods and noodles, nothing wholesome or nutritious. Going to church is like going to another planet. Half the food young people eat nevet touched the ground, mostly chemicals and hormones. Then more than 70 percent come from single parent homes. The foreign investor is telling them they are unemployable, the minister of national security is saying, 'it is them or us', and they see and hear of things going on in their country that does not benefit them but contribute to and ever increasing national debt that they and their children have to pay. And you wann know why they going crazy.... They are a generation in crisis
duppyVAT 10 years, 5 months ago
One of these "crazy" young people will soon kill Perry and his bunch a assholes...... and then what?
SP 10 years, 5 months ago
If Christie hadn't turned down so many investors this year and followed IDB recommendations on solar power, renewable energy and tourism projects we would have jobs for 1000's of restless, hungry young men!
Blah, blah, blah, Christie talken loud and saying nothing again.
alphandy 10 years, 5 months ago
Serious about crime. I think not. This government does not believe in penalties. They were itching to repeal the laws on mandatory minimum for firearms and drugs. Remember the statement that was made by the Honorable Minister for National Security when they first came into power. Why not carry a firearm? The magistrate can decide depending on their mood whether to give a custodial sentence of a month or a fine of $100.00. Courage is sorely lacking in these times. They would have you to believe that mandatory minimum fetters the magistrates discretion and is unconstitutional. How come it's only unconstitutional here and is implemented all over the world. The problem is depending on who the defendant is, they would like the option to issue an unconditional discharge, which means despite being found guilty you leave the court without penalty or a criminal record. It's appalling.
John 10 years, 5 months ago
It isn't always about bringing in investors or turning them down. Crime is a symptom of other things gone wrong in a society. Whenever there is too much or too rapid growth and development it will result in crime, usually committed by those who are left behind or those who cannot seem to keep up (with the Joneses). Whenever there is rapid social change in a society crime will result and be greatest amongst those most severely disenfranchised by those changes. Whenever there are strong negative forces impacting on a society (American culture and more specifically Black American Culture, drugs, rap music, the hip hop culture, the 'loving myself' revolution) the young and the least educated will be the ones most influence and most likely to follow those forces. Some Solutions: While the police and policing will always be a part curbing crime and other social problems, one must remember that when the police has to get involved it is usually after the fact. It means that some negative, criminal or antisocial behavior is already occurring. If government cannot grow the economy, it should make the economy stable the economy so that citizens do not have to live under the constant fear and threat of losing the jobs and their homes. Relief must come to those who are unemployed so that they have food shelter and clothing. Effective social programs must be introduced to counteract the negative influences. There must be a degree of learning and relearning so that everything they see in movies or hear in music is not real or positive, (rappers selling drugs, killing one another and doing time for it, that going to jail makes you more respected, that the gangster life is a good one, having four and five baby mamas or sleeping with someone else's girl is cool or even the latest trend in rap music: that it is ok to be gay). Man is spiritual ( he must be taught of the existence of God and know how to serve Him) by nature and there must be education about drug and alcohol and even sex abuse and the long term effects of it and Wholesome and positive activities to replace this behavior. Proper diet is essential to healthy eating and there must be education to stop the fast food and junk food culture that is killing so many and making so many others sick and unproductive. And yes, young Bahamians must be assured and reassured that the Bahamas is for them first and foremost.
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