Keeping the dream alive

EDITOR, The Tribune.

The Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) is at the cross roads of history. It came to office almost three years ago on the backs of multiple political promises many which it should have known could not be fulfilled much less implemented anytime soon. Unfortunately for the party and its leadership cadre, a whole dray load of Bahamians bought into the “charter for governance” and now they are demanding delivery.

These first three years have been rough and tough on the iconic PLP. The first misstep, amongst many, was the haste to hold the “opinion poll” which the politicians dressed up as a “referendum”. A large number of our people were of the opinion that the administration was rushing the regulation and taxation of the web industry, rightly or wrongly, as a payback to the then clandestine operators.

What this alleged “payback” would have been for is nebulous and certainly there is no nexus to connect it to anything tangible, as is usually the case involving political calculations.

In any event, despite the previous assurances by the PM that he had “no horse” in the race the industry is now being regulated and taxed, as it should have been done decades ago.

Ten thousand new jobs were also promised for delivery during the first year or so upon returning to high office. While multiple thousands of new jobs have been generated, they are nowhere near the number that was bandied about on the campaign trail.

The problem with these “new” jobs, however, is that they are not sustainable and are not well paying.

Unemployment has gone up significantly since the Gold Rush came to power. We are shedding jobs almost as BEC is obliged to conduct frequent and long lasting load shedding. Under-employment is also posing a huge problem as far too many Bahamians have been relegated to working two or three days per week at minimum wages.

The government of The Bahamas is the single biggest employer in the nation. This is not rational or good for the country’s bottom line as much needed financial resources are being deployed to pay salaries and pensions. We urgently need to stimulate the economy and to diversity the pillars of our economic base. Tourism; banking and financial services while still important, may have saturated to the point where there is little room for expansion.

The ordinary Bahamian does not ask for or expect much from any administration. What they want and need are: sustainable employment or the road to entrepreneurship; affordable housing; access to reasonable health care; good educational opportunities and personal security.

The PM delivered a great and timely speech at the recently concluded Summit of the Americas in Panama City, Panama. He was at his best, but Christie must come to understand that he needs to “play” more to the local stage as opposed to waxing eloquently to foreigners.

He must now concentrate on domestic matters and seek to alleviate some of the natural concerns which bedevil most Bahamians.

In other words, the PLP and its leadership cadre must come to the realisation that they are mandated to keeping the dream alive.

 Another dream which has been consistently denied and deferred by this administration is the long promised payment of hardship pay to governmental workers in certain critical areas of the public sector. This is dead wrong and one which the DPM and the PM must deal with today rather than tomorrow. By the way, what was the size of the Bahamian delegation to Panama; who all went and what are the total costs to the Bahamian taxpayer?

Some say that I have launched a concerted campaign to persuade the former PM to come out of a far too early and misguided early retirement from front line politics. Yes, I confess that I used to be Chief of the Ingrahamites and that our political machinery is still intact and ready to be remobilised at the drop of a hat. What must be borne in mind, however, is that there is yet another actor waiting in the wings, to enter centre stage.

The Hon Philip “Brave” Davis (PLP-Cat Island), Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Works has a date with Destiny and until that plays out, possible contenders and holograms for the leadership of this wonderful nation will have to mark time; chew grass or gnash teeth and dentures.

My greatest friend; confidant and benefactor, however, must step up to the plate. A national address should be made, immediately, to abjectly apologise to the people of this wonderful nation for the long running saga with Renward Wells; the never ending questions about BAMSI; the egregious allegations that dilapidated homes of individuals (on which many are still paying mortgages) have been demolished but the title owners are unable to be paid, as is required by law, the value of their investments.

There are many more dreams which the government of the day has blindsided us on but whom the cap fit let him wear it. We have a President in the USA who is determined to normalise relations with Communist Cuba. When that happens, what are we going to do to combat the allure of Cuba; her famous cigars; delectable women (allegedly) and the vast historical and traditional sites available, I am told in Cuba?

The poor and middle classes, especially in New Providence, have been decimated by the bad implementation of what could be good policy initiatives. Take for instance, eight out of ten Americans now have access to affordable, even if basic health care. Instead of consulting with a Costa Rica firm, the administration should seek assistance from Obama and the USA. To God then, in all things, be the glory.



April 12, 2015.


ispeakthetruth 9 years, 11 months ago

"The Hon Philip “Brave” Davis (PLP-Cat Island), Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Works" is destined to be the next leader of the Bahamas?

I don't know what to say to this...other than I hope I misunderstood and if not, that this is not the general consensus of Bahamians. The next leader (whatever party) should not be so mired in scandals that his first step toward leadership has to be apologies for multiple infractions. Electing him as leader would be asking for (more) trouble.

asiseeit 9 years, 11 months ago

I would love to know how much Bodie is being paid to spew his non stop Brave propaganda, it has to be money because he (Bodie) is not stupid nor blind and only the stupid or blind would not be able to see the DPM's shortcomings (no pun intended).

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