Urban Renewal chiefs snub Public Accounts Committee

Cynthia 'Mother' Pratt and Algernon Allen.

Cynthia 'Mother' Pratt and Algernon Allen.

THE co-chairs of Urban Renewal - Cynthia “Mother” Pratt and Algernon Allen - have refused to appear before the Public Accounts Committee, and now face being served with subpoenas to compel them to attend.

The pair were due to appear at today’s sitting of the committee – but in a letter to the committee yesterday and seen by The Tribune, both declined.

The co-chairs said the letters requesting their attendance had arrived at the Urban Renewal office on Tuesday afternoon. They said the notice was not reasonable, citing Mr Allen’s birthday celebrations today and Mrs Pratt’s inability to attend due to her need to travel for medical consultation and convalescence.

However, the letter went on to say that another reason was that “it is clear to us that the purported report of the auditor general will necessarily be within the focus of the Public Accounts Committee”. They threatened not to appear before the PAC at a later date if the audit, which they claim has not gone through proper parliamentary procedure, remains a topic of questioning.

When contacted for comment last night, PAC Chairman Hubert Chipman confirmed that he received the letter.

He told The Tribune he intends to get a subpoena to compel the co-chairs to appear. He added that despite calls from some quarters for him to abandon the investigation, he will continue to do what is in the best interests of the taxpayer’s money.

“Yes it is my intent to subpoena them and give them a specified time, I haven’t decided when that time would be, (but) we have that power,” Mr Chipman said.

“We will do what is in our purview. This is the Public Accounts Committee, that has the power to send for papers or people.”

He added: “What really disturbs me, everyone is saying let this go. This has nothing to do with politics, this has to do with the Bahamian people’s money.”

The co-chairs’ letter says: “We emphatically state at the outset that until such a purported report is presented to the Cabinet of the Bahamas and laid on the table of the House of Assembly, we will not appear before the Committee to address any matter arising from such a report. The report is still in draft form, thus it (is) not an official report. Furthermore, at no time were the co-chairs of the Urban Renewal Commission interviewed or had an input in the purported Auditor General’s report.”

Speaking to the media on Tuesday, Mr Allen had blasted the auditor general for reportedly failing to consult the prime minister, minister of works, or either of the co-chairs prior to finalising the report.

Mrs Pratt was also present at that press conference, at which she said: “Never before in my life has my integrity been questioned. Urban Renewal is my life. I’ve been involved with Urban Renewal before it was named Urban Renewal. If there are bad apples in Urban Renewal, then we weed them out. But an audit report ought to dictate our weaknesses and our strengths and tell us what we need to do to strengthen one part or what we need to get rid of, but not to send scathing remarks as though it’s no good. The devil is a liar.”

The report, in part, had noted payments to 11 contractors for more than $170,000 worth of work that was “not completed or done”. Mr Allen responded to that by saying that a “small number” of contractors had already been taken out of the Small Home Repairs Programme and that they would be pursued “to the depths of hell” for the money.

The report also noted that there was no competitive bidding for the home repairs contracts and the contractors were not required to have proof of all-risk insurance.

Mr Allen said this was not out of the ordinary as most repairs were between $5,000 and $10,000 and did not require insurance, and competitive bidding defeated the purpose of Urban Renewal.

In yesterday’s letter, the co-chairs argued that the Public Accounts Committee was taking part in an illegal process.

The letter said: “The process which the Public Accounts Committee has pursued is not appropriate at this time in respect of this report and is an abuse of process. The draft report preempted the established parliamentary procedure and legality.

“We are advised that the audit report of the Urban Renewal Commission has not yet been presented to the minister of finance or to the Cabinet of The Bahamas, nor has it been laid on the table of the House of Assembly, as are the appropriate and legal steps to be taken; and as such, we cannot participate in an inappropriate and illegal process.

“However, when co-chair Pratt returns from her convalescence, and an appropriate meeting is scheduled by the committee, we are ready and willing to address Urban Renewal Commission’s matters, which do not involve the purported auditor general’s report until due process in relation to the report occurs.”

The letter was signed by both Mrs Pratt and Mr Allen.

Mr Chipman said when the PAC meets today, the group will decide its next steps.


bigbadbob 9 years, 11 months ago

such complaining when caught dealing out people moneys without bids and contracts.

asiseeit 9 years, 11 months ago

These two come across like spoilt rotten little children who have been caught with their hand in the cookie jar. Grow up, you are charged with managing the peoples money, it is an ADULT position that requires you to be ACCOUNTABLE. It is evident that you have NOT managed the PEOPLES MONEY (the money does not belong to YOU) in an effective or professional manner, therefore you must answer for your lack of management. If you had done your job correctly with oversight and accountability you would not be in the pickle you find yourself in. If the job is beyond your ability's then resign. You are playing with OUR money, never forget that!

FNM_Retards 9 years, 11 months ago

Pity you do not burst the same blood vessel when the FNM tiefs OUR money.

banker 9 years, 11 months ago

Patriotism is dead. Algernon Allen and Pratt are an international disgrace to the Bahamas. Imagine being in charge of public money and not wanting accountability. In a civilised jurisdiction, they would be facing criminal charges.

cmiller 9 years, 11 months ago

I'm just looking at how old and tired these two people look. Are we hanging onto the 'baby boomers' too long? Shouldn't we start allowing all those young people we spend millions of dollars on for education to start taking these positions, so that we can move out of this old-age rut? Most baby boomers ( people born in the 40s and 50s) in the USA are now retiring.

mangogirl01 9 years, 11 months ago

You are so right. For the life of me I don't understand why they would want to have the stress of running the program at this point in their lives. They should be enjoying the fruits of their labour that they sowed over the years and smelling the roses.

Sickened 9 years, 11 months ago

They don't have stress running this program. They obviously don't do anything with regards to this program. Trust me, they are sleeping well at night.

themessenger 9 years, 11 months ago

They haven't had any stress up to this point which is why they find themselves in this situation. And aren't they enjoying the fruits of their labour? I heard a rumor going round that Urban renewal had purchased some 22 vehicles and won't you guess who are driving two of them?

FNM_Retards 9 years, 11 months ago

Thats just how old and tired yall ghetto hood rats look - eating too much fry chicken and other shit.

GrassRoot 9 years, 11 months ago

well now that they have an opportunity to defend themselves and their in-actions, they decline. how about another press conference?

jusscoolin 9 years, 11 months ago

The Bahamian people have suffered much too long . We cannot continue to go on like this in this small country. Will someone out there please have some kind of heart!

Sickened 9 years, 11 months ago

First these two question why they didn't have an opportunity to address concerns about the report with the PAC then, when the PAC ask them to come in to discuss the draft report they refuse to. 90+ year old's should not be in charge of public monies.

DonAnthony 9 years, 11 months ago

How pathetically sad these two people are. I now realize one of the biggest problems facing this country is that we as a people suffer from an ethical deficit. We have no statesmen and no one who can look to the common good above their own interest and reputation, no one who can simply be honest and take responsibility for their actions. So These two blame the messenger ( auditor) and refuse to answer questions, or accept any responsibilty. Again simply disgraceful, can these two just resign and go, the Bahamian people deserve so much better.

happyfly 9 years, 11 months ago

Ethical Statesman......I vote Mr Hubert Chipman for Prime Minister !!! He even has the right first name to apply for the job at FNM

Greentea 9 years, 11 months ago

Ethical- perhaps- but HC is not a complex or creative thinker and woefully conservative. He needs to stay on the sidelines.

DonAnthony 9 years, 11 months ago

Yes, I think the most ethical of the bunch, but much too passive as chairman of the PAC committee.

asiseeit 9 years, 11 months ago

One of the biggest things that blow my mind is the fact that there are citizens that will excuse these two for no other reason except they support the PLP. They see nothing wrong with their money being wasted, mismanaged, or stolen as long as their party is doing said waste, mismanagement, or thievery. That is how idiotic this country is. We are all bahamians first and foremost, if ANY government type or ANY person is wasting, mismanaging, or stealing OUR money, the entire NATION is being hurt even the beloved party you support and yourself. Those people that waste, mismanage, or steal OUR money are TRAITORS to the NATION and therefore need to be dealt with accordingly. If you are unable to understand this then you better head straight to Sandilands to have your head checked. I am not FNM, I am not PLP, I am not DNA, I AM BAHAMIAN!

duppyVAT 9 years, 11 months ago

Sorry to say this .............. but these two ole fools should know better ........... Chippie needs to haul their asses before the PAC and grill them about our missing money

Voltaire 9 years, 11 months ago

It is time to see what the FNM are made of. Come on Loyal Opposition, slap this government over the head with the PAC.

ThisIsOurs 9 years, 11 months ago

If there are bad apples in Urban Renewal, then we weed them out. But an audit report ought to dictate our weaknesses and our strengths and tell us what we need to do to strengthen one part or what we need to get rid of, but not to send scathing remarks as though it’s no good. The devil is a liar.”

But that is what the report did. You are just too attended at how many bad apples there are to realize it.

ThisIsOurs 9 years, 11 months ago

Too offended at how many...

FNM_Retards 9 years, 11 months ago

This has absolutely EVERYTHING to do with politics. Get the FNM retards out of the PAC, then we can talk. Until then, they mean nothing. Hopefully they sue the PAC for their pathetic political grandstanding.

DonAnthony 9 years, 11 months ago

Nice to have you back general crazy, always look forward to your fair, balanced and above all intelligent input.

Greentea 9 years, 11 months ago

Mudda Pratt and Allen should be ashamed. The fact that they are not in light of the report reflects very poorly on them. They need to go to pasture as their period of usefulness as leaders of the Bahamian people has passed- if it ever existed.

Major_Pain 9 years, 11 months ago

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