Tribune Staff Reporter
COMMISSIONER of Police Ellison Greenslade confirmed yesterday that the report on the investigation into alleged judicial interference by MICAL MP V Alfred Gray has been completed and passed on to the Office of the Attorney General.
Commissioner Greenslade told The Tribune that he sent the “complete file directly to the attorney general around 3pm on Monday”.
However, when contacted for comment yesterday, Attorney General Allyson Maynard Gibson confirmed the file was sent to her office, but said she was unable to review it as she was in Cabinet all day.
The report is expected to outline Mr Greenslade’s position – subsequent to consultations with his executive team – on whether anyone should face charges before the court based on the findings of the investigation.
“As requested by the attorney general, we conducted the investigation, saw all witnesses and took statements and reports,” the commissioner said.
“Consistent with the attorney general’s request, the case file was sent to her for review and decision as to charges or otherwise. We followed the guidance given in that memo. The case file is now with the attorney general and we will await her decision.”
In March, the opposition Free National Movement alleged that Mr Gray used his position to have a man in his constituency freed, following conviction and sentencing. It is claimed that Mr Gray contacted Mayaguana island Administrator Zephaniah Newbold, the sentencing magistrate, to offer “legal advice.”
Although Mr Gray has confirmed that he did contact the island administrator, he has strongly denied that he in any way attempted to sway the course of justice.
According to the FNM, the accused teen was released shortly after that conversation.
Mr Gray has said he only advised the administrator that he had the option of granting bail, since an appeal had been filed. However, according to media reports Mr Newbold has said he released the convicted youth, 19-year-old Jaquan Charlton, outright “after an order came forth”. He said the young man had not been released on bail as Mr Gray had claimed.
Police subsequently interviewed Mr Gray on the matter on April 10, according to his lawyer Wayne Munroe, QC.
In a statement, Mr Munroe said his client was interviewed by acting Deputy Commissioner Anthony Ferguson and Superintendent Sherman Young, the officer-in-charge of the Complaints and Corruption Unit of the Royal Bahamas Police Force.
Mr Gray, who has been relieved of his local government portfolio pending the outcome of the investigation, has said he will be vindicated at the end of the day.
He is still the minister of agriculture and marine resources.
B_I_D___ 9 years, 10 months ago
Guess we will need to have to wait for at least a year for the AG to coordinate with those people malaised in the report to come up with a 'plan' before the report goes public!
duppyVAT 9 years, 10 months ago
Should we expect a Nolle in short order???????????
B_I_D___ 9 years, 10 months ago
More than likely!!
jackbnimble 9 years, 10 months ago
Good one! LOL!
TalRussell 9 years, 10 months ago
Comrades normally you'd say, okay now that the AG has the report in her hand, it can be expected she has now run out of options and will act swiftly, right? Then you don't know the workings the inner sanctuary of this ballsy PLP Cabinet, who never seems be running out of every lame excuse options, for not releasing anything to the public. Although in this particular case from what we've been privy to via the media, it appears the report will show that Minister V. Alfred, did nothing more than to offer sound judicial advice to one obliviously lacking in it. That V. Alfred acted, not out his own personal interests but that of a constituent who SHOULD have been entitled to bail and WITHOUT the need for a telephone call. There are NO accusations of his attempting in any form or manner to personally benefit financially from his telephone call. But then again, if there is a way to fumble the ball on this one, this PLP come well-equipped.
SP 9 years, 10 months ago
.......... Corruption At Highest levels Destroying Bahamas - Same As Panama ...............
AG Alison Maynard first duty is to see to it at any and all cost that nothing will come of this Alfred Gray matter of corruption, or any high level corruption because they all are equally corrupt.
If one government official goes to jail for corruption he will not go by himself, and will expose all the rest of the pirates dirty laundry and they ALL WILL GO TO JAIL TOO.
This is why neither PLP and FNM dare mention or even think about bringing former FNM Cabinet Minister of Tourism to justice for absconding with $5M of public funds through his shell company just before 2012 general elections.
Panama is facing a similar case with a Supreme Court Justice caught in corruption who is now threatening to expose corruption of ALL THE REST IF HE GOES TO JAIL.…
Now all you blind PLP and FNM followers have a real case scenario from a REAL COUNTRY confirming how high level corruption really works!
As long as the PLP or FNM are governing Bahamas, corruption will continue to flourish and our country will never get anywhere except continue on this downward spiral.
ThisIsOurs 9 years, 10 months ago
I won't put it to party, I will say as long as the 60's generation of politicians and those who've been contaminated by them are in power, corruption will continue. I'm hopeful there are younger ethical PLP's and FNM's who want a better country. Not Shane Gibson and not Ken Dorsett. There are too many questionable and REALLY DISTURBING activities at the ministries they are supposed to be overlooking.
TalRussell 9 years, 10 months ago
There seems be serious serious accusations in the report in Comrade AG's hands, that Minister V. Alfred may have indeed attempted to interfere with sentencing, although only the AG has been presented with what she must decide are the facts or unsubstantiated claims. If she believes them be creditable accusations sadly, V. Alfred will turn out to have misled those who supported him. Whatever her decision, I have faith Madame AG will do right by the people.
realfreethinker 9 years, 10 months ago
TalRussell don't hold your breath,for that to happen. You might pass out
TalRussell 9 years, 10 months ago
Comrade RealFreeThinker, yes, I want to believe Madame AG will rise above partisan politics and do the right for, and by the people. Somebody in the PLP has to start demonstrating they are. I can tell you what the media is not reporting on is that the V. Alfred matter is causing a great divided within the cabinet and PLP party, leaving the party being split into two camps, the for V. Alfred and the fed ups with old guard PLP's. I could say lots more but let's wait to hear directly from the Madame AG. What should not happen is for the PM to allow V. Alfred to become the party's saving grace sacrificial ministerial lamb.
SP 9 years, 10 months ago
...................................... PIRATES PARADISE .........................................
Tal must have had an extra big serving of PLP cool aid recently. NO SCANDAL has ever been resolved on either side and no politician has ever been jailed for corruption.......ONLY IN THE BAHAMAS!
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