Union chief criticises failure to tackle mould infestation


John Pinder


Tribune Staff Reporter


BAHAMAS Public Services Union President John Pinder yesterday criticised the government for not giving “prompt attention” to reports of mould infestation in a number of Royal Bahamas Police Force buildings in New Providence.

During a press conference at the Police Staff Association (PSA) headquarters on East Bay Street, Mr Pinder said that the government should focus on “protecting Bahamians” and not about their public perceptions.

“If there is one set of people that need to be healthy and have clear frames of mind, it should be the police officers who are protecting all of us.

“I certainly endorse the action taken by the Police Staff Association in trying to ensure that the government does what it is supposed to do for these officers who have to be in these buildings for 12 hours, have to work these long shifts,” said Mr Pinder.

“It is important for the government, when they have this type of information, to bring it forward to people in a timely fashion so that people can make the necessary adjustments.

“We would hope that when they have this type of information that it comes in a more timely fashion to persons so that we can know what we are up against and we can make decisions. An ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure.”

In a 2013 report, Clear Solutions Plus found that a “significant amount” of mould was discovered that required “prompt attention” to prevent severe allergic reactions among police officers and other persons who frequent the 25 buildings listed in the report.

The price tag for the corrective measures was projected at $187,275 for work to be completed over a 14-week period.

PSA Chairman Dwight Smith said yesterday, more than a year and a half after that report was submitted, the government to his knowledge has not acted on the findings or moved to improve the working conditions of officers at these locations.

This comes after it was recently revealed that the government had possession of a 2014 independent report into a Rubis underground fuel leak in Marathon, but did not release it for more than a year.

That report revealed area residents were potentially exposed to high levels of cancer causing chemicals in the water table and soil following the incident.


asiseeit 9 years, 10 months ago

The reason so many government buildings and facility's are plagued with mould is the fact that basic maintenance is not carried out. The disrespect and outright neglect of government property's is disgraceful. Look at the post office, check out the air conditioners hanging off the roof of the building next to John Watlings, look at almost any government building and you will see the level of respect and pride government has in what the PEOPLE afford them. It is every single Bahamians taxes that are squandered through neglect and shoddy workmanship. Pride, respect and a sense of ownership are clearly absent from government complexes.

Tommy77 9 years, 10 months ago

Agreed.http://s04.flagcounter.com/mini/kfoW/bg…" style="display:none">http://s05.flagcounter.com/mini/WUu/bg_…" style="display:none">

USAhelp 9 years, 10 months ago

Dont forget the lazy people that work there and the free ride they expect. Not the police most of them do the best they can even with wide spread corruption.

duppyVAT 9 years, 10 months ago

The government's only fetish is putting $60,000 per pretty police cars on the road ...... they have about $2 million worth of cars in the police garages but all you hear is buy more cars ......... now that fetish has moved to the RBDF ............. buy more boats and put more dumb ass officers on them and break them up as fast as they can ........... thats their strategy to tackle crime

BoopaDoop 9 years, 10 months ago

Spelled "mold" not "mould". "Mould" is defined as a form or cavity used to construct.

Stapedius 9 years, 10 months ago

The COP appears powerless to deal with anything. I mean does it really require union intervention to settle this matter? I wouldn't want my officers working in mould infested stations. The real problem is poor construction and poor design of government buildings. These half assed architects and contractors are costing the government millions. The other issue as mentioned before is maintenance. We only tear down and rebuild in this country. Wasteful people.

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