Tribune Staff Reporter
FORT Charlotte MP Dr Andre Rollins questioned if the government “suppressed” information surrounding the 2012 underground gas leak at a Rubis service station to protect a private entity that might have “made a contribution of a political nature.”
His stinging comments came as he called for the formation of a House of Assembly select committee to investigate the fuel leak.
In a scathing speech in the House last night, Dr Rollins lashed out at the government for its handling of the leak, particularly Marathon MP Jerome Fitzgerald.
Andre Rollins
Renard Wells
Hubert Chipman
Neko Grant
Edison Key
Hubert Minnis
Peter Turnquest
Philip ‘Brave’ Davis
Bernard Nottage
Jerome Fitzgerald
Renardo Curry
Arnold Forbes
Shane Gibson
V Alfred Gray
Melanie Griffin
Damian Gomez
Cleola Hamilton
Leslie Miller
Fred Mitchell
Greg Moss
Khaalis Rolle
Hope Strachan
Absent for vote: Perry Christie, Michael Darville, Kenred Dorsett, Picewell Forbes, Perry Gomez, Michael Halkitis, Daniel Johnson, Richard Lightbourne, Glenys Hanna Martin, Anthony Moss, Theo Neilly, Ryan Pinder, Dion Smith, Loretta Butler-Turner, Obie Wilchcombe.
However, after his impassioned speech, the majority of parliamentarians last night voted against the formation of the select committee to investigate the spill at the service station at Robinson and Old Trail Roads.
Fifteen of the MPs present voted no, seven MPs voted yes (including Dr Rollins and the opposition members present) and 15 members were absent from the evening session. PLP MP Renward Wells was among those to vote yes.
Before the vote, Dr Rollins said the select committee would “remove all speculation that the government is seeking to hide the facts surrounding that spill”.
“Mr Speaker, if we collectively decided to vote against a select committee to investigate the Rubis oil spill, we would be fuelling speculation as to why,” the PLP backbencher said. “We would fuel speculation as to whether or not the government is seeking to hide the facts...
“Mr Speaker, we would be creating a perception that the government lacks genuine interest in promoting and protecting the public’s welfare and its right to know and act based on the pertinent facts, which they have every right to expect a caring government would have presented from the first sign of danger to public health.
“To deny the formation of a select committee into the details surrounding the Rubis oil spill would cause the government to appear callous, reckless and deceitful. I am not suggesting that that is the case, I am merely stating that the level of cynicism and mistrust that exists in the public domain surrounding that, many have come to believe is an attempt to suppress the freedom of information. By saying no to a select committee we would only be increasing that perception in the public domain.
“The government cannot hide behind the argument that the details surrounding the oil spill are a matter of national security and must remain secret and confidential at the level of Cabinet privilege, this is not a matter that can be considered privilege.”
He said the fuel leak was a health issue and the public has a right to know the details on the matter.
Dr Rollins also called for Mr Fitzgerald to “stand up” for his constituents and put people before party. He also questioned whether Mr Fitzgerald knew about an independent report into the leak and chose to remain silent or if Rubis executives did not think Mr Fitzgerald was “important enough” to be kept in the loop. Mr Fitzgerald has previously said Rubis has not met with him despite requests. He has also said he could not speak about the Black and Veach report into the leak until it was released two weeks ago, because it was a Cabinet matter and he would have been fired if he spoke prematurely.
Dr Rollins also blasted his colleagues for playing “ham and turkey” politics and urged them to remember the needs of the electorate.
“I have a concern that in this instance we have put private interest ahead of public interest, I have a concern that corporate interests are being seen as more important than the interest of those who put us in this place.”
He added: “Is there an interest in suppressing the information surrounding this? Is there a motive to try and protect a corporate entity that may have, at some time, made a contribution of a political nature? I am not suggesting anything illegal about corporations making contributions to political parties . . . but looking at the big picture is there by chance some interest that corporate citizens have in supporting political parties to promote their own interests when it comes to participating in the Bahamian economy at the expense of the Bahamian people?”
The Black and Veach International report found that Marathon residents were possibly exposed to harmful chemicals, including cancer-causing benzene.
The government had the report for more than a year before it was made public earlier this month.
proudloudandfnm 9 years, 11 months ago
Disgusting. Every MP that voted no is a traitor.
B_I_D___ 9 years, 11 months ago
They just don't care...and don't seem to care that we know they don't care...
TigerB 9 years, 11 months ago
Agreed!~! that is a bunch of foolishness!
Well_mudda_take_sic 9 years, 11 months ago
The callousness here is unbelievable. For years to come, every resident of Marathon within a one mile radius of that gas station who is diagnosed with cancer of any kind should sue as a collective class each and every MP who voted "No" to this proposed investigation, including Maynard-Gibson, Christie, and Fitzgerald in particular. In addition, these Marathon residents should plead their case and seek help from international health and human rights agencies.
Tommy77 9 years, 11 months ago
What a sad mess.…" style="display:none">…" style="display:none">
asiseeit 9 years, 11 months ago
This government sat on a report that said peoples health and well being was at risk. They hide this from the people who they have an obligation to protect. Who are the working for? Whose well being are they concerned with? This government is a complete failure. This government does NOT have the best interest of the people at heart, we have proof of this now. This government works for them and theirs, to hell with the rest of the Bahamian people. They said they believe in Bahamians, so far this is the biggest lie of the 21st. century! WAKE UP BAHAMAS! You get swing!
TalRussell 9 years, 11 months ago…
asiseeit 9 years, 11 months ago
What else are they hiding from the Bahamian people?
SP 9 years, 11 months ago
Eerryting Mon
Chucky 9 years, 11 months ago
Time we take the law into our own hands, we hold the power! Lets Boycott and picket every Rubis, don't buy a single thing from them until the full details are released and all the problems solved! We can cost them millions by doing this, they'll close their doors within a week if we boycott them. Let Rubis owners know what pain is!
GrassRoot 9 years, 11 months ago
I think that may work. Then they are certainly running out of grease.Who owns Rubis exactly? French company? How about calling a journalist in Paris? sending him an email?
GrassRoot 9 years, 11 months ago
SP 9 years, 11 months ago
Half stepping won't help. We need to picket Parliament not Rubis!
ThisIsOurs 9 years, 10 months ago
Turn our backs on them wherever they show up
DonAnthony 9 years, 11 months ago
I agree with you completely. I for one will boycott Rubis until this entire matter is revealed to the public and necessary health and environmental changes made - which in the Bahamas means I will be boycotting them forever as there is zero chance that will happen. Good riddance we do not need corporate slim balls like them anyway.
DonAnthony 9 years, 11 months ago
How did Jerome Fitzgerald vote? I suspect he was absent to save himself the embarrassment, just as he has been absent in protecting the people of marathon. He is a disgrace and does not have a shred of integrity left as he chose his political career and self interest over the health and lives of his constituents.
GrassRoot 9 years, 11 months ago
Yes, dear Tribune, I would make a list and with a picture of each MP that voted no. print it. its not shaming it s all factual.
Publius 9 years, 11 months ago
He voted no
DonAnthony 9 years, 11 months ago
Thank you Tribune for publish the list, the press in this country has really been steeping up to the plate lately.
SP 9 years, 11 months ago
.................... Are Perry Christie, Hubert Ingraham & Crew Dem Next? .............................…
Popcorn and special brew waiting to be consumed when our crew of pirates time comes!
SP 9 years, 11 months ago
....................................... Free Hiding Lessons 101 For Pirates ..........................................…
TalRussell 9 years, 11 months ago
Sadly, My Dear Comrades if past examples of outrage among natives are any example, all the foreigner national oil company would have to do is to provide a couple cents cheaper gas at the service station pumps, and it will be the hell with the good health and safe environment of the natives. Comrades say hi to da worst enemy, cuz it is us natives. Throw in free jug milk and we will line up early morning forgive.
DonAnthony 9 years, 11 months ago
Tal my respect for you is growing everyday. Will you pledge to boycott Rubis?
TalRussell 9 years, 11 months ago
Comrade I do not believe in organized boycotts.
SP 9 years, 10 months ago
You sure have no problem with organized corruption!
thomas 9 years, 11 months ago
Does anyone know if Hopedale school is in the affected area?
The_Oracle 9 years, 11 months ago
More than likely Government is long overdue on fuel accounts with Rubis for Police, Hospital Authority, Govt vehicles, etc etc. Investigate Rubis, they most likely will cut the Government credit off and publish the overdue amounts. Government is notorious for not paying fuel bills. All aside any slush money in consideration of elections and party needs.
GrassRoot 9 years, 11 months ago
International Consortium of Investigative Journalists:… I just sent them a little report. Suggest you do the same. There is a whistleblower button on their website and you can send them an email. Rubis is a big company in France, I guess its time to tell them to either to shit or get off the pot.
B_I_D___ 9 years, 11 months ago
Just a question...I do not profess to know the answer, it may be totally irrelevant...Who does the government have the contract with for supplying fuel to B.E.C.? Remember...B.E.C. is in arrears with their fuel payments? Let's just hypothesize for a minute that Rubis/TExcao has that fuel contract...if the government released the report, the fuel to BEC could be halted...or conversely, they are allowed to run in arrears and not pay their fuel bill on time, as a favour for keeping the report quiet. Far fetched I know...and TOTALLY hypothetical, no evidence on any front that this is the case. Just a theory.
DonAnthony 9 years, 11 months ago
On the right path.... Just connect the dots.....Rollins seemed to suggest a certain petroleum company made significant campaign contributions to a certain party...... Also who owns this particular rubis station and why were they allowed to reopen without a certificate being issued by the relevant ministry?..... We answer these questions and we will know why this report was hid from the bahamian people and why the PLP is obstructing the truth.....
John 9 years, 11 months ago
KEEP THE LIST. Of all who voted "no" and those who didn't vote next to your voters card. Make sure they never see tha halls of parliament again as a member.
TalRussell 9 years, 11 months ago
Comrades how did Grand Bahama's MP Moss vote. Good for Major, he as speaker didn't have vote against he own PLP government, at least not, yet?
One can only hope there are some members PLP party shaking their heads wondering how in hell did the PLP party, got's themselves into this mess.
Publius 9 years, 11 months ago
Moss voted no
TalRussell 9 years, 11 months ago
Comrade why am I not surprised. PM Christie and Minister Fritzie have done what even Sir Stafford's UBP's wouldn't, start behaving as if they're a mini oil corporation, where people are expandable. This PLP cabinet, only wants citizens to know what they want you to know, But do as they may, the truth is there, come 2017, cuz all you have do is to ask the natives, how their health were possibly placed at risk by this PLP cabinet. Yet, all Minnis can call for, is for this PLP cabinet - to apologize? Apologize my as%#. Slogan 2017 General Elections; "Voters Become All PLP Cabinet - Unconfused."
watcher 9 years, 11 months ago
Someone has posted this article to reddit…
duppyVAT 9 years, 11 months ago
Why were fifteen MPs absent???????????????? That is more troubling ............ to duck and dodge so you can have an excuse next time is cowardly ............ Those 15 absentees should be made to account as well ......................... why pay them to run and hide from a serious issue???
TalRussell 9 years, 11 months ago
Comrade ever damn one 15 absent MP's should be slung the question by The Tribune to state their YES or NO position for the formation of a House of Assembly select committee to investigate the fuel leak? With 15 MP's away from House it would be like 40% of your company's workforce not showing up for work?
DonAnthony 9 years, 11 months ago
Where is Birdie? Absent as well, ducking like all the rest!
TalRussell 9 years, 11 months ago
Is Comrade MP "Pot cake" Leslie done backpedaling cuz he's now saying he didn't have no clue what he was voting "NO" on? I swear, I am not making this up. Begs honest question. who in hell else didn't know what they were voting on?
ted4bz 9 years, 11 months ago
Ted Forbes I have studied the entire report which is only 22 pages of text, the other pages are illustrations and charts. In summery, the reports, does not mention the residents to the east of RUBiS and does not make mention to the people of Marathon. The motive of the report to me seems to be about proving that the contamination affects does not affect the contenders specifically named in the report and disputes that properties, buildings and tenants/employees are in no danger of the spill. Thats it.
I have coped six images here are lifted from the report, I have overlaid PINK and BLUE circles over the images which show the scientific movement of both ground water and contamination movements. The PINK indicates the radial contaminated area spilling into residential and business areas around the service station. The BLUE represent the flow of underground water moving radial from the center of the island outward towards the shores.
I have included the text from the report along with my own comments. If you read the report you will see that all of what I have included in the images are there and contradicts the the diagrams in the report.
See the images below or click the link here…
ted4bz 9 years, 11 months ago…
birdiestrachan 9 years, 11 months ago
It is good that some one has read the report before making comments. It is my understanding that the report was made by an independent Company and not by the Government. But I do think the residents should have been informed.
asiseeit 9 years, 10 months ago
Crony alert! You are a PLP, not a Bahamian.
birdiestrachan 9 years, 10 months ago
Andre Rollins wants a select committee, what good will it accomplish at this stage?. Andre is a enemy of his own party, and he uses every opportunity to throw dirt at them. and many on this site rejoice in his displays, but every soon his usefulness to the enemies of the PLP will be no more. How many years were these leaks occurring,? Cable Bahamas seemed to be aware of the leaks.
Well_mudda_take_sic 9 years, 10 months ago
Normally I simply ignore any and everything you post. But what a pathetic uncaring wretched and demented soul you must be.....putting your petty partisan party politics ahead of the health and well-being of hundreds of Bahamians who have been horribly exposed to some of the most proven toxic cancer causing agents on this planet! You're clearly in desperate need of a better life, but I suspect you are very much incapable of finding one.
ted4bz 9 years, 10 months ago
Mr Rollins have no friends on his side and he presented no facts nor evidence everything was assumption, speculation and accusations. If you are going to present nothing then at least have friends behind you, that's the way it works. Otherwise Mr Rollins should have done some background search and scientific research and the public and the media would have done the rest. Only after that should he call for what he was after. He presented nothing much so he got nothing much. Boy-O-boy we can use some changes around here?
ted4bz 9 years, 10 months ago
Let me be fair and say this much on his behalf for his hard efforts. If Mr Rollins efforts was to show up the bad guys, well he did that! But its going to take more than that. If he have other motives knowing that he did not have a chance and suspected that he would get the result that he did, then its smart. But I stick to what I said before, ask questions first then shoot and not the other way around.
Reality_Check 9 years, 10 months ago
For decades to come, hundreds and hundreds of residents of Marathon Estates who have been wrongfully exposed to the proven toxic cancer causing agents found in gasoline will experience a significantly increased incidence of fatal cancers of one kind or another within their families. The resulting death toll should properly be laid at the door steps of our PM and the Attorney-General he appointed, namely Allyson Maynard-Gibson.
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