Miller: BEC doing good job this summer

Leslie Miller

Leslie Miller


Tribune Staff Reporter


BAHAMAS Electricity Corporation (BEC) Chairman Leslie Miller believes the corporation is doing a good job supplying electricity to Bahamians this summer, despite complaints from residents about power outages.

The Christie Administration is now in the process of nailing down a deal to bring the corporation under the management of an American company, PowerSecure, which is pledging to immediately reduce electricity prices by 40 percent compared to what it was in May 2012.

Following the notorious frequency of outages that occurred last summer, Mr Miller said such problems aren't happening this year.

"So far I'm very happy with the service we've offered to the Bahamian people," he said. "There haven't been many outages except on Harbor Island which has been a total disaster. We just put a new engine down there. In Nassau, there have been problems at the Blue Hill plant but Clifton is still holding up. Most engines at Clifton are running and at Blue Hill, all are currently working properly."

He said the rental generators the government purchased months ago to offer additional power have been beneficial.

However, he could not predict with certainty that Bahamians won't face power woes through the remainder of this summer.

"It depends on the machines," he said. "We need a new 120 mega-watt plant at Clifton."

And after criticising BEC's maintenance crew at times in the past for allegedly being negligent in the performance of their duties, Mr Miller said employees have been performing better recently.

"They're doing a fairly decent job but they could do much better," he said.

The chairman who has sought to bring attention to the abuses of benefits he believes takes place at the corporation also said overtime payments at BEC remain too high and are a particular problem during the summer. "Overtime still killing us," he said. "There's been a spike during the summer when these fellas seek to benefit and gotta buy their girlfriend gifts and stuff for Christmas. I'm hoping that power secure will bring an American style of management where you get pay for what you do and not what you pretend to do. We could've done it but it might take a foreign crew to accomplish it.”

Nonetheless, despite telling The Tribune last weekend that he expects this week to be his final week with the corporation as it transitions to new management, he told The Tribune on Friday that he has had a change of mind.

"I'm still making decisions," he said. "I'm still executive chairman. The government is looking at a lot of people to put on the new board but they haven't made a definitive decision yet."

Mr Miller said he won't miss leaving BEC, though he would like to return sooner than later.

"I been here for three years and I've been on the board a couple times in my life," he said. "I wouldn't mind returning one day, hopefully sooner than later because we have more work to do. When it's time for a real public-private partnership, that's when I would wish to return to BEC so we could get it right once and for all on behalf of Bahamian people."


watcher 9 years, 7 months ago

Quote "There haven't been many outages except on Harbor Island which has been a total disaster."

Speaking out of both sides of his mouth again? Mr Miller must have been listening too much to how Vomit makes his public utterances. Would the government and its leaders PLEASE be more careful what they say when in public, because it will not be too long until nobody believes anything they say, which will be a real pity

MonkeeDoo 9 years, 7 months ago

If everybody and every institution with a BEC meter, would just pay what they owe then the rest of us wouldn't have to carry the burden. How does anyone in Government have the right to waive charges to anyone. BOB, BEC, RPT, instead of the AG filing criminal charges against Izmirlian she needs to file charges against her Cabinet Members and anyone who is allowing slack management of government revenue. A lot of people should be in jail, instead of the House of Assembly.

ThisIsOurs 9 years, 7 months ago

Is he for real? The electricity goes out almost everyday. Are we on the verge of a meltdown? Like the tremors before the big event? Not one mention of subsidizing solar power for residents

becks 9 years, 7 months ago

Hey...its good...just think how bad it would be if Baha Mar was open and in full operation!!!!!😳

OMG 9 years, 7 months ago

Unbelievable statement. Mediocrity is the name of the game. On Eleuthera power outages are infrequent but still happen, The water board seems incapable of providing a regular water supply and now it seems that we have to bring in an American company to sort things out in Nassau. Whatever happened to being able to run our own country after so many years of independence ? If , and its a big "if "that this new management team can reduce power costs by 40% why can't Mr Miller and his team do the same thing. And while we are at it please bring in a capable manager of W & S in Central Eleuthera who might have some idea of preventative maintenance and forward thinking.

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