Mitchell’s office accuses Dr Rollins of ‘betrayal’

Andre Rollins

Andre Rollins


Tribune Chief Reporter


FOX Hill MP Fred Mitchell’s constituency office yesterday accused Fort Charlotte MP Dr Andre Rollins of “betrayal of the worst kind” for his “defamatory” characterisation of their representative as an “enemy of the state.”

In a statement released last night, constituency office administrator Altamese Isaacs said Dr Rollins’ statement was an ill-advised and inaccurate attempt to remain relevant after the “crashing and burning” of his political career. She added that she hoped the appropriate legal action was taken.

The constituency office’s statement was released after consultation with Mr Mitchell, who was said to be off the island, the statement said.

The statement claimed that Dr Rollins and Mr Mitchell once had a relationship of mentor and protégé. The statement also said Mr Mitchell, minister of foreign affairs and immigration, actively recruited the Ft Charlotte MP into the Progressive Liberal Party.

“We stood silent as he betrayed the principles of the Progressive Liberal Party which gave him a free ticket into a PLP seat, launched his career, and mishandled his appointment as chairman of the Gaming Board,” the statement read.

“Within the PLP he had become a poster child for emotional outbursts and not thinking through the many statements that he made.

“We witnessed the complaints from constituents that he had largely abandoned them and continues not to pay attention to his constituency.

“All of that is perhaps passable, but what is not acceptable is the great ethical and moral failing of stabbing Fred Mitchell in the back with this latest statement.”

Dr Rollins resigned from the PLP in June amid disagreements with the governing party’s performance since the 2012 election.

Ms Isaacs explained that Mr Mitchell, in addition to recruiting Dr Rollins into the PLP, also “shepherded” his career both personally and public since his childhood.

She added that Mr Mitchell also protected Dr Rollins from party criticisms when he made “errors of judgment.”

“It is a fundamental tenet of politics that when someone is your protector and ally that you don’t stab that person in the back,” the statement read.

“Cecil Wallace Whitfield used to say he would only attack someone who attacked him.

“The great failing of Andre Rollins in all of this then is his failure to appreciate the fundamental lessons of loyalty, faithfulness and trust. Ingratitude is stronger than a traitor’s arms. Mark Anthony when describing the cowardly murder of Julius Caesar described the last stab by Caesar’s friend Brutus as the ‘unkindest cut of all’.”

“Mr Rollins must be a very unhappy young man. We truly pity him.”


Islandgirl 9 years, 7 months ago

“Within the PLP he had become a poster child for emotional outbursts and not thinking through the many statements that he made." Is this woman serious? This whole damn dysfunctional organization is known for this. You all are a disgrace on a world stage, but your ego is so huge and you are so drunk with the perception of absolute power that you cannot get out of your own way. Betrayal? Thank God WE, the people, the few remaining productive people in this country, have a voice such as his that speaks up! Legal action? Have you never heard the way you all carry on, particularly when slandering innocent people from the protected halls of Parliament? Please, please. Sit small, and stop trying to impress the sheeple who suck up and embrace any piece of sewerage you all put out there in the public domain. For your further information, there are more than just Dr. Rollins who are unhappy about how the PLP has run this country deep into the ground. The only ones to be pitied are those of us who have to suffer under this beyond awful administration as a result of the misplacement of Xs at the polls. Betrayal? That's an apt description of what this government has done to the Bahamian people. How you can even put pen to paper to come up with this, and take a stance of a wronged party is laughable, and were the situation in which we now find ourselves not so scary we would sit speechless. I encourage every thinking, productive person who wants better for our country to actively campaign and to vote for the ousting of each and every one of these incompetent bastards from power. Once that is done, a whole lot of genuine and legitimate legal processes need to take place and appropriate punishment enforce to have them make proper atonement. Unbelievable.

Emac 9 years, 7 months ago

So we now live in a country where these old stuck in the past politicians and PLP minions become deeply offended and lash out against any opponent that speaks out against any member of the PLP, even when the members of this government are guilty of the most reprehensible actions that are ruining this country on the world stage. I am flabbergasted at how much we have regressed since 1992, when the FNM party won their first election. Bahamians had better take a long hard look down the road and do the right thing in 2017. We need to rid the Bahamas of this bunch forever, if not for ourselves, at least for future generations, who will surely feel the full brunt of all of the ills that this government is doing today.

Wideawake 9 years, 7 months ago

Mr. Mitchell needs to REALLY listen to, and UNDERSTAND the words of "Redemption Song". This poetic ballad was written at the end of Bob Marley's career in 1980 and quickly became the inspiration for oppressed people all over the World.

Although Marley previously sang about the struggle of black men and women against the racial prejudice that was rampant in the 60's and 70's, "Redemption Song" represents a change in style and content from his previous recordings. Written shortly before his death, this song challenges persons who are struggling against oppression, to "Emancipate yourself from mental slavery, none but ourself can free our minds".

Instead of railing against the forces of "Babylon" and seeing the struggle of oppressed people as an EXTERNAL struggle against evil forces, he realized, at the end of his life, that "By the hand of the Almighty, we forward in this generation".

In other words, by 1980, he saw that, because of God's power, great changes were taking place in the world and that the most important battle was now an internal one, because although the struggle in the outside world was succeeding, there still remained an internal battle to free ones mind from self doubt and the inferiority complex that racism had created.

Mr. Mitchell should free himself from mental slavery! He lives in The Bahamas in 2015! We have majority rule! There are no longer oppressive white people trying to enslave black Bahamians! Babylon was overthrown a long time ago by the hand of The Almighty ! If you must sing, "sing a song of Freedom", "Redemption songs!"...but also, you must free your mind and thereby let go of your racist baggage!

One last thought: if your racist comments are not truly how you think, but instead are calculated to inflame Bahamian voters, you should be DEEPLY ASHAMED of yourself! As a leader in this country, your role should be to lift up and enlighten those Bahamians less educated and less aware than you, not to prey on their racial insecurity for the sole purpose of winning votes!

ohdrap4 9 years, 7 months ago

the rollins article only drew 12 comments on the tribune, ie no one noticed. they should have waited for it to go viral before issuing the statement.

CommonSense 9 years, 7 months ago

The lack of comments doesn't mean that no one read it.

christee 9 years, 7 months ago

Islandgirl, I could not have said It any better myself. This guy's ego is too big for himself. They retaliate against anyone who dare criticize them. This government has done little to better the lives of ordinary Bahamians, but everything to enrich themselves while running the country into the ground. I am surprised that the "mouthpiece", Brad has not attacked Rollins yet.

Chucky 9 years, 7 months ago

I'm gonna go out on a limb and suggest we as a nation must be on the verge of financial ruin, bankruptcy or something; what else could drive such nonsensical attacks against and investor?

We must need this online now, and without it we can't make our debt payments? Why else would they attack an investor, as if we drive one investor of this caliber away, we will never get another one.

One thing our political fools are not considering is how well the worlds elite stick together. Izmerilain can lead a charge to crush our nation if we're not careful!

I'm not even gonna mention or suggest what it's possible for him to do or have done to the leaders themselves..............I'm sure many people are worrying about this!

TalRussell 9 years, 7 months ago

Comrade Dr. Andre, would fit right in at the helm of the red shirts leadership, cuz all it takes is the leadership attention span of a goldfish. Like with all the others, by next edition the Tribune, Dr. Andre will undoubtedly become bored and start messing heads others.

TalRussell 9 years, 7 months ago

Comrade, like you would care to be reminded that Dr. Andre seems care a whole lot more after his horse was run out the PLP's barn. Ask Loretta if she is willing welcome him under the big red tent? .

TruePeople 9 years, 7 months ago

Bey Tal drink PLP coocoo soup bey, Don't watch nuttin

Well_mudda_take_sic 9 years, 7 months ago

Freddy Boy is incapable of mentoring anyone about anything! And all decent Bahamians already know that corrupt thieves of the kind found in the Christie-led PLP government demand much loyalty, faithfulness and trust among themselves in an effort to keep sunshine from pouring in all over their darkest of secrets involving kickbacks, bribes and quid pro quos packaged in many different forms.

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