Rollins: I was lured into trap over Minnis

Andre Rollins

Andre Rollins


Tribune Chief Reporter


INSISTING that the conflict of interest claims against Free National Movement Leader Dr Hubert Minnis were a distraction from government controversy, Fort Charlotte MP Dr Andre Rollins yesterday said he was lured into a political trap when he first accused Dr Minnis of benefitting from a government contract while he was a Cabinet minister.

Dr Rollins said he regrets making the claim against Dr Minnis during a row in the House of Assembly two years ago, and in hindsight would not have rushed to make the assertion that would later prove to be an embarrassment to himself.

However, he urged the Killarney MP to directly address the renewed claims or face the deterioration of his party’s campaign against the alleged conflict of interest concerning Attorney General Allyson Maynard-Gibson and Baha Mar.

“That was a very valuable lesson that I learned,” he said as a guest on 96.9 FM radio show Let’s Talk Live. “I was played. I was called very hurriedly into a meeting and told that they had some very juicy information on Dr Minnis and they would like me to bring it to the public’s attention in the House of Assembly.

“I allowed myself to be drawn into a trap and so if I had to do it all over again I would have understood that in this business of politics, you have to at times look at things from a 360 (degree) perspective and not be naive in thinking that people have your best interest at heart.”

In 2013, Dr Rollins accused Dr Minnis of benefitting from a lease agreement – valued at $15,000 a month – with the Public Hospitals Authority (PHA) while he was minister of health under the former Ingraham administration.

Dr Rollins, who was a member of the governing PLP at the time, went on to say that the Killarney MP knew it was wrong, and that Dr Minnis was advised by then-Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham to either end the contract or resign as health minister. He alleged at the time that Dr Minnis “sought to cover it up”.

Yesterday, Dr Rollins – who resigned from the PLP in June amid disagreements with the governing party’s performance since the 2012 election – explained that he was given stamped legal documents that led him to believe the claims were legitimate.

At that time, Dr Minnis explained that he had shares in a company called Leechez Investments Company Ltd, which was awarded a rental contract with the PHA in 2005 before he entered politics. Dr Minnis maintained that he made the requisite declaration when he was elected to government in 2007.

Yesterday, Dr Rollins said: “If I had to do it all over again, I would have realised that the same legal office that obtained the information, that is associated with a leading politician, if it were really legitimate and something they could bring to the public’s attention and gain the political traction from it that they suggested could be gained from it, then the question I should have asked is: Why didn’t they wish to be the ones responsible for bringing it to the attention of the public through the House of Assembly?”

“It was a mistake that I made,” he added. “I regretted it because at the end of that, if you would go back to that time it was something that ended up being a somewhat of an embarrassment to me in terms of adding to this perception that I was too immature in my behaviour as a member of the House of Assembly.”

The accusations against Dr Minnis resurfaced last week amid his calls for Attorney General Allyson Maynard-Gibson to resign due to her alleged conflict of interest with Baha Mar. Mrs Maynard-Gibson revealed two weeks ago that her two daughters had leases to operate stores in Baha Mar. Last Monday she admitted that her husband Maxwell Gibson owns the retail jewellery store chain that has been granted those storefront leases. She has twice led a government delegation to China to mediate talks with Baha Mar and its Chinese stakeholders to get the stalled resort back on track.

PLP Chairman Bradley Roberts fired back, questioning whether Dr Minnis benefited financially from the PHA entering into a lease agreement involving the use of the Stat Care building – in which Dr Minnis had invested.

Dr Minnis has maintained that there was no conflict of interest during his tenure as health minister, adding that Mr Roberts’ claims were an attempt to deflect from the present issue and malign his character.

However, reports in The Nassau Guardian this week indicated that the PHA continued to make monthly rental payments to Leechez Investments in 2007 and 2011 - while Dr Minnis was a Cabinet minister.

That newspaper also revealed that Dr Minnis was named as the president of Leechez in the two-year lease signed with the PHA in 2005.

Yesterday, Dr Rollins agreed that it was critical for Dr Minnis to answer this latest round of accusations despite his belief that it was an attempt to divert attention from the present administration’s “obvious” conflict of interest.

“It’s what you would expect the government to do,” he said, “all they’re trying to communicate to the public is that Peter is no better than Paul. So it’s incumbent on Dr Minnis to speak directly to this matter to clear the air, because if it’s a situation worthy of critique it’s going to depend on his response to it.”

Dr Rollins said: “If he [Dr Minnis] has an acceptable response that would nullify any charge of conflict of interest then I think it puts him as the leader taking the FNM into the next election on stronger footing.”


BDN 9 years, 7 months ago

Just glad everything is coming out.

CommonSense 9 years, 7 months ago

Rollins is proving to be a very transparent politician. This country could do with more transparency.

Wideawake 9 years, 7 months ago

It is time we had more "straight talking, tell it as it is" Members of the House of Assembly. Mr. Rollins is definitely one of these, and is playing an indispensable role in Bahamian politics....Out with the Old...in with the New!!

Sickened 9 years, 7 months ago

Brave sets up the PM all the time as well.

Economist 9 years, 7 months ago

Doesn't Dr. Perry Gomez also have a lease?

Wideawake 9 years, 7 months ago

If Minnis has a problem, let's hear about it....NOW!!!!....... He must lay ALL of his cards on the table, reveal ALL of his business dealings since entering politics. Let's hear ALL about it, with ALL of the input that Mr. Roberts, and anyone else in the PLP can contribute!!!!! He must address every hint, every whisper, every murmur of anything suspicious, anything questionable, and anything that he knows is evidence of conflict of interest! Including the rumors of funds that, "went missing" from the Hospital while he was Minister of Health.

Otherwise the hints and whispers will continue, right up to the election, which might be sooner than we think!

The ONLY way that the FNM can win with Minnis as leader, is if the ENTIRE slate of candidates of the FNM is absolutely ABOVE REPROACH REGARDING HONESTY AND INTEGRITY!!

What we voters want, and what our country needs, is a corruption-free alternative to the cronyism/conflict of interest/corruption riddled PLP. If Minnis cannot pass " the smell test" we need to know NOW!!

The ONLY chance the FNM has to win the next election is to be seen as being COMPLETELY AND UTTERLY SQUEAKY CLEAN!!

It is widely accepted that Dr. Minnis' personality is lacking in the charisma needed to created enthusiasm amongst voters. His only hope is to be seen as having "safe hands" as far as the future of The Bahamas is concerned.

Bahamian voters have lost their trust of Bahamian politicians, and might well vote for a party with a CONCH as it's leader, provided they knew that they could absolutely trust the CONCH!!

lucaya 9 years, 7 months ago

So true,I'm so anxious for put my X for good governance,setting this Country slogan back "It's Better in The Bahamas"

jackbnimble 9 years, 7 months ago

Boy dat ga be a hard one: Getting a WHOLE slate of candidates that are SQUEAKY CLEAN. Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol

At the rate this bunch going I will take a "dead" personality Minnis any day over voting this crew back in.

Stapedius 9 years, 7 months ago

Andre talking rubbish about being tricked. Big man like you with advanced degrees and title talking about he get swing. I don't think he got swing, he just plain and simple stupid. He doesn't have to even comment on this. Just lay low and do your thing. Minnis is a big boy and I'm sure he can take care of himself.

ED 9 years, 7 months ago

I agree with Wideawake, let all of the secrets come out now. I don't care who you are, if you want my vote I will demand that you are not just another crooked politician. I know we have some good in both the PLP and FNM, I want you to look me in the eye and answer my questions. Do you have the best interest of our country in mind when choosing to run for government? When you come around I will ask you if you have done your public disclosures, timeframe within which your party will enact a workable FOIA and much more. I will let you know straight out that I will not put with your foolishness, I will hold you feet to fire, I will hold you accountable. I am tired of these crooked politicians pretending they don't know their duties, turning a blind eye to corruption because they're benefiting. Tired of it!

asiseeit 9 years, 7 months ago

We need to know ALL sitting M.P's business with government. Who is renting their buildings to government, there are plenty of them. If the building is in their Ma's name it needs to come out. These government people have been on the gravy train for too long while the regular Bahamian catching a cut hip. They ALL have deals and property's that they rent to government. This is one of the reasons they do not want a FOIA, all this dirt will be exposed. If the Bahamian people knew how tangled up and corrupt these political types are there would be hell to pay and they know it. Mr. Roberts with his stink mouth is front and center so cheaper he shut up before he sinks his own ship.

The_Oracle 9 years, 7 months ago

He may have learned a valuable lesson, but they now own him! He has allowed his Ego to sell his integrity down river. He could come back, but not as a part of the machine which is the problem.

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