Tribune Staff Reporter
BAHAMAS Bar Association President Elsworth Johnson yesterday blasted recent calls from prominent attorney Wayne Munroe to flog illegal immigrants, saying the “despicable” comments are “diametrically opposed to the preservation of human dignity”.
Mr Johnson said Mr Munroe’s statements show a lack of regard for “the views or ideas expressed in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights”.
He added that as a senior member of the Bahamas Bar and an officer of the court, Mr Munroe should refrain from making statements that run contrary to the country’s international “obligation to protect the rights of people.”
However, Mr Johnson told The Tribune that he does agree with what he believes was the basis of Mr Munroe’s statements, which Mr Johnson said is stricter enforcement of the country’s immigration laws. On Sunday, Mr Munroe, QC, told The Tribune that officials in this country should begin caning minors and flogging those over 18 who are caught entering the country illegally.
Mr Munroe told The Tribune that while “flogging” people may appear to be brutal, it would effectively serve as both a physical and psychological barrier for people seeking to continuously enter the country illegally.
Mr Munroe, on Facebook, also said he believes that the “price is too low” for immigration offences in the Bahamas and suggested that if illegal immigrants – particularly Haitians – believed “we tortured and killed them, they might not come.”
“I am diametrically opposed to the suggestion made by Mr Munroe,” Mr Johnson told The Tribune yesterday. “I am of the view that it’s contrary to the views or ideas expressed in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, in the United Nations Declaration of the Rights of the Child, and all of the international human rights conventions, especially the Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination Against Women.
“And so I know that our Constitution does not support flogging of people when they’re leaving the country. Our Immigration Act is explicit and fully expresses what is to be done to individuals who enter the country illegally, and to my mind it is in conformity with our Constitution and all of those fundamental rights provisions. More importantly, lawyers are officers of the court, and I want to highlight that because the court is responsible for protecting the rights of persons regardless of origin, language, sex, and we are very much a part of that.
“So I don’t know what was labouring on his mind, but that is not something that the Bar supports.”
However, despite his opposition to Mr Munroe’s views, Mr Johnson said he does agree with the former’s call for a stricter enforcement of the country’s immigration laws.
“I know that the time has come in this country to have an honest discussion in terms of the movement of people, the effects that it’s having on the country and the role of persons when they come into the country and their obligations to this country,” he said.
“But I don’t know that in 2015, it is right for one to suggest that when persons are leaving that you (cane) the ones under 18 and you flog the ones over 18 and perhaps people would know this is not the place to come.
“…The Bahamas has a right to protect its borders, but you do that with an understanding that we have an obligation to protect the rights of people. Because in the group that comes are trafficked people, women, children and men. In the group that comes, much like Bahamians they are looking for a better way of life. How do we humanely address that issue?”
On Monday, Free National Movement Chairman Michael Pintard said Mr Munroe’s comments could encourage Bahamians to commit violent acts against immigrants, especially Haitians.
Mr Pintard also questioned whether Mr Munroe’s views are a reflection of positions being debated internally by the governing PLP since the party has remained silent on Mr Munroe’s remarks.
Honestman 9 years, 3 months ago
Wayne Munroe is a Queen's Councilor!! I wonder what her Majesty would think of his recent utterances? The title Q.C. has clearly been devalued in The Bahamas. Too many given out as political favours.
milesair 9 years, 3 months ago
He should move to the U.S. and become a member of the GOP (Republican party) He'd fit right in especially with the Trump crazies!
Chucky 9 years, 3 months ago
Not only are his comments disgraceful and against human rights; our system of keeping people locked up in a cage to urinate, defalcate and menstruate on the floor which they are also forced to sit, sleep and eat is shameful and another great violation of human rights. Every Bahamian can rest assured they can have no legitimate pride as long as this carries on this county. I would argue than anyone who can stand by, while knowing people are treated like this and do nothing about it, is nothing but a savage.
Baha10 9 years, 3 months ago
Serious consideration, if there exists such a thing in this Country, should be given to having his QC Appointment revoked, as he has embarrassed himself, his Party, his Country, The Commonwealth and in turn, The Queen from whom such Appointment originates by insulting such a privileged anointment through exhibiting pure gangster ignorance, which many have known of all a long, hence surprise at Appointment in the first place, but alas it is The Bahamas. In any event, may well be the first time revocation has ever occurred, but until such actions are taken against people who clearly have no self respect, much less for Others and Country, how on Earth can we expect to make our little Country better?!?
birdiestrachan 9 years, 3 months ago
Flogging is not the answer, But something has to be done to stop the flow of illegal immigrants from coming to the Bahamas when ever they wish, At least Mr: Johnson agrees with that, does he have any suggestions? and what about Pintard Mr; Motor mouth? The illegals and those who encourage them have no respect for the laws of the Bahamas.
Baha10 9 years, 3 months ago
SP 9 years, 3 months ago
Queen's Councilor, jesuit priest or supreme cannibal overlord, Mr. Monroe has a point!
Its all well and good for individuals to sit on their moral high horses singing kumbaya in defense of illegal Haitian migrants destroying our country and people, but unless someone has a more effective suggestion on how to stop the Haitian invasion STFU!
Unquestionably Mr. Munroe's suggestion is barbaric and draconian, however no one can deny it would be effective in IMMEDIATELY STOPPING these useless parasitic people from breaking our laws and halt the degradation of our country and people when we could least afford it!
Successive governments have failed miserably and are even coconspirators in this regard. Drastic measures must be implemented to reverse the overwhelming trend of illegal Haitians invading our country without fear of consequences!
Put up equally effective alternative solutions or shut the hell up!
GrassRoot 9 years, 3 months ago
it would not be effective and you know it. so stop wasting the space. How about flogging the Bahamian home owners that hire the illegal's to cut the lawn and trim the trees? See what Germany is doing, look at what Spain is doing: they let people in (Germany refugees, Spain gives away passport to South Americans) to fix their economies and social security systems/pensions. So here is the answer: get this lazy ass government to finally do something to kick start the economy.
Baha10 9 years, 3 months ago
Everything bad that is "foreign" (drugs, poachers, illegal immigrants) comes from the South, so relocate the Defence Force and all its equipment to Inagua, along with a Supreme Court and a Detention Centre/Jail, which will in turn bolster the limited economy currently reliant on the salt industry on this otherwise desolate Island.
Cobalt 9 years, 3 months ago
The Bahamas government can't even extinguish a dump fire; let alone relocate a national security office.
asiseeit 9 years, 3 months ago
The Bahamas could stop illegal immigration in a heart beat IF there was the political will. The sad thing is there are Bahamians that make money off of the illegal immigrants and they are connected to politicians, in immigration, and the defence force, so the political will is not forthcoming. If it was all they would need are two or three drones to scour the sea between Inauga and Haiti, along with Defence Force boats stationed in Inauga, and San Salvadore, spot the boats, intercept the boats to the south and send them right back at once. It is not rocket science but it also is not in certain Bahamians monetary interest to do. The Bahamas is being destroyed from within, we are our own worst enemy!
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