Tribune Staff Reporter
THE Free National Movement has called on Prime Minister Perry Christie to “submit to the will of the people” and call an early election, insisting that the “ineffective and visionless” leadership of the government has led to the deterioration of the Bahamian society.
According to a statement released by the party on Tuesday, the country is “rapidly descending into hopelessness and despair” as a result of the lackluster decisions made by Mr Christie and members of his Cabinet.
The FNM noted that scores of Bahamians are either unemployed, living in fear of violent crimes or suffering from the imposition of VAT - all while nation’s leader floats around with no sense of direction or purpose.
“Evidently, Prime Minister Christie is asleep at the wheel and does not possess the wherewithal or the ability to shepherd us through these difficult times,” the FNM’s statement read.
The party said the resignations of Elizabeth MP Ryan Pinder and Central and South Eleuthera MP Damien Gomez from Cabinet, combined with the departures of Marco City MP Greg Moss, Bamboo Town MP Renward Wells and Fort Charlotte MP Andre Rollins from the party, is evidence that Mr Christie’s weak and unproductive leadership is not the right fit for the Bahamas.
The statement highlighted the fact that all five men were touted during the 2012 general election campaign by Mr Christie as his party’s “new generation of leaders.”
The FNM mocked the fact that three years since the election, some of the “next generation leaders” have lost complete faith in Mr Christie as the bridge to their political futures. The statement added that both Mr Gomez and Mr Pinder were fully aware of Cabinet and parliamentary salaries prior to seeking political office.
It was revealed this week that Mr Gomez has resigned from his post as minister of state for legal affairs for financial reasons, but remains a member of the Progressive Liberal Party.
Last December, Mr Pinder resigned as minister of financial services to take up a lucrative job offer at Deltec Bank & Trust.
The FNM suggested that unless the men manage their personal finances similar to the manner in which Mr Christie runs the Ministry of Finance, the country should not accept claims that they left due to financial considerations.
The party also said it is the best alternative to the PLP.
“Dr Hubert Minnis (FNM leader) is a man committed to serving our party and country for the long-term benefit to present and future generations of Bahamians. To this end, Dr Minnis has assembled an impressive and competent cadre of outstanding men and women to become the next government of the Bahamas. This team comprises a perfect balance of vibrant, young intellectuals and seasoned veteran professionals.
“This team will deliver us from (Perry Christie) and usher us into that new and better Bahamas as candidates armed to take the Bahamas out of this Christie mess,” the statement added.
When asked on Monday if the public should be concerned about the status of the government due to Mr Gomez’s resignation, Mr Christie said: “Do I look unhappy?”
“Do they look unhappy,” he asked, referring to the Cabinet ministers flanking him, during a press conference at the Office of the Prime Minister.
cmiller 9 years, 2 months ago
Political parties need to stop making these types of statements. If they win the next election, I can't see anything in this country changing, and somebody will have to come along and make this same statement about them.
Remember the billboards, remember the first 100 days ( hit the ground running) manifesto, remember the mortgage promise, remember the solve crime promise?
Just make honest statements to us and stop the hype!!! We are not convinced by ANY of you politicians anymore.
ThomasLewis 9 years, 2 months ago
CMiller... You are so right about your statements.
The state this country is in I have a feeling that no successive government will be able to turn it around within short order.
Only the Almighty could make that radical change.
birdiestrachan 9 years, 2 months ago
Politics cheap talk and lies. that is what the FNM statement is all about. They should note what conditions they left the Country in, and now they would wish for people to believe they will save the Bahamas,
B_I_D___ 9 years, 2 months ago
...and the PLP are improving things and keeping up with what they promised Birdie? We've gone from bad to worse thanks to your team in yellow...
asiseeit 9 years, 2 months ago
Birdie, myself and many that I know where much better off and had more 4 years ago than what I have today. This country is going backwards.
newcitizen 9 years, 2 months ago
Trolling trolling trolling, Birdie keeps on trolling. It's just better to scroll right past her posts. They add nothing to the conversation.
sheeprunner12 9 years, 2 months ago
Wont happen ............................. PLP have to pillage the cookie jar first ........... just look at the Bills that they are pushing in Parliament
Franklyn 9 years, 2 months ago
like everything else, collectively FNMs have to rise to the occasion ...and the occasion is now! But without leadership, determination and strength - the effort is futile. Leaders must call rallies organize week long demonstrations and demand change - now!………
Emac 9 years, 2 months ago
I agree with you 100% Time to stop talking and take action! Everyone knows that talk is cheap!
TruePeople 9 years, 2 months ago
another good post Franklyn
Honestman 9 years, 2 months ago
The PLP will mismanage the country until the last hour of the last day of their five year term. They will peck the remaining flesh off of the rotting carcass that is The Bahamas. This is what you get when you vote for vultures.
newcitizen 9 years, 2 months ago
Thieves, all of them. They are a disgrace to their own people.
TalRussell 9 years, 2 months ago…
sansoucireader 9 years, 2 months ago
GET REGISTERED TO VOTE! Get your name on the list and encourage everyone you know of voting age to do so as well. Daughters and I registered the first week, don't believe in hanging around.
TalRussell 9 years, 2 months ago
Comrade just maybe since the colonial hold-over voting system does not allow it - the best vote to play your anger forward with the two chief political parties, would be to register a protest vote, by using a new citizens protest voting system?
Of course you should do your citizen's duty by registering to vote but then write letter Registrar Elections - demanding your name be removed from the official voters registry.. Of course you would c.c. immediately mail/email copies your protest letter to both political parties.
Believe me they will soon start pay attention anger thousands.
SP 9 years, 2 months ago
................................ People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones .......................
The same crew of spineless FNM's couldn't find the balls to call for early elections when Ingraham as PM had obviously totally lost touch with reality.
STFU FNM! You had no voice then and have no voice now!
sheeprunner12 9 years, 2 months ago
Nassau peeps are a bunch of spineless losers .............. if they were that frustrated with the PLP they would have closed down Nassau for a couple weeks like back in the 1950s ...... this takes a popular uprising now .......... the corrupt political system has to be overthrown
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