THE BIG QUESTION: What would you do as Prime Minister for a day?

Prime Minister Perry Christie

Prime Minister Perry Christie

With so many political issues making the headlines at the moment, including the fight against crime, National Health Insurance and the on-going Baha Mar debacle, The Tribune is asking readers this question:

If you were Prime Minister for a day, what would you do?

Post your answers in the comments section below . . .


sunnyday 9 years ago

I would take my one day vacation with pay

ThisIsOurs 9 years ago

If they didn't accept my resignation? Well, then I'd stop every non essential project, take the funds and build two new prisons. Because when the new crime strategy, that I reported to the nation in the first hour, starts to show success, I'm going to have to be prepared to handle the rewards, i.e. Increase in prisoners. Yep two new prisons to be completed by the end of 2016, one for hardened criminals and the other for white collar offenders. A longterm CCTV implementation plan, because just installing cameras is not enough, you need parts, maintenance, training, replacement cameras, a deployment strategy, what areas what order, you need a test period post implementation on each mini deployment to ensure everything is working as expected before moving to the next location. I'd order ministry of works to take down every sign on every main thoroughfare and roundabout in the country. I'd have steak and a salas for lunch, with avocado. After lunch I'd order every school to report anyone who was unable to read or perform basic math skills. These persons would immediately be transferred to a bardic skills immersion programme. With 2 minutes left in the day I'd fire the entire cabinet, then resign

ThisIsOurs 9 years ago

Actually, Id fire everyone except, Obie Wilchombe, Danny Johnson and Micael Halkitas. I'd restrategize BAMSI, have a meeting with the local farmers to come up with a sustainable plan to feed our nation. I'd bulldoze potters cay. Education, how to fix that? Well we know kids that succeed have someone checking on their schoolwork, so I'd start a national homework program in every at risk community. A ratio of no more than 4 students to assistant. These would be paid positions. Persons who are failing would be in homework assistance all day targeting core courses including math, English, literature, history, geography and physics. I'd also look at the cost of a clothing manufacturing plant.

Crime, education, healthcare. There's so much to be done, I'd have to take at least a year to plan my One Day to ensure I did the most important things first and that the strategy I decided to use had the greatest impact.

Honestman 9 years ago

I would arrange a live National TV broadcast where I would apologise to the Nation for my incompetence in office, for my duplicity in the BahaMar scandal, for the lies I allowed to be spun in order to fool the electorate into voting for the PLP for another 5 year term. I would then look out my samurai sword and fall on it.

stislez 9 years ago

Because Rome wasn't build in a day, the first thing i would do is write a brand new constitution of the Bahamas. One that didn't reflect our slave masters interests or religion.

Emac 9 years ago

StrongSince the three major concerns facing our country today are education, crime and immigration, I would do the following If I were prime minister for a day:


  1. Immediately draft a new educational program designed to meet today's students needs
  2. Raise teachers salaries and seek some of the best educators from around the world to come and assist in our teaching programs
  3. Create a special afterschool program to offer free courses in software/game design, website building and computer technology.


  • Immediately review all members of all law enforcement agencies, weed out the corrupt ones, reward the good ones with a raise in salary.
  • Send out a mandate for all law enforcement officers to ENFORCE ALL crimes, no matter how petty and arrest anyone who commits a crime no matter who he or she may be.
  • Bring in foreign police to assist our local force, so that there be no discrepancies in officers overlooking perpetrators who they may know.
  • Create a database with all crime related matters, including past criminals, areas most effected by crime, students who are susceptible to becoming future criminals etc.


1.Immediately launch a referendum via online networking to determine how many Bahamians would like to have the constitution changed in regards to granting permanent residency and citizenship and what those changes may be.

  1. Increase employment by hiring hundreds of high school graduates to help sort all applications submitted to the Bahamas Immigration

  2. Build a database with all files and introduce 24/7 electronic services.

4.Immediately remove all shanty towns in the Bahamas and provide an alternative to proper housing for those who qualify.

  1. Deploy secret agents to Haiti to get first hand knowledge about human smuggling and mass illegal entry to the Bahamas

  2. Carry out weekly mass deportation exercises, using the defense vessels as a means to transport illegals back to their country, instead of airlines.

TruePeople 9 years ago

If i was PM for the day, i would take that opportunity to reconnect with not only my constituents, but the nation as a whole. Now are precarious times, and we need to engage in dialogue with the people of the Bahamas. Too long has the gov't simply told the people of the Bahamas what is going to happen, with little to no input or consultation with the people or relevant stakeholders. NHI would be a good place to start in these discussions. The feasibility of Junk Carnival as an annual event would also be another topic. The potential to redirect mis-allocated funds into so desperately needed social initiatives definitely a topic.

I would address government transparency and freedom of information. The gov't has to be accountable, and even thought it will always have faults, increased accountability to the citizens and the global community as a whole would afford significant progress for this country, and help address the rampant conflict of interest issues that are standard procedure in the country.

I would do a walk about through brain and grants town, nassau village, foxhill, bluehill and all of our long standing communities and reassure the people that we as a gov't are there for them, and not only seen in these hoods after someone dead and we looking for some PR photos. No, as PM i would personally meet with the disenfranchised of our country and let them know that they are not forgotten.

Finally, to finish off my day as PM, i would have a family friendly fair at an appropriate public venue. Bring the family come out meet, greet, eat and have fun and let us reconnect and unify as a people. Let us come together as Bahamians with love and joy. Let us not be a have and have-not nation, but a nation of Christian love and compassion once again. Let us all be able to out at night and have fun with no gun shots and no robberies and no beefing.

And let me as a PM lead by example, unward, onward, forward, together Bahamaland!

Greentea 9 years ago

I know its only for a day but three things....

  1. Enact a constitutional change, making all Bahamians equal citizens, with equal rights under the laws of the Bahamas. Host educational forums on gender equality, human rights, religion and misogyny.

  2. Organize a better contract statement for any potential oil production in the Bahamas and ensure that a. Bahamians are trained and employed at all levels of the oil business. Within five years 50% of workers should be Bahamian. b. All profits are directed to a national wealth fund designed as a national endowment to support our currency and a percentage used for innovative use of materials and design to improve the welfare of the country i. Innovative hospital care ii. Innovative education options, especially for children with learning difficulties- too many of our chirren iii. Innovative four tier prison system designed for reform, manufacturing and education

Education: a. Dissolve the current College of the Bahamas as an entity, ridding it of the chokehold of its union and reorganize it as a true university dedicated to critical thinking, scholarship and research. i. Reorganize the Education BA at the College and weed out students grandfathered through that system who are unfit to teach in the Public School System

b. Order an Immediate assessment of the reading and arithmetic levels of all Bahamian school children and teachers conducted by world renown education specialists in concert with Bahamian educators with proven track records. Sorry, a piece of paper matters little to me. It is what you have done most that matters and what ideas you have- no matter where you are

c. Hire world renown educators with proven success to reorganize the educational system for children and young adults at all levels and including education for special needs children- blind, deaf, downs syndrome, autism etc. Too many of the children needing the services cannot afford it in the country and the expensive services provided are suspect. Work in concert with Bahamians with proven track records. I am not interested in hiring Bahamians just because they are Bahamians if they have no ideas and will stymie the process. We don’t have time for hurt feelings. If you can do the job, you will be brought into the process.

d. Implement a new kind of schooling for those who come late to the realization that they should have paid attention in school focused on young men and women not (yet) able to attend college age 18-25.

e. Establish centers for drug abusers in the school system

f. Make Bahamian history a fundamental part of the curriculum.

asiseeit 9 years ago

I would set up a corruption task force and enact laws criminalizing corruption. Until we weed out the corrupt this country will forever backwards and lawless. These laws would be retroactive so that any corrupt practices or acts found to happen in the past would be penalized. Also I would have it so the property and bank accounts of corrupt persons could be confiscated by the state. Looking right at you Mr. Christie!

ohdrap4 9 years ago

i would flog illegal immigrants

Honestman 9 years ago

There are plenty more deserving of flogging!

SP 9 years ago

But don't stop there. Flog employers of illegals as well!

Chef123 9 years ago

I would lock up all these corrupt politicians and their cronies

banker 9 years ago

I have a list of 4-5 businesses that could employ 3000-5000 people immediately (even with their level of education and illiteracy), and I would sign LOIs and MOUs and bring those to the Bahamas.

I further have a list of 2-3 businesses that could be commenced right now that would bring in more money than all of the financial services industry combined.

These opportunities are just waiting to be plucked, we could take the business from countries like China in the Philippines and start them with minimal investment.

Instead of the wasted money on poorly thought out BAMSI, I would create an overnight orchid and flower industry that would generate millions https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UmJkzj4… and offset the food imports with that revenue.

I would shut down "financial services" and transition those into merchant banking for global enterprises.

I would replicate what Cayman Enterprise City has done, and create an economic zone where anyone can come and start a business to employ Bahamians.

Finally I would round up anyone who has ever been a corrupt parliamentarian or public official, and prosecute them, and strip them of their assets and ill-gotten gains. I would start with the Pindlings and work my way down.

And on the second day, I would rest.

g9822033 9 years ago

Restructure the government so that it operates like a world class business that provides only essential services to it's citizens (education, healthcare, social security, law and order). Eliminate customs duty, increase VAT, increase NI contributions (can be done without hurting lower paid such as employer side increase or remove caps), reduce stamp tax on properties to a flat 1%, deregulate the real estate market (realtor fees will drop to 1-2%), lower bank prime rate. Eliminate government services that can be performed in the private sector with regulatory oversight or agency model (e.g. road traffic licensing, air traffic control, Bahamasair - why can't they just franchise the brand??).

It's going to be busy day of bloodletting but when the dust settles, my Bahamas is going to be a prosperous and enviable nation.

bismark 9 years ago

jail the entire government,along with their lousy crooked permanent secretaries,Chairman of all govt corporations.

Chef123 9 years ago

Jail all the politicians

TheMadHatter 9 years ago

  1. Have a same-day referendum (that day) for Bahamians to agree (or disagree) to remove the NUMBERS ON BALLOTS during elections. If they agree then DO IT, without regard to the Privy Council which currently has this matter (languishing) before them. That is, inform the Parliamentary Registrar that he shall effect these changes in time for the next election or next referendum. This will allow black people to finally be allowed to vote freely in the Bahamas without repercussions from the white business community by way or losing their jobs.

  2. Order the Director of Prisons to cause to be published on ZNS television every Monday night at 7:30pm. the list of all persons held in prison (even if on remand), the charge (or judgement) against them, what day they were admitted, what section they are in, and they expected date of release - including any that were put in remand and released during the previous 6 days.

  3. Come on ZNS television live and explain to the public how exactly the Public Service Commission and the Dept of Public Service work together to keep public servants (government employees) down by withholding their letters of appointment, letters of promotion, and all recognition they deserve which leads to lower wages and morale for them and results in very poor public service and a bad rep on govt workers. Give the names of all those persons running those places and ask the people to text messages into a certain cell number with their advice on whether they should be fired, jailed or both as traitors to our nation.

  4. Order Ministry or Works and/or the Christian Council to get no less than 500 persons down to Bay Street the next day with bags, shovels, paintbrushes and whatever needed to CLEAN UP right away.

If I could get those 4 under way, I would take a break and have a Big Mac and then plan my strategy for the afternoon.

At 5pm I would clean off my desk and chair and make it ready for the previous occupant to return and sit comfortably.


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