Tribune News Editor
THREE companies have submitted proposals to obtain the country’s second mobile network provider licence, the government announced last night.
They are television and internet provider Cable Bahamas as well as local subsidiaries of international telecommunications companies, Digicel and Virgin Mobile.
Prime Minister Perry Christie said yesterday that the government is on target to announce the successful applicant in May. He told the House of Assembly that the government will initially own 51 per cent of the second mobile services provider.
He said the Cellular Liberalisation Task Force, formed last April, has drafted transaction documents to govern a partnership with the government that will allow for a 49 per cent, 51 per cent ownership split.
Speaking in the House of Assembly, Mr Christie said the government has a requirement for the new cellular company to have “broad Bahamian ownership”.
“Mr Speaker, (this) is yet another testament of my government’s commitment to ensuring that all Bahamians benefit from the economic fruits of the country and not just a select and privileged few. It is also the fulfilment of the promise made by my government in its Charter for Governance to empower Bahamians by expanding their role as investors in the Bahamian economy, including the telecommunications industry.”
Yesterday marked the deadline for companies to respond to the government’s request for proposals (RFP) process.
Cable Bahamas Ltd (CBL) released a statement on its application.
“We have really pulled out all the stops for this submission,” said Anthony Butler, CBL President and CEO, “staking our claim to become the Bahamas’ first company to offer an alternative in the market.”
The government’s selection process consists of two phases.
The first phase was the RFP, which covered a technical and financial assessment of applicants. The second phase is the spectrum auction, which will be administered by the Utilities Regulation and Competition Authority (URCA).
The successful bidder will be the one with the highest combined score in both phases.
“We understand and respect this process,” said Mr Butler, “and have concentrated very diligently on satisfying all requirements.”
The Bahamas Telecommunications Company’s (BTC) monopoly on mobile services ended last May.
Last June, Mr Christie said the government’s hands were tied until this year on the liberalisaton process following the Ingraham administration’s deal to sell the majority stake in BTC.
Specifically, the prime minister said the blocking of competition along with any preparation for competition came with the Ingraham administration’s amendment to the 2009 Electronic Communications Sector Policy. He said the policy prohibited initiating any process, including engaging URCA, to award a second cellular licence before April 6, 2014. The Communications Act 2009 did the same, he said.
On November 13, the government invited interested persons to apply to operate a second cellular network.
The government said yesterday that nine companies, both local and international, had registered for an RFP package.
asiseeit 9 years, 10 months ago
Now it all becomes clear. 51% to government which means they will make sure "the boys" get their cut. If Cable Bahamas was smart they would run. Who would invest the amounts needed to make this work and then just give Government 51% which is a controlling interest? The slimy, corrupt, greedy, politician is not someone to get into business with, beware! Anyone that would trust ANY government of the Bahamas is a walking, talking, FOOL! Cheaper to get in bed with the devil!
moncurcool 9 years, 10 months ago
I agree. This makes not sense. The government just wants to take over a private entity. IF this is so, then the mobile industry is not competition. It is a monopoly as the government won both entities. That is a serious conflict of interest. You are sitting on two boards. How can you make decisions in the best interest of either company. This smacks of corruption.
asiseeit 9 years, 10 months ago
And who do you think will be appointed to the board, same old croneys. The political elite are killing this country with their greed and corrupt practices. Not long until this country is ruled by a very few, just like Haiti.
Alltoomuch 9 years, 10 months ago
Unbelievable - Unthinkable!! Does he take everyone for fools??
Well_mudda_take_sic 9 years, 10 months ago
Ugly lame brain Christie devotes a significant portion of his mid-year budget speech to telling us there will in fact be no competition amongst what will effectively be government controlled mobile service providers. But he fails to mention even one word in his mid-year budget speech about his government's failure to address BEC's outrageous billings and the very serious electricity supply issues confronting our country today. Summer is coming Mr. Christie and we have already been warned by renowned meteorologists around the world that it will be one of the hottest (if not the hottest) one on record. What are we to do Mr. Christie when Baha Mar joins our already strained beyond capacity electrical grid and BEC diverts electricity from our homes and businesses to the foreign owned hotels leaving us poor Bahamians (including students in our schools) without lights, fans and air conditioners in the miserable unrelenting heat of Summer? Mr. Christie it is only too obvious that you do not care in the least about the health and well being of Bahamians at large. You only care about yourself and your select political and business cronies who you choose to shower riches upon that have been stolen from the Bahamian people. Only your privileged political and business cronies will be guaranteed all the electricity they want for their businesses and homes and you no doubt have told pot cake lady smacking Leslie Miller just who should be on his list of those privileged individuals and businesses to receive all the electricity they need at the expense of the rest of us sweltering in the heat of Summer. What a wicked tyrannical imbecile you are Mr. Christie! JUST HOW ABSURD CAN IT BE?! NOT ONE WORD IN YOUR MID-YEAR BUDGET SPEECH ABOUT SOMETHING KILLING MOST OF US DAILY: BEC's OUTRAGEOUS BILLINGS AND THE SERIOUS LACK OF MUCH NEEDED RELIABLE ELECTRICAL GENERATING CAPACITY!!!
Reality_Check 9 years, 10 months ago
Now Christie will be coy and tell you that he said nothing about BEC in his mid-year budget speech because he is (was) on the verge of making a public announcement about the government's new partnership with a foreign private sector enterprise for the transformation and ongoing running and management of BEC. What a joke! Anyone who does an ounce of due diligence on the foreign private sector enterprise selected by Christie and his government (or should I say Brave Davis) will quickly come to the conclusion that the Bahamas is indeed in very deep trouble.
duppyVAT 9 years, 10 months ago
This is not liberalisation ..................... this is economic kleptocracy
asiseeit 9 years, 10 months ago
Perry is the Putin of the west indies. Kleptocrat to the bone. Meanwhile, undereducated and docile Bahamians grin and shuffle to the economic slaughterhouse.
Alltoomuch 9 years, 10 months ago
and this is his legacy,,, but I guess he won't be around to see how history treats him!!
asiseeit 9 years, 10 months ago
I guess there is not much faith
John 9 years, 10 months ago
Word is that certain newspaper is trying to get a list of the 55 Bahamian residents or passport holders who have $7 billion statched in a certain Swiss bank that has been " hacked". Will anyone on the list shock you?
John 9 years, 10 months ago
How many politicians are on this list and have not yet revealed their assets? Or have not told the truth about their net worth? What should be their fate?
Tarzan 9 years, 10 months ago
This is beyond sad. I guess our current government is so enamored with the performance of BEC that they cannot resist creation of another bureaucratic beast, that will deliver miserable performance at stratospheric price. Of course they know that any private operator will run economic circles around their government owned operations so private enterprise need not apply.
DMoe 9 years, 10 months ago
And the winner is......... Blue water. S.T.
themessenger 9 years, 10 months ago
And now Bernard Evans and the Union has stuck their oar into the already murky waters to stir the shit a little more. Any business involving Bahamian politicians and Bahamian Unions is a nonstarter.
duppyVAT 9 years, 10 months ago
Under the next company ............... landlines will cease to exist as a commercial entity. Right now BTC makes NO significant money off landlines ....... it is simply an archaic appendage of the old BaTelCo. The next company (Digicel???????) will be in the 5G LTE mobile business ...... not land lines!!!!!!!!!!!
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