Moss vows to fight to scrap VAT


Gregory Moss


Tribune Staff Reporter


MARCO City member of parliament Greg Moss said he will participate in an initiative to repeal value added tax (VAT) at the earliest opportunity possible as he accused the government of “double taxing” Bahamians.

Mr Moss said the Christie administration had wrongly handled its execution of VAT.

At the heart of his argument was the Customs Department and its duty rates. He said VAT had been set up to not only tax goods, but to tax the tax on those goods.

He was speaking during the third day of debate on the 2014-2015 mid-year budget when he chastised his own party for taxing a class of people in the country who were least able to afford it.

Mr Moss explained: “Now we have redefined total landed cost as included tax, including customs tax, excise tax, processing fees and environmental levies. Then you charge VAT. So the effect had been that you do not have a 7.5 per cent tax on landed goods anymore. Now you have a 7.5 per cent tax on those goods and a 7.5 per cent tax on the tax, which you are paying on those goods. That is where the double taxation comes in.

“Take something that is now 35 per cent taxable such as cement, windows and PVC pipes things that everyone buys. You would think that VAT is 7.5 per cent of the cost of buying, transporting and insuring it when you transport it.

“But it is not. It is 7.5 per cent plus, 7.5 per cent of the 35 per cent customs duty. So VAT on those goods on this day, at this moment in time is 10.125 per cent because you are taxing the goods and you are taxing the tax on the goods.”

The MP said for most people today, VAT on a wide range of products, is between 10.1 per cent and 13.875 per cent despite the government’s promised rate of 7.5 per cent across the board on all goods and services.

He said Bahamians would not have had to face such a regressive taxation system had successive administrations exercised fiscal restraint.

“Both governments ran up the national debt even though they come in this House and claim that it was the Free National Movement who ran up the national debt. They didn’t. The PLP and the FNM ran up the national debt from 1973. They ran deficits for every single year (since) independence. But it is true that the FNM in last administration accelerated the accumulation of the national debt,” Mr Moss said.

Disagreeing with the Marco City MP’s position, Elizabeth MP Ryan Pinder said VAT was the right tax for the Christie administration to implement.

He said VAT was a system that had a reputation of expanding the tax base of countries.

Mr Pinder told parliamentarians that VAT was implemented in over 140 countries worldwide as it has been found to be less harmful than other taxes regarding economic growth.


jackbnimble 9 years, 10 months ago

Yes its highway robbery to tax a tax. I agree with Mr. Moss and this cannot wait until the next election. It needs to be dealt with NOW!

gbgal 9 years, 10 months ago

Good to see someone working for the people! Mr Moss, thank you for caring enough.

TheMadHatter 9 years, 10 months ago

He is talking nonsense. It doesn't matter if it is a tax on a tax. The bottom line is that we need plenty money to pay the debt or else our currency will be devalued.

He should spend his energy getting us a Freedom of Information Act - so the people can learn how STUPID the government parties (both) have been and still are in wasting money and making us financial slaves to the Chinese.

We cannot get rid of VAT unless we want our dollar to be worth less than a U.S. Dollar. However, that is his (and others') choice.

He is just upset because now Haitians have to pay VAT on things that they buy and services they receive - because VAT is charged on breadbasket food items and other duty free things that they use.

If the law said that Haitians do not have to pay any VAT, you would not be hearing a word from Mr. Moss or anyone in the FNM.


birdiestrachan 9 years, 10 months ago

Mr. Moss will not be able to repeal anything, This is Mr Moss's last dance. so he should just enjoy him self. Members of both FNM and PLP know that there is so much work to be done. Roads, docks Clinics; and they must pay down the National debt. and saying collet the bad debts, is not the answer. The FNM had fifteen years to collect the money the PLP had less and they are progressing. Where do they expect the money to come from.?

Alltoomuch 9 years, 10 months ago

Do you know how long the PLP have "run" this country for?? and do you really want to lay all the blame on the FNM??

birdiestrachan 9 years, 10 months ago

NOPE I do not, Not all of the Blame just their fair share.

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