Mitchell files complaint over radio show

Attorney Fred Smith, QC

Attorney Fred Smith, QC


Tribune Staff Reporter


THE Utilities Regulation and Competition Authority (URCA) has received a letter from the government requesting an investigation of comments made on a radio talk show last week by lawyer Fred Smith.

URCA Corporate and Consumer Relations Manager Mavis Johnson-Collie said yesterday that the letter was received by URCA officials on Wednesday evening.

The letter – sent to URCA by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Immigration – requests that URCA investigate recent statements made by Mr Smith that allegedly encouraged people to revolt against the Christie administration.

“We did get a communication in the pm yesterday from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs,” Mrs Collie-Johnson told The Tribune. “We are going through the process of reviewing it in conjunction with the content code which regulates broadcast content.”

Mr Smith had appeared as a guest on Kreyol Connection with Louby Georges on Guardian Talk Radio on February 17, and it was then that he reportedly made his controversial statements. A recording of the show is no longer available on Guardian Talk Radio’s website.

Mr Smith had maintained that none of the comments made on the show was inflammatory. However, Foreign Affairs and Immigration Minister Fred Mitchell said the government had asked URCA to investigate the comments and that the Office of the Attorney General was also advising the government on the matter.

Mr Mitchell said the government would allow URCA, which governs the airwaves, to probe the incident. He also criticised Mr Smith for outlining his support of Bahamians of Haitian descent organising to form political parties in the country, and called Mr Smith “delusional” for his statements.

Mr Smith had previously said The Bahamas was headed in a direction that would soon see this grouping of society emerge as parliamentary leaders. The president of the Grand Bahama Human Rights Association (GBHRA) also said the stigma in The Bahamas that Haitians are of lesser value should be done away with.

Again chastising the Christie administration over its immigration restrictions, maintaining that the government has encouraged a culture of hatred towards Haitians, Mr Smith contended that Bahamians of Haitian descent are “a large part of our society”, and gave his support of Bahamians of Haitian descent organising to form political parties.

“I don’t see what is wrong with it,” Mr Smith said. “People have the freedom of association under the Constitution. I see nothing wrong with people promoting self interest in political parties for social benefits for different parts of the community.”

Mr Smith called on the government to follow the example of countries, including Canada and Korea, which, he said, encourage different nationalities to contribute to shaping society. However, he insisted that these latest comments should not be construed as supporting illegal migration.


TalRussell 10 years ago

Comrade Minister Freddy the second, King's Counsel Freddy fly's abroad to give one of his pro Haitian speeches you must revoke his Bahamaland Passport. And, the PM must start preparing the paperwork for submission to the Queen, demanding of Her Majesty revoke that KC title, that only a PM can bestow and unbestow. Get him invited speak in Haiti and let the Haitian president issue him one his travel passports.

ispeakthetruth 10 years ago

After the minister's proposed pro illegal immigration bill...I am not sure what to think of this so called "feud".

birdiestrachan 10 years ago

I do not understand what amendments polices or laws Mr. Fred Mitchell is talking about.. But I do understand if Fred smith is happy with them , they can not be good for the Bahamas.

Well_mudda_take_sic 10 years ago


The Christie-led proposed changes to our immigration laws seek to circumvent our constitution by the creation of a so called "resident belonger permit" that our Minister of Immigration would have the power to bestow on just about any illegal immigrant that he chooses. In tabling this bill, the government is effectively seeking the power to grant thousands and thousands of illegal immigrants the right to reside in the Bahamas and enjoy the benefits of doing so at the expense of the already over-burdened Bahamian taxpayer. This is a huge back-door amnesty initiative on the part of our government primarily aimed at bringing even more Haitians into our over-crowded public schools, hospitals and medical clinics, etc. The government's recent hard line stance towards illegal immigrants was nothing but a charade as all the while they were working behind the scenes on this bill in an effort to effectively circumvent our constitutional rights regarding exactly who is entitled to be a Bahamian and thereby reside in the Bahamas indefinitely. This bill will create another class of permanent residency that our Minister of Immigration would be able to dole out at his discretion to thousands and thousands of existing illegal immigrants as opposed to enforcing our existing laws which require their deportation! Small wonder Mitchell has not sought to obtain the additional funding he needs for the purpose of deporting illegal immigrants - he now simply plans to grant "resident belonger permits" proposed by this bill to just about all existing illegal immigrants. This undoubtedly will only encourage even more illegal immigration from countries like Haiti. Think how many Chinese will quickly follow the many illegal Haitians who are already taking a serious toll on our very limited resources.

Well_mudda_take_sic 10 years ago


"My jaw is on the floor. This same Fred Mitchell that championed enforcing the laws of The Bahamas and deporting illegals is turning coat. His new legislation goes far beyond Fred Smith's wildest dreams. He is seeking to enact one of the most liberal and open door policies of any country on the globe in The Bahamas.

The constitution allows persons born in The Bahamas to apply for citizenship at the age of eighteen. In my view, this clause was inserted for the benefit of Bahamian mothers married to foreign men, because Bahamian women cannot pass on citizenship. It was not intended for persons illegally coming into the Bahamas to have a path to citizenship. Contrarily, this clause has been abused, as thousands of Haitians use it to gain permanent status.

Mr. Michell, I beg you to reconsider this awful new liberal persona you are inflicting on The Bahamian public. Have you considered the ramifications of this new Act? Is an Act that perversely treats illegal immigrants the same as persons born to Bahamian mothers just? It does not take Einstein to understand that legitimizing every illegal born here and bestowing them with status will lead to a massive increase in illegals flooding to our shores as soon as they become pregnant.

Just when you think you have the PLP figured out, they completely turn coat. The only rational I can think of is this entire rounding up of illegals and "enforcing the law" business was a complete sham used to build positive sentiment in the electorate. A Haitian Bahamas must be in the PLP's master plan. Could it be that they eagerly seek voters of a darker hue that they can control and manipulate? They sure as hell are good at chasing white bankers away and any light skinned Columbian in a skimpy dress. Unbelievable!!!!"

birdiestrachan 10 years ago

I think a belongers permit must be something one gets when they are eighteen, while they are waiting to be approved as a Citizen. I hope there is some one who will explain this to all of the people. it also says something about paying for a work permit for 20 years. Why are permits given for such long periods. Persons should only be allowed permits for a set amount of years , then they should return to their home Country. so that Fred Smith will be forming no Haitian party or any other foreign party for that matter. Check Russia and the Ukrainian

DEDDIE 10 years ago

The pissing competition continues.

Reality_Check 10 years ago

Both Freds need to end their war with each other and instead make love to one another! (Oops. Can't believe I just wrote that....just the thought of these two getting together to make out makes me shudder!)

Well_mudda_take_sic 10 years ago

Don't be fooled...the best way to push the right buttons is to use (by hack) the ip address of someone who the government is uncertain about and perhaps has every reason to fear!

The_Oracle 10 years ago

That such a pair of twits could be the subject of so much discussion is amazing unto itself! How on earth will we fix anything when the side show becomes the main event?

John 10 years ago

Sometimes you must be "aware". When listening to these talk shows. Not only is there a lot of misinformation but some hosts and callers have resorted to telling out right lies. I heard one talk show talk about the road works on East Street as the worst he even seen. Even Stevie Wonder could see he lie.

John 10 years ago

Another guest on a talk show convinced the host that the city dump was never on blu hill road

SP 10 years ago

... I Wouldn't Trust The PLP or FNM Dealing With The Illegal Haitian Migrant Problem ...

History shows both are pro-Haitian.

Nobody seems to remember the FNM boldly pronouncing Bahamian children to be taught Creole in schools and Bahamians to learn Creole.

It will be a cold day in hell when Bahamians have to learn Creole to get along with despised invading Haitian parasites.

Any government that tries Creolizing Bahamas will see a Bahamian uprising they never thought possible.

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