Melisa Hall
From a national standpoint “equal opportunities for women to advance economically” is what Bahamian wealth coach Melisa Hall desires for women in the new year.
Mrs Hall imparts strategies to help women find their true purpose, create a wealthy life and become successful entrepreneurs through WOMENpreneur’s Edge, a free e-coaching programme in the form of a newsletter, designed to inspire and empower women to find the path to success.
In addition to more attention given to economic equality for women, Mrs Hall said she would also like to see a greater a level of female participation around the policy and decision-making table.
Personally, Mrs Hall said she wants women to wise up and take charge of their destinies.
“Women need to embrace their worth, exercise wisdom and claim their wealth. I have been studying how women relate to money and wealth in comparison to men and my research has revealed that women are still underachieving when it comes to creating, managing and protecting wealth.
“For all the advancements we still aren’t as powerful as we can be as compared to the way men handle wealth, so here are a few things I would like to see happen personally for women.
“Too many Bahamian women depend on the government, their man or their jobs as their only means of survival. God has gifted us with beauty and brains and its time for Bahamian women to take the limits off, break out of their comfort zones and create their own wealth by becoming creative, innovative, industrious, wise and taking charge of their destinies.”
Leah Davis
With a passion for community and social development, over the years Leah Davis has developed and promoted various events and initiatives. They encompass creating unique social occasions while benefitting various causes and non-profit organisations including the Cancer Society of The Bahamas, the AIDS Foundation and Special Olympics.
Ms Davis is also a marketing and public relations professional who currently serves as the Senior Manager of Marketing and Public Relations for Scotiabank Bahamas.
Her dream for Bahamian women in 2015 is to realise their individual and collective strength and power. “We can do so much more than we can even imagine for ourselves, but that realisation often comes in the actual doing and sometimes through the insights and perspectives shared by others, especially by other women.
“There are many, many ills plaguing our country. We women have a vital role to play in addressing many of them. I pray that as nurturers, women can stop creating and perpetuating division and negativity and embrace our fellow sisters in love and acceptance of our differences.
“There is both beauty and strength in diversity (Maya Angelou). I always remind my children that every person we meet is fighting some kind of battle; that perspective helps keep us grounded and open-minded. If we are able to do this, little by little, I believe that we can begin to harness our collective strength and abilities and fulfill our important role in the restoration of this beautiful country. “There is no quick fix solution for us but I believe that if we each do our part, starting in our homes, communities and workplaces, we can make some progress toward healing our nation and have an amazing 2015.
“On a lighter note, I wish that we as a people would smile more often,” she said.
Stanya Davis
As a life coach Stanya Davis comes into contact with many women through her coaching institute Eve’s Journey. She hosts numerous events and workshops designed to help women get in touch with the inner self, get them on the path to being healed and help them recognise their beauty inside and out.
“It is my wish that women see themselves as vessels of beauty and light,” seh said. “It is my hope that Bahamian women live in truth and act on the truth that is within them. What is that truth you may ask? The truth is simply, yes you have made mistakes, yes you may have been abused, yes you have been hurt and are still hurting, yes you have told lies, yes you still have wounds from your past, but underneath it all you are beautiful, powerful, wise, good and deserving of all that is available to you and more. You are the ‘bestest’ therefore you deserve the ‘bestest’.”
Ms Davis also took the time to remind Bahamian women that the new year also represents the start of something new.
“No resolutions here, only a few simple requests. Today I ask that you forgive all those who have hurt you, remembering that hurt people hurt people, and at some point in your life you have hurt someone. I ask that you forgive yourself, no matter what you have done it is done, it is in the past, you must forgive yourself for everything it is the only way to truly love and accept who you are.
“Finally, I ask that you live in truth about who you are and if you have forgotten to remember who you are, you my dear are a feminine creation of God’s handiwork. He created you just as you are, tall, short, slim, round, dark, light. You, my sister, are perfect just as you are. Embrace you,” she said.
Sharell Caroll
Bahamian author and success coach Sharell Carroll has inspired women through her coaching programmes, conferences and motivational speaking engagements.
The Constellation Mixer is an annual event that Ms Caroll uses to sow the seeds to develop and nurture Bahamians so that they can become more successful entrepreneurs. She and her team have been hosting the event for some time.
“In 2015 and beyond, my hope is that our women would embrace and live out their value,” she said.”My prayer is that we would rest in the finished work of Christ, and focus on what matters most, investing in people more than material wealth, developing our families and communities, keeping legacy building in our hearts, thus impacting our nation.
“As shared in my book, Corporate Heels and Cooking Spoons, I encourage us to prioritise based on what’s important, not just what appears to be urgent. We must be intentional about continual learning and growing through experiences and international exposure (reading, travelling, networking).
“Ladies, this year I want you to step forward in faith, believing that God will perfect all that concerns you. Live life empowered and be amazing, because you are,” she said.
lily 10 years ago
Wow! That's great advice for the women from all over the world. Thank you!
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