Decision due tomorrow on Rollins’ fate


Tribune Chief  Reporter


THE Progressive Liberal Party will make a final decision tomorrow night on whether to suspend Fort Charlotte MP Dr Andre Rollins for his public criticisms of the prime minister.

PLP Chairman Bradley Roberts confirmed that the matter now rests with the party’s National General Council, adding that the party’s Leadership Council discussed the recommendations made by the disciplinary committee at a meeting on Monday.

“The leadership council of the party met last night (Monday) and dealt with a number of matters,” Mr Roberts said, “and in compliance with the party’s constitution, the recommendations with regard to Dr Rollins will be brought to the National

General Council and a final decision will be made on Thursday night at that meeting.”

Dr Rollins resigned as the party whip in the House of Assembly last August following his outspoken criticism of the constitutional amendment bills.

For much of last year, he delivered scathing critiques of his own party and lashed out at Prime Minister Perry Christie. Last year, during debate in the House, he said the country needed new leadership. He added that he was tired of hearing Mr Christie quote scripture in the House of Assembly during important debates. Several days later he was fired from his post as chairman of the Gaming Board by Deputy Prime Minister Philip “Brave” Davis, acting prime minister at the time, who said that Dr Rollins had “crossed the line”.

Before firing Dr Rollins, Mr Davis, who reportedly took advice from Mr Christie on the matter, gave the Fort Charlotte MP an ultimatum to tender his resignation. After Dr Rollins failed to comply with the request, he was fired.

A PLP committee was activated in October to review Dr Rollins’ actions after the Fort Charlotte MP refused to apologise for his behaviour.

The committee recommended that the former Gaming Board chairman be suspended from the party for no less than six months.

Dr Rollins is one of three backbenchers to be fired from government appointments since the PLP came to power in May 2012.

Last October, Bamboo Town MP Renward Wells was fired from him post as parliamentary secretary in the Ministry of Works months after he signed a $600 million letter of intent with a waste-to-energy company without Cabinet approval.

Outspoken Marco City MP Greg Moss was fired as National Insurance Board (NIB) chairman in January 2013.

Last week, Mr Moss criticised his party on various issues, including the new immigration policy, bills relating to the proposed constitutional referendum and the committee’s recommendation to suspend Dr Rollins.

Mr Christie, however, has dismissed Mr Moss’ critique, telling reporters that he had no interest in the outspoken parliamentarian’s “personal views”. He said Mr Moss should inform him about his concerns privately, in accordance with internal party policies.


duppyVAT 9 years, 8 months ago

To stay or not to stay ......... that is the decision

realfreethinker 9 years, 8 months ago

Here we go again. These assholes can't make a decision to save their lives. this shit has been going on for months. Make a decision and move on jeezzzzzz.

Hogfish 9 years, 8 months ago

PLP = Procrastinating Little Pussies

bismark 9 years, 8 months ago

what are they going to do?spank him?

duppyVAT 9 years, 8 months ago

The results of the next election will hinge on the outcome of Thursday night ......... mark my words. This may trigger the collapse of this failing PLP regime. Doc needs to expose the corruption of the PLP Cabinet before it swallows all of us ........... Perry please do the right thing and resign and call an early election ............... or face a back bencher revolt

worthlessbabydaddy 9 years, 8 months ago

The fact that they took so long suggests they are afraid to let him go. My guess would be too thatt if they let him go they would lose a great deal of support in the next election as Fort Charlotte was a cash cow in electoral votes. Should have sticked with Zhivargo! They also don't know what to expect from this time bomb as it relates to exposing all their corrupt way s. Lol 'It's cheaper to keep her!' as the expression says

SP 9 years, 8 months ago

40 years of ass-kissing, brown-nosing and towing party lines have proven to breed corruption and lead to failure in every aspect of our country.

Dr. Rollins has PROVEN to be a real man, with the country and peoples interest at heart. No matter what the PLP does, I am supporting Dr. Rollins 1000%.

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