No suspension for Rollins: PM intervenes to prevent punishment

Prime Minister Perry Christie at Thursday night's meeting.

Prime Minister Perry Christie at Thursday night's meeting.


Tribune Chief Reporter


THE Progressive Liberal Party last night voted not to suspend Fort Charlotte MP Dr Andre Rollins after an intervention by Prime Minister Perry Christie.

After a three-month-long disciplinary process, the party’s National General Council unanimously decided that it would not accept the recommendation put forth by its disciplinary committee.

Mr Christie told media outside the party’s headquarters that he asked members to demonstrate their support in his leadership by accepting his recommendation to let the matter rest.

He said it was now up to Dr Rollins to demonstrate his character, and whether he supported the PLP.

“I wanted people to know my own philosophy when it comes to governance of a political organisation,” he said, “and when it comes to the Progressive Liberal Party that had in its own past denied me a nomination, invited me back in, made me a cabinet minister, and enabled me to become leader of the party and prime minister, that party has historically demonstrated in my case a level of understanding and maturity.

“I told them from a political personal philosophical point of view, I have always been someone who has argued that a party must have a revolving door, that people have the right to flow in and flow out, and that we are going to protect the discipline of the party in a sense that we are not going to allow flagrant breaches of the party.

“But with respect to brother Rollins,” he said, “the Progressive Liberal Party, for acts related to me, must not make a decision to suspend him.”

The party’s National General Council met in “unprecedented numbers” to decide on the fate of the outspoken MP, according to Mr Christie, who said he called on stalwart councillors throughout the country.

“They unanimously accepted my recommendation and the matter is history. It is therefore entirely up to Dr Rollins to define who he is, what he is, whether he supports the Progressive Liberal Party, how he supports the Progressive Liberal Party.”

Last night, Dr Rollins’ attorney Raynard Rigby said that the Fort Charlotte MP was “a member in good standing” with the party, adding that the vote indicated the faith and confidence held in Dr Rollins’ political future.

Mr Christie said neither the party nor the government would be distracted from accomplishing its objectives, and restated his conviction that the country’s economy had “turned the corner”.

“The essential work of this party is to deliver on its promises,” Mr Christie said, “recognizing that some takes more time than others, to prepare itself for the next general election and to put itself in the position where the confidence of the people throughout the Commonwealth of the Bahamas will be reposed in the PLP, and we will in fact have a wonderful opportunity to be re-elected again.

He added: “That’s the essential thrust of all that I’m doing as the leader of the party, being able to ensure that we are in the best position to meet the intention of the people who are assembled here.”


duppyVAT 9 years, 11 months ago

LOL ............ Doc called their bluff and they got a big fat "F". Perry save face and all he could come up with is own sorry ass Vomit excuse.

realfreethinker 9 years, 11 months ago

Cluck Cluck they chicken out a bunch of p...sies.No balls Rollins rub it in their faces and ain't nothing they can do lolololol

Honestman 9 years, 11 months ago

In other words PGC has too many other "fires to fight" right now and doesn't need another one. This is no magnanimous act. He would have loved to have fired Rollins' *ss and come across as the decisive leader. Ok, so let's move on to next week's tale of incompetence.

Publius 9 years, 11 months ago

This was a political expediency move and in terms of politics alone, it was a smart move by the PLP, otherwise it would have created a distraction they don't need with all the other mess they have going on. Meanwhile, while the PLP's leader is choosing to keep his party's young professionals in their positions for the sake of politics, the FNM's leader is booting his party's young professionals out of their positions for the sake of idiocy. What a time. Seems that for both parties, young Bahamians simply are tokens of expediency.

realfreethinker 9 years, 11 months ago

A bigger distraction is that purple hair yer boy gat going on

TalRussell 9 years, 11 months ago

Comrade Prime Minister never did read the part about you; “Never do an enemy a small injury.” If one is striking out at an enemy, one should make damn sure that the fatal blow is struck, successfully ending the confrontation. That the injury that is to be done to your political enemy hell bent on doing you political harm, ought to be of such a kind that one does not stand in fear of revenge from all the other PLP's, who not only want Comrade Dr. Andre but Greg and Renard, to be thrown out of PLP party. Comrade Andre, Greg and Renard, ashes to ashes since the PLP don't want you, maybe the red shirts naive welcome you into their party to rekindling ya mischief MP ways. They could always assign Loretta to train them three newly recruited red MP's in her ways. If the PM is incapable of dealing with the enemies from within, how can he stay on after 2017? I see unwilling or incapable as meaning the exact same thing when it comes PM Christie. The man must have an alarm clock's bell going off, whenever its time him eat he meals.


duppyVAT 9 years, 11 months ago

There were some good outcomes to all of this: Perry doesn't quote Scripture anymore, the Cabinet is now almost free of dissent and the new boys can pay attention to their private lives.

Its the calm before the storm .................... 2017

Well_mudda_take_sic 9 years, 11 months ago

Christie was told in no uncertain terms that if Rollins was made to go (and join the FNM) so would three other young PLP MPs, all of whom are collectively armed with enough explosive inside party info to sink the PLP ship in the next general election. Christie therefore did what he did not want to do, but had absolutely no choice but to do - BACK DOWN AND STEW ON HIS INABILITY TO DO ANYTHING AT ALL ALONG THE LINES OF WHAT HE REALLY WANTED TO DO ABOUT THE SITUATION!!

birdiestrachan 9 years, 11 months ago

Mr: Christie did the right thing again. There is nothing to gain by putting Rollins out of the party. I do think Rollins was out of order. but he has been punished enough he lost his post at the gaming board. one of the problems in the Bahamas is that to many people always want blood. Thus the high rate of murders Mr: Christie has demonstrated his self-confidence. of which president Clinton spoke. The FNM and the DNA would take him on use him and abuse then kick him to the curve. I think Rollins knows this.

TalRussell 9 years, 11 months ago

'Tis true what they say that the PLP Supreme Council members is hereditary state within the party ruled by their PM King.

sansoucireader 9 years, 11 months ago

Jokey. Nothing changes, more of the same.

SP 9 years, 11 months ago

Thank you Dr. Andre Rollins for your service to country and selfless determination to fearlessly stand for that what is simply.........RIGHT!

Dr. Andre Rollins has single handedly caused positive change in the PLP and Bahamian politics in general. Dr. Rollins has proven beyond any doubt that there is nothing to fear but fear itself. And demanding justice, accountability, honesty and good leadership is what "REPRESENTING THE ELECTORATE" should be all about.

Dr. Rollins has significantly raised the bar on the floor of the House Of Assembly and will be remembered in history as the M.P. that dared to stand alone in doing the right thing for the good of the electorate and country.

Dr. Myles Munroe would have been beaming with great ebullient pride and smiling broadly if he could have witnessed this strong, principled new leader take on the established political status quo all alone, and succeed in opening the door for other right minded politicians to fearlessly step up to the plate and say and do what needs to be said and done to finally move or country Forward, Upward, Onward, Together.

A new day has unquestionably dawned. We have undeniably turned a "quantitative" corner !

duppyVAT 9 years, 11 months ago

If you are correct ................ lets see what happens to Doc Rollins in the next election cycle. Remember AD Hanna, Perry and Hubert Ingraham stood for what was "right" after 1984 Commission of Inquiry ....... and????????

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