Minnis consulting before accepting offer of briefing

FNM leader Dr Hubert Minnis.

FNM leader Dr Hubert Minnis.


Tribune Chief Reporter


FNM Leader Dr Hubert Minnis yesterday said he had not accepted Prime Minister Perry Christie’s invitation to have a briefing on Baha Mar, telling The Tribune he would first canvass his parliamentarians and senators for their views on the government’s offer.

Dr Minnis also rejected Mr Christie’s defence that the government had been blindsided by Baha Mar’s Chapter 11 bankruptcy filing on Monday.

He insisted that Bahamians were jaded by the repeated failings of the Christie-led administration and had lost both trust and faith in its governance.

On Tuesday night, during an emergency press conference held at his office, Mr Christie invited Dr Minnis to attend a briefing on Baha Mar in the interest of transparency.

As he rejected Dr Minnis’ claims that he had misled the public on Baha Mar’s finances and a possible resolution to the deadlock at the resort, Mr Christie called for a united effort to ensure the $3.5bn project’s swift completion and opening.

Shrugging off Mr Christie’s plea to set aside political differences, Dr Minnis yesterday said: “Nothing coming from the word of the Progressive Liberal Party and the prime minister gives you any comfort when you have lost trust in them.

“Mr Christie nor his government can be trusted. The Bahamian people don’t trust him, they lost trust a long time ago when they went and backstabbed the Bahamian people with the (gaming) referendum, and when they made all those promises and commitments and did not live up to them.”

The resort’s opening date has been delayed three times. The property was first expected to open in December 2014.

China Construction America (CCA), Baha Mar’s general contractor, has been blamed for the delays resulting in substantial revenue losses and the resort’s inability to open.

Baha Mar CEO Sarkis Izmirlian said in a statement on Monday that the decision to file for Chapter 11 came with a view to finish construction and open the property as soon as possible. On Tuesday, Baha Mar filed a claim in the English High Court against CCA’s parent company. The claim against China State Construction Engineering Corporation Ltd seeks financial remedies for alleged liabilities in respect to guarantee and performance obligations related to the construction of the project.

On Tuesday, Mr Christie said that the decision by Mr Izmirlian came at a point when his personal intervention with all parties involved led to a substantial agreement on a packaged solution for additional funding by the China Export-Import Bank. The bank is the main financier of the project.

This deal was going to ensure that the general contractor resumed construction at the West Bay Street project and that the mega-resort was completed, Mr Christie said.

“This is supported by exchange of correspondence as recently as June 26,” Mr Christie said.

In spite of this explanation, Dr Minnis said the government’s lack of transparency on numerous national issues and total disrespect for the Bahamian people have now brought the “chickens home to roost.”

He pointed to the recent spat between Mr Christie and the Police Staff Association over the group’s public statements on National Health Insurance.

“I saw Mr Christie lambasting the Police Staff Association saying how they could not trust him. The PSA, they are damn fool if they take the government at their word. The PSA’s (stance) is only in keeping with the views of the Bahamian population.”

He added: “Any government where the Bahamian people have lost trust in their governance and in their word, they are no longer fit for government and they will continue to make mistakes after mistakes.”


proudloudandfnm 9 years, 9 months ago

Why in God's name would you go to government for a briefing?!?!? They didn't even know Bahamar was filing chapter 11. Obviously they are not in the loop. Go to Sarkis and CCA and get the story then GO BRIEF PERRY!!!

Well_mudda_take_sic 9 years, 9 months ago

Minnis is just so enamored by Christie being willing to give him the time of day. This just shows his political ineptitude and how much he sorely lacks the backbone needed to serve the Bahamian people in any meaningful way; he is truly pathetic!

realfreethinker 9 years, 9 months ago

Minnis would be an ass to fall into that trap. When Perry thought everything was going good he saw no reason to brief,or include the opposition in any discussions. now that the shit hit the fan he looking for cover. F--k you perry and your lousy cabinet. You are on your own with this one

proudloudandfnm 9 years, 9 months ago

Minnis is leader of the opposition. GO MEET SARKIS AND CCA YOURSELF. Get the story and tell us. PLP obviously don't know what the hell is going on. Go find out and let us know please.....

duppyVAT 9 years, 9 months ago

I support that view ........... for what its worth ...... Right now though who is telling the truth??

realfreethinker 9 years, 9 months ago

The truth is not in Perry the idiot and his band of ferry men

ThisIsOurs 9 years, 9 months ago

But vait Tal, Perry fall off the SS PLP??

TalRussell 9 years, 8 months ago

Comrade, it's the pretense under of which the PM seemingly has now convinced Minnis, it's his own red leadership needing rescuing. Not the job of official postilion to be propping up a government who might not make it all way 2017, at least not unity intact. You gotta no it's a game play when Bran is all for Minnis going over to the PLP camp?

birdiestrachan 9 years, 9 months ago

Where in the world does Minnis get the idea that he speaks for the Bahamian people, He does not even speak for most FNMs .He would like to be PM at any cost. But only foolishness comes out of his mouth. He does not have to go to the meeting. It would take a real leader, who cared about the Bahamas and its people to do so. Minnis is neither.

ThisIsOurs 9 years, 8 months ago

Hmm..only foolishness comes out his mouth but the PM is liiking to him for backup in the meeting.what does that say about the PM.?

EasternGate 9 years, 9 months ago

Now that Baha Mar and the Chinese have "broke" a stick up the PLP Ass, they want to include Minnis!

Stapedius 9 years, 8 months ago

Damn them all for helping us get into this mess. None are blameless. The PM and his advisers should have been more proactive in monitoring the progress of this mess especially considering this project has had such setbacks from its inception. At the same time Minnis and his band of idiots are just as responsible. They are our official opposition and elected members of parliament. Their job should be in the interest of the Bahamian people. So they are also charged with the responsibility of closely monitoring and assessing matters of national importance. It seems politicians nowadays only interested in seeing their face in the papers with one liners and charged up rhetoric. No one wants to take the time to research and investigate things. This deal had both these jokey parties involved in negotiations.

Now these Bahamar clowns want our courts to fast track things through for their convenience. That's BS. They didn't have the decency to inform the opposition or the government about this bankruptcy filing. Yet, they want heaven and earth to move for them now that they're embarrassed. This is not a political issue in my opinion. I agree with Brent Symonette on this one. This bankruptcy was well orchestrated and it is an insult to our government and our people. But this is exactly the reason so many people are not convinced that these mega hotel projects are the way to go. The "too big to fail" situation always arises and a large sector of the economy becomes affected. Poor negotiations and poor oversight on our part and disgusting tactics by these developers.

SP 9 years, 8 months ago

.............. Bahamas Going From Dumb To Dumber To Dumbest Leadership ...............

Who and in GODS name why is Minnis Consulting Before Accepting Offer Of Briefing?

This situation does not require any consultation Dr. Minnis. Common sense, factual deduction, history of the subject and answering three simple questions resolutely makes the decision for you.

Where you involved in Baha Mar negotiations?

Where you consulted prior to, and/or provided copy the heads of agreement?

Where you invited to property walkabouts, updates, cocktail parties during construction?

If the answer is "NO" to any two of these questions then "NO" is the answer to accepting an offer of briefing.

PM Christie is just another "One Man Band" leading his group of gutless zombie MP's to crash and burn politically same as Hubert Ingraham did in 2012.

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