CCA Bahamas believes swift resolution could see Baha Mar open for winter season

In statement released on Friday night, CCA Bahamas Limited, the construction manager and general contractor for the Baha Mar project, has said that it believes the resort can be finished for the winter season - if a swift resolution to the current impasse is reached.

The statement said CCA Bahamas continues to make “every effort to work constructively with the Bahamian government, China Exim Bank, and Baha Mar Ltd. to reach a successful resolution that will enable us to restart work and complete the Baha Mar resort project.

“CCA Bahamas has a firm, binding contract in place with Baha Mar Ltd. to serve as the construction manager/general contractor for the Baha Mar project. This is a condition of the $2.5 billion senior bond issued by China Exim Bank to finance the construction of the Baha Mar project and the terms cannot be voided by any parties.”

The statement added: “Through CCA Bahamas, thousands of Bahamian subcontractors and workers have been employed during the construction of the resort. CCA Bahamas’ expertise and oversight of the project is essential to successfully completing the resort as quickly as possible, and putting Bahamians back to work. If a resolution is reached swiftly, CCA Bahamas believes Baha Mar can be finished in time for the winter high season.

“CCA Bahamas remains fully committed to seeing the Baha Mar project through to 100% completion, so that the resort can achieve its true purpose: providing thousands of high-quality jobs to the Bahamian people, and an ongoing economic boon to The Bahamas.”

A government delegation led by Attorney General Allyson Maynard-Gibson will join representatives of Baha Mar, China Construction and Exim Bank in Beijing this weekend for the resumption of negotiations.


John 9 years, 8 months ago

If that is the case then it serves no one to allow this matter to drag ob and/or to go to trial.

ThisIsOurs 9 years, 8 months ago

In other words, despite all of the substandard construction work reported, we are here to stay, Bahamar's request that we be removed is non-negotiable. If Sarkis would just hand over control and walk away, like China Exim and PM Christie have neatly worked out, we could complete.

This is one messy horse the PM has bet our treasury dollars on. Another one.

asiseeit 9 years, 8 months ago

The question is, to who's standard will the finish be, the Chinese standard or world class standard? My bet is on Chinese standard.

banker 9 years, 8 months ago

This was the Chinese strategy all along. The trouble is that we will get cheap Chinese crap with the same quality that they put into dollar store items.

Hogfish 9 years, 8 months ago

i don't know how yoll surprised at this. All the plastic crap and toys that we buy out of china is cheap because it is made CHEAP, then you throw it away. China is synonomous with cheap and shitty. The same with they construction.

China has constructed entire CITIES on the cheap that noone is living in.

This is just to spend the billions of dollars of cash (in kick backs anbd political favours - just like us!) that they have from the trade surplus with yankee doodle.


Yoll wait for the first frikin serious hurricane.

Well_mudda_take_sic 9 years, 8 months ago

I'm much too young to sit out on a balcony higher than the first floor of any of those Baha Mar hotel buildings built with Chinese manufactured cement.

sheeprunner12 9 years, 8 months ago

Something to seriously think about ....... how structurally safe are these buildings for the long term??????? The Chinese construction record is not nearly at the same level of First World countries ....... and it is aesthetically unappealing like standard Chinese ghost city structures as well

sheeprunner12 9 years, 8 months ago

BTW ........ who builds all of those hotel resorts in Abu Dhabi and Dubai???

jackflash 9 years, 8 months ago

The Government of Guyana just put a stop work order on CCA because of faulty workmanship with the airport expansion there.

CCA was taking shortcuts and got caught...

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