A government delegation led by Attorney General Allyson Maynard-Gibson will travel to China this weekend for the resumption of negotiations “aimed at the early completion and opening of the Baha Mar resort”, Prime Minister Perry Christie announced on Friday.
The delegation will join representatives of Baha Mar, China Construction and Exim Bank in Beijing.
In his statement, Mr Christie said: "Assuring the prompt resumption, completion and opening of the development is fundamental to protecting our national interest. The most effective way to preserve the livelihood of Baha Mar's workers, protect investors and realise the project’s great economic promise for all the Bahamas is to ensure the completion and opening of Baha Mar as soon as possible.”
Noting that most of the parties would be represented in Beijing by persons with executive authority, Mr Christie said that it would be helpful to the negotiating process to have Sarkis Izmirlian present in person as Baha Mar’s chief decision-maker.
"Should the parties reach an agreement, the parties can get back to the completion and opening of the resort without further litigation or other delay,” the Prime Minister added. “If no agreement is reached, there will still be the option of a restructuring and re-launch of the project under the authority of a provisional liquidator and the supervision of our Supreme Court, if the court is minded to so order after hearing from all sides.
“The preferred solution, however, would obviously be an amicable out-of-court settlement between all the parties.”
In addition to the Attorney General, the Government’s delegation includes of Sir Baltron Bethel, Senior Advisor to the Prime Minister; Commander (ret.) Loren Klein, Consultant to the Office of the Attorney General; Shari Moxey, Office of the Attorney General; and Kristel Thompson Bethel, Office of the Prime Minister.
John 9 years, 8 months ago
In the main time the drunk a$$ police guy continue to go around threatening store keepers. To lock them up. No brought upsey is obvious. He has post natal problems. 6000 Bahamian homes are w/o light. Crime is on the increase murder is through the roof. Your government has increased taxes on the hard working struggling Bahamian but gave away $1.5 billion to a company that seems too big for the economy. Vote ya conscience!
ThisIsOurs 9 years, 8 months ago
WTH. Another around the work charade?
Did I hear wrong or did the morning news report that Christie said he has ~"very little confidence in this developer to EVER complete the project"? Maybe I heard wrong.
They had these plans in place before Izmirilian filed for bankruptcy. Mr Christie would make a horrible poker player
I wonder what excuse the PM has for not traveling this time.
crabman 9 years, 8 months ago
Attorney General Allyson Maynard-Gibson, please ask the New Government of The Bahamas, that is the Peoples Republic of China to loan you the money needed to cover the Clico debacle, after all if was the Old Government of The Bahamas that allowed all of our hard earned money to be taken.
Much Love,
Crabman," I can't survive on my National Insurance" Pinder
SP 9 years, 8 months ago
Trinidad govt' making sense with Clico. Bahamas govt' No Such Luck
SP 9 years, 8 months ago
...................... Perry Gladstone Christie is WAY OUT Of His League .....................
Sarkis Izmirlian with his "nation" will have Christie's ass on a hot platter in very short order!
His deliberate actions of absenteeism from the region and show of power with his nation speaks volumes to those in the know.
Christie was so busy (unnecessarily) trying to save face from the chapter 11 so called blindsiding; he's now made a formidable enemy that he simply CANNOT EVER BEAT!
All Sarkis wanted was value for dollar from the construction company that EVERYONE ALREADY KNEW had produced shoddy workmanship.
What else was Izmirlian supposed to do to resolve the issue?
Christie has once again proven without doubt that ......Jackass Does As Jackass Is!
TalRussell 9 years, 8 months ago
Comrades I'm thinking they're thinking, better the public don't think we're worse than we are, so we will all just keep hiding all the insincerity we hold each other. At least the PM keeps up the appearance of modesty, while Izmirlian doesn't even pretend gives a rats ass enough bother showing up to talk with the very people, he still owes 2.5 billion dollars to. That either takes big one big set balls, or a man who couldn't for years find a lender other than the Chinese, to loan him 2.5 billion, has other issues he needs be tending to.
John 9 years, 8 months ago
don't think for a minute that either the China Bank or the China Construction company are anxious to go to court on this matter either. The charges of collusion and sabotage made against them are serious and can have far reaching and costly consequences
SP 9 years, 8 months ago
$2.5B here is less than a drop in the bucket compared to China losing credibility with its mega $Billions invested globally!
The charges of collusion and sabotage made against them are extremely serious and WILL HAVE far reaching and costly questions and consequences for them in multiple jurisdictions globally that they simply do not need as they spread their tentacles literally in every strategic emerging market on the planet!
sansoucireader 9 years, 8 months ago
Would get more results with Skype. How many plane tickets/hotel rooms we paying for this time? SMT!
asiseeit 9 years, 8 months ago
We will never be told how much this "shuttle diplomacy" is costing the Bahamian tax payer. The nation is broke but we can afford to pay a PRIVATE company's employee's and we can afford to send this delegation back and forth at whim? You know these high flyers are traveling first class!
John 9 years, 8 months ago
Well the good thing is if they can get past the completion stage, then the risk is no longer on Izmirlian alone. There will be four hotel operators that will be expected to draw guests to the property, plus the casino and golf course. Then the residents and time share units will generate additional revenue Also the shops and restaurants will have to draw their patrons as well. The worst scenario is that the majority of Bah Mar's guest check in, then catch a taxi to go spend the day at Atlantis' water park. (of course Atlantis wouldn't mind) Other attractions will now have to be developed in Cable Beach.
CommonSense 9 years, 8 months ago
Not surprised to see Baltron Bethel going. In case you were wondering who is really making the big decisions in this country, now you know.
Well_mudda_take_sic 9 years, 8 months ago
Baltron is needed for ............ aahhhh, yes, but of course! Chinese officials in Beijng appreciate that certain types of money and other asset movements, while not valued in the billions of dollars, are nevertheless very important. By their very nature, these transactions are highly sensitive; accordingly, they require confidential handling by a special envoy like Baltron.
Stapedius 9 years, 8 months ago
Wtf? They just left about a week ago. They might as well just stay. I hope its not the same entourage going.
newcitizen 9 years, 8 months ago
They government left, derailed the talks, announced that they were going to try and take over the project, and now they are going back to continue negotiations.
Is this for real? What a farce!
Well_mudda_take_sic 9 years, 8 months ago
Pretty much the same incompetent bunch of representatives headed by the Wicked Witch that messed everything up by their meddling in China a week or so ago. It seems the Chinese government has once again summonsed the Bahamian government to China's mainland and once again Christie has decided to stay behind in an effort to avoid the appearance of having sold the sovereignty of the Bahamas to China, and presumably to be able to say he can walk and chew gum at the same time notwithstanding the colossal Baha Mar mess confronting him as a result of his own vindictive and malicious meddling. It's absolutely laughable for Christie to suggest that it would be helpful for Sarkis Izmirlian to attend the Beijing talks with Christie's Chinese partners given his executive authority as chief decision-maker of Baha Mar. Why should Sarkis fly to Beijing to meet with Christie's Chinese partners and his Bahamian minions at a venue which clearly favours the negotiating tactics of the Chinese government and their visiting Bahamian partners? Sarkis has highly qualified representatives that he can send in his place unlike the clowns who will be representing Christie in Beijing a second time. Yes indeed, we can all see now as plain as day that Christie, Maynard-Gibson et al have sold out the sovereignty of the Bahamas to China lock, stock and barrel. There must have been one helluva quid pro quo for having done so!
TalRussell 9 years, 8 months ago
Oh Dear!
John 9 years, 8 months ago
If they went to China last week why couldn't them Chinese come here this week or meet in Miami. Play fair if you want resolution
GrassRoot 9 years, 8 months ago
maybe meeting in Miami may result in all getting booked for corruption.
John 9 years, 8 months ago
I bet they will come to a resolution before Sunday night. They realize the stakes are too high to do otherwise.
Gen 9 years, 8 months ago
Bahamians let us lift this government up in prayer, regardless of our political persuasion. This is our Nation. Remember, we are Bahamians first and not our political persuasion. If the government fails in trying to bring a resolution to the Baha Mar situation this will have a negative effect on all of us. We want our nation to grow and prosper economically, financially and spiritually, regardless of whose government is in power. So, come on Bahamians, let us pray for them as they travel to Chain this weekend to resume negotiations, let us pray for a swift and positive resolution.
MonkeeDoo 9 years, 8 months ago
So is all the panic about Delaware because the US has the ability, and the necessary tax treaties to find out how much and to whom, any money (bribes) was paid. Neither the Bahamas Government nor either of the Chinese parties would want the light of day to be shone on them. This is starting to make a lot of sense. Any money that changed hands would have gone through a New York bank. Who could spend Renmimbi outside of China ? It aint soverignty these bitches worried about, its about being caught. The Chinese will be put to death for offering the bribe and the Bahamians will be praised by their followers, ( Comrades ) but probably blacklisted by the civilized world. I think the grubby fingered one is scared to show up in the USA as it is. Next PGC and WWof the West and the Anglican Priests boy. This talk of Baltron Bethel started me thinking - a little slow i guess. Naive too. WOW !!!
MonkeeDoo 9 years, 8 months ago
John: I am interested to know more about this comment you made at the top here. I ask because I am involved with two businesses where I feel there was an unlawful shakedown in the name of VAT and Business License department.
TalRussell 9 years, 8 months ago
John 9 years, 8 months ago
Put it this way: they are building up machinery where they can acces a computer any hour of the day and night and find out everything there is to know about you, your business, what you owe and what you own. Then if they have a reason to (political or otherwise) they will come after you. The new vat laws give them the power to. But here is one company (Bah Mar) that hasn't started up yet and owes the government near $100 million. Yet they have police in the most impoverished communities of the country closing mom and pop shops down that cannot afford a business license. BEC has already turned their power supply off and they only keeping their doors open because to them it represents hope. The same thing is happening in Freeport where stores and other businesses that have been around for generations are closing. The vat, the increased business license fee, the prolonged recession, crime and the soon to come 40% increase in minimum wage, then introduction of National Health Insurance is taking its toll. And there is no compassion from this "believe in Bahamians government." Despite the numerous closed and dilapidated building and the ever increasing number of "for rent" signs, Bahamians must find monies to pay all their taxes or whatever else is owed to government, while foreign businesses are given concessions or time to pay.
Well_mudda_take_sic 9 years, 8 months ago
"John", the govt is sadly oblivious to the fact that the more they jack up taxes, the more small entrepreneurs must lay-off staff, and the more unemployed Bahamians there are who must visit Melanie Griffin and the National Insurance Board to claim "social safety net entitlements" that in turn causes the need for even more taxation, yet more lay-offs, with more entitlements to be replenished by added taxation of already severely over-taxed Bahamians and Bahamian businesses.....and around and around we go as we spiral down the toilet that has been flushed over and over again by the failed economic and social policies of our corrupt Christie-led PLP government!
John 9 years, 8 months ago
I realize along time ago that the government is not about the small business men. They favor the foreign investors who are like sharks. When they feed there is enough scraps for every one to feed off. But when they (foreign investors) leave everyone has hunger pains because they forgot hoe to survive
GrassRoot 9 years, 8 months ago
my experience in the business world is that many people who travel a lot for business think, they are important. To opposite is true. The important people are the ones that don't travel, they let the other ones travel to come see them. Only the minions travel.
TalRussell 9 years, 8 months ago
Comrades whilst the delegation might be heading back China in an effort to sidestep Baha Mar's looming Bankruptcy, they leave behind da 'dock' one of da most telling and visible extravagances that may have contributed to the developer's journey to the bankruptcy court in Delaware.
What this 'dock' is telling us, as it stretches far out into the Atlantic Ocean with no possible return on investment purpose in mind and ever so clearly visible to the natives and tourists naked eyes from any lookout point at Cable Beach and beyond, is it 'robes' the natives and tourists from their unobstructed access under the water laws governing Bahamland, to their unrestricted access and enjoyment of the nation's most treasured and valuable assets, its sea waters.
But I'm guessing, this 'dock' will remain just like the still of the night hush over the now confirmed Carnival 2015's way over budget that part of the 12 million dollars and still counting the expenses and waste of taxpayers monies, were allocated to draw up plans pay for specially designed 'outside toilets.'
Has it been lost on taxpayers the media is reporting that taxpayers monies in excess of 100 million dollars, have already been 'sunk' into Baha Mar? And, that was, before the PLP cabinet decided pay the salaries work permit holders at Baha Mar.
"Comrades, this video allows you discover, why this 'dock' is long enough to justify da erecting one them toll booths." Watch it now, before it disappears cuz you knows Baha Mar, will pull it down off YouTube.
ThisIsOurs 9 years, 8 months ago
Who approves these things???? How can anyone be given the right to block access to any length of shoreline in the Bahamas?
I guess you could always get flotation tubes, go under the stilts, and wade on to the beach en masse....
TalRussell 9 years, 8 months ago
Comrade ThisIsOurs, it would appear nothing is on a reduced scale at Izmirlian's Cable Beach and why should it. When you can't pay for your extravagances, or your workers salaries - including those on work permits - the PLP Cabinet will rush to your aid, using taxpayers monies. I am asking a PLP Cabinet Minister to step forward to justify, why the government approved the construction of this dock and the name and pay rank of the individual approving it?
If not legal, do as President Regan uttered; "Tear it down."
These waters belong to all the nation's people and are to be left alone, for the free waterways movement of boaters and our tourists.
MonkeeDoo 9 years, 8 months ago
Thisisours: You never been to Cabbage Beach eh ? Or Long Beach ? or Paradise Beach ? You ain't got nothin' left. The Port Department cordons off these beaches but to be realistic it is to keep jet skis and para-sailers away from the tourists. Ain't no tourists on Long Beach, just people with plenty money.
jackflash 9 years, 8 months ago
I just checked the cost to fly to China on AA.com
If you book for Wednesday which is two days out the cost to fly in Business is $7,775. Even more if they flew in first class.
Add in the best hotel, the best food and wine, transportation, etc.
I can easily see this costing us $100,000
Don't worry, it's only money - they are still printing it.... !
jackflash 9 years, 8 months ago
Sorry - typo..
I should have said one Million $$$
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