Tribune Staff Reporter
THE head of a local public relations firm said she has “no objection” to the government’s hiring a foreign firm to help manage its Stronger Bahamas initiative.
Although the exact scope of its role remains unclear, the Canadian firm Fleishman-Hillard has been hired by the government to work on its new initiative alongside other local companies.
Some have criticised this arrangement, but Diane Phillips, founder of one of the country’s largest PR firms, yesterday noted that local firms have often benefited from partnering with foreign companies.
“I have worked with foreign agencies before and it has always been a good partnership,” she said. “We have learned a lot from them and they have learned cultural nuances from us. That kind of information exchange is important and it makes for great partnership.”
Although a source within the Christie administration identified Diane Phillips & Associates as one of the local companies involved with Stronger Bahamas, Mrs Phillips told The Tribune this is not the case.
Asked about the initiative, she said the relevant question is about the content of the government’s message, not who is delivering it.
She said: “The fact that they are saying a stronger Bahamas, a safer Bahamas, a Bahamas where there are more jobs for all is a beautiful vision but that’s what it is, a vision, not a path. How do we get to a safer Bahamas? When we have 64 murders this year, nearly one everyday, why can’t we embrace a zero tolerance policy? I have no objection to bringing in other people to help us with the message but I would like for the agencies to be involved in bringing the message to ensure that the message has real meaning.”
Meanwhile, a source within the government who spoke to The Tribune on the condition of anonymity in order to discuss sensitive internal matters, vehemently denied yesterday that the PLP is in campaign mode.
The denial came after FNM members and other political observers dismissed the Stronger Bahamas initiative as “propaganda”, calling it the start of the PLP’s 2017 election campaign.
In response, The Tribune’s source insisted that a defining characteristic that the party is readying itself for the next general election will be the mobilisation of its “war room”, an operation exclusively involving Bahamians who plan political strategies.
The source said the war room will be concerned with all PLP message matters, including the production of rallies, events and commercials, social media messaging, online content and speech writing.
The source said it has not yet been decided when this definitive feature of the PLP’s election campaign operation will be mobilised.
The government has set aside $3.8m in the Office of the Prime Minister for the upcoming fiscal year for “advertisements and media supplements”. It is unclear how much of this will be spent on Stronger Bahamas.
The government launched the initiative last Wednesday, to coincide with Mr Christie’s 2015/2016 Budget Communication. The plan includes a new website which touts the government’s achievements along with print and broadcast ads which have been in heavy rotation.
FNM_Retards 9 years, 9 months ago
Stronger Bahamas is a waste of time but nothing new, and the Bahamas tourism board have been doing the same thing for years, remember "Its Better In the Bahamas".
asiseeit 9 years, 9 months ago
Stronger Bahamas is an election tool for the PLP nothing more than another crappy government propaganda tool along with second rate ZNS. Joseph Goebbels would be proud!
FNM_Retards 9 years, 9 months ago
So what you are saying is only PLPs are working for Stronger Bahamas? Did you pull that out your backside or did your FNM propaganda team tell you to make that sht up? Silly FNM retards.
birdiestrachan 9 years, 9 months ago
At least Diane agrees it is a beautiful vision. It is where all good things start with beautiful visions. Then
At least Diane agrees it is a beautiful vision. that is where all good things start with a vision.. But typical of Diane Phillips she goes negative. The FNM should buy into the Vision.
birdiestrachan 9 years, 9 months ago
At least Diane agrees it is a beautiful vision. that is where all good things start with a vision.. But typical of Diane Phillips she goes negative. The FNM should buy into the Vision. and all Bahamians should work towards a stronger Bahamas.
asiseeit 9 years, 9 months ago
Every Bahamian HAS bought into the vision, it is OUR TAX DOLLARS that pay for the PLP propaganda tool. Why did they not use ZNS? Why did they not use Bahamians?
strings 9 years, 9 months ago
@asiseeit.......Diane Phillips is not a Bahamian, she's from Canada.
realfreethinker 9 years, 9 months ago
She probably have her side deal from the plp
asiseeit 9 years, 9 months ago
I do not give a hoot who the Philips person is, my statement is that EVERY Bahamian is paying for and therefore has BOUGHT into this propaganda tool. We had no choice. Our money is being spent to fund the PLP's election in 2017. If you can't see that go sit with birdie in the front row of the PLP convention. The money could be useed for so many other more useful things like EDUCATION, got it , Charlie, Charlie.
BahamaPundit 9 years, 9 months ago
I have respect for this lady, as I do all businesses at the top of their field. She may truly believe there is no problem hiring a foreign markering firm, because she is currently raking in a six figure salary; but what about the small man? The PR firms formed by the little man? I have heard from them and they are in complete shock. For them, this is monumental; the PLP are stealing the crumbs off their table, because they are not "white" Canadians. If you want a response Tribune, please look to them, before spouting off some nonsense from the millionaire with crocodile skin shoes.
John 9 years, 9 months ago
Is the Bahamas being prepared for the New a World Order or the one world system of government? Our tax system is being changed to be compatible with other countries, most of our national assets (BEC BTC Cable national stadium water corp) are being aligned with international companies. Our middle class is being eliminated (the new world order will only have an elite (chosen) and a working class) and many believe the national health insurance plan is a part of a bigger plot to get every person on the planet on an international register. They will tell you you will need to be registered to receive world wide coverslip of your health insurance. Then will come the implanting of a chip somewhere on your body, that they claim is to reduce fraud and prevent anyone from using your identity. But it will be able to track you anywhere on the planet and may one day even be interactive. Meaning they will be able to "shut down person who have ankle monitoring bracelets and even give persons their medication remotely. It can eliminate a person if necessary. No it's not far fetched and it ain't far either.
ohdrap4 9 years, 9 months ago
john, stop watching "The Matrix" reruns. Game of thrones has more sex and more blood.
John 9 years, 9 months ago
I don't play games or watch them!
ChefSmith 9 years, 9 months ago
This one world order is other nonsense.
killemwitdakno 9 years, 9 months ago
This country seriously a monitor 24/7. Ya get swing. It's not like the company has to market to thousands of channels. A website only costs a few hundred.
Check the presentations,all under $50.………
Someone with the required computer program simply drops in PLP images and texts in the vid, formats it, sends to zns.
killemwitdakno 9 years, 9 months ago
$4 million on this service is worse than $9 million on carnival. IT DOES NOT COST ANYWHERE NEAR A MILLION IF EVEN $50,000.
johnq 9 years, 9 months ago
Diane Phillips makes some good points. Bahamian companies can learn a lot from foreign ones in terms of technology and best practices. But Diane Phillips is not an elected official with responsibility of decreasing a 6.2 billion dollar debt and is not participating in a 16% unemployment rate.
That money should have been kept here in the Bahamas and spread completely over a number of small and medium business. I believe the site is BS, but if you are going to practice BS like this, make sure it helps a large number of Bahamians.
duppyVAT 9 years, 9 months ago
Bahamians have already experienced the nazi-style PR campaign of the PLP in 2012 .......... will we fall for that again in 2017?????????? Doesn't matter who the PR firm is .......... it is simply a re-election propaganda by the PLP for the up-coming 2017 (or before) election
John 9 years, 9 months ago
So you call a one world government system a game fantasy or foolishness. Do you know that one percent of the worlds population already owns more than half the world's wealth? Can you honestly say that you can see what you have been working for over the past 5-8 years? Why have so many people bought air conditioners and flat screen tv's but can't afford to turn them on on a regular basis. The country's national debt is $5 billion. Who do we know this to? Is servicing this national debt in reality a tax for living in the Bahamas? How much did it diminishe your quality of life, especially when the country did not receive value for much of the money that was spent.
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