Tribune Staff Reporter
NORTH Abaco MP Renardo Curry yesterday said he fears the destruction of his constituency’s tourism market as a boat theft ring continues to thrive “at an all time high” on the island.
He said one of the victims is the son of an NFL team owner.
Speaking during his contribution to the 2015/2016 budget debate, Mr Curry warned the perpetrators that once they are caught, prosecution will follow.
The MP added that the lack of law enforcement on the island has allowed illicit human smuggling to plague Abaco through the use of its northern passage. This area extends from Grand Cay to Crown Haven, Abaco, he said.
“I say to these young men, you seem to have no regard of other people’s property and deliberately seek to wreck our local economy, please cease from this senseless act of targeting our tourists or targeting anyone,” he said.
“We had a person who has been coming to the Abacos for over 25 (or) 30 years. In fact he happens to be the son of the owner of the Miami Dolphins.
“Mr Speaker, he never had a problem with this boat in the harbour. The boat values some $500,000. He was shocked to see that he left for less than an hour and it was gone. Now he is saying that he had never seen it this bad and that he is even thinking about not coming back again.”
Mr Curry said a similar incident followed involving a homeowner on the island who had just purchased a boat.
“It seems to be a ring of them. We don’t know who they are, but we want them to know that once they are caught, do not cry for mercy. These things affect all of us in the community when people or investors start to leave then there comes job losses. So this is why this act must stop,” Mr Curry said.
asiseeit 9 years, 9 months ago
Behind the times as always. Abaco has been plagued with boat thefts for a while now. It is so bad there is a BOLO page dedicated to boat thefts in the area on facebook. Many people will no longer come to Abaco because of the high theft rate. This is what you get when you allow shanty towns full of illegals that want to get to the U.S. The Mud and the others are full of illegals but because NO government of The Bahamas have had the fortitude to do what is needed the economy of the Island now is in problems. Not enforcing the little laws of the land leads to major problems. Abaco is going to end up worse than Nassau in the long run the way it is headed. Good luck with all them Haitians!
DonAnthony 9 years, 9 months ago
I suspect your blame of Haitians may be misplaced. I live in Long Island and there is a epidemic of stolen boats and especially parts. My boat was stolen, used for a nefarious purpose and then politely returned to me damaged of course. Then while it was in my enclosed yard $1000 parts stripped from the engine. Neither crime ever solved of course. However, there is not a single Haitian living in Long Island, legal or otherwise. It is our own people doing most of this crime.
asiseeit 9 years, 9 months ago
If there where not any illegals in Abaco the need for stolen boats would be greatly reduced. Many of the boats are found in the U.S or stripped for parts. The smuggling of human cargo is what they want the boat or parts for. The illegal thing in Abaco has been ignored and even encouraged for decades. This will be Abacos downfall. A once prosperous economy can be wiped out very quickly and that is exactly what is happening. Crime in Abaco will surpass Nassau in a few years, mark my words.
proudloudandfnm 9 years, 9 months ago
Set up a bait boat man. End this once and for all. Lord this can't be hard to do. What is our Police force good for man? They can't catch boat thieves? Set up a NICE bait boat. Dock it in Abaco and watch it. Within two days you'll have your thieves....
abacogrouper 9 years, 9 months ago
This seem simplistic, but it can work. It has worked in in other areas. If we had the will, we can stop this foolishness.
asiseeit 9 years, 9 months ago
It is not just one ring, they are stealing a couple boats a night. The sip/sip is the Haitian gangs have set up shop in the shanty towns and there is a very busy human smuggling operation coming out of Abaco. They have major problems on that island and The government will do nothing because it will cost them votes. There are more Haitians on Abaco then Bahamians.
cominghome 9 years, 9 months ago
This is one of the many things wrong with our country....what the f#@$^% this has to do with this country's budget ? An MP whose contribution to the budget debate is to lament over a boat been stolen, while the country's murder rate is at an all time high....what an idiot...
asiseeit 9 years, 9 months ago
Do you know the amount of money the government receives in taxes from Abaco? Probably close to or more than Freeport. This is not something that the government can afford to ignore.
banker 9 years, 9 months ago
It's not the Haitians. DonAnthony had it right. It is Bahamians using stolen boats to dump square grouper in the water at the 12 mile limit off Florida to be picked up by "fishing" boats that have private jetties on the panhandle.
B_I_D___ 9 years, 9 months ago
Not da square groupers!! LOL
The_Oracle 9 years, 9 months ago
From the Florida Keys to Tampa, east coast and west, Grand Bahama, Abaco, Bimini, all the islands of the Bahamas, Boat theft has been going on for decades. Blame crooked people, and supply and demand for parts engines and hulls, high value equipment unattended and easy to steal, for whatever purpose they are used for. What we need is proper law enforcement, law with the teeth to help ensure compliance with the law. Same deficiency as every other aspect of society in the Bahamas right? 40 years of self determination with out an ounce of responsibility attached, from the top down, openly displayed for all to see. So, back to point, what we gonna do about these thieving scum walking away with multi-hundred thousand dollar boats un-impeded which burns off high dollar repeat tourists and visitors? In days of old it would be called piracy, and pirates when caught were hung. By whomever caught them red handed. Something to think about.
juju 9 years, 9 months ago
This is a really serious problem for Abaco. Very scary. Where is the Hopetown Lighthouse keeper between 3 and 5 a m? Asleep or paid off? Perhaps it is time for the "real" local men to step up and break these rings. With this government and the lack of police assistance, you are on your own guys!
asiseeit 9 years, 9 months ago
What the hell does the lighthouse keeper have to do with this? The man keeps the light on, he is not a lookout.
asiseeit 9 years, 9 months ago
The defense force is useless. Poachers fish at will. Boats stolen left right and center. Drugs still pass through this country on a regular. Illegals in wooden sailboats elude them. We just invested 200 million on the RBDF and they still suck at their job. Those patrol boats are tied up more often than not, or used as showboats that look pretty but do nothing for the country. That 200 million is NOT paying any dividends and was a waste of our tax dollars. Why do we have a defense force except to protect diplomats?
killemwitdakno 9 years, 9 months ago
Abaco. Boat theft. Wonder who's in desperate need to leave Abaco in boats in these days? Take a wild guess.
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