DNA leader seeks thorough probe, and says Davis should step down

Branville McCartney

Branville McCartney


Tribune Staff Reporter


DNA Leader Branville McCartney yesterday called for an investigation into the Ministry of Works to find out the legitimacy of all contractors hired by government in view of the revelation that the company hired to build the male dorm at the Bahamas Agricultural and Marine Science Institute was allowed to do business without an insurance policy for the structure.

He also demanded the resignation of both Deputy Prime Minister Philip “Brave” Davis and Agriculture Minister V Alfred Gray over the matter.

He suggested that the depth of the BAMSI matter highlights alleged flaws in the bidding system where political party affiliates are fast-tracked for government contracts despite their qualifications.

Mr McCartney said the country has suffered enough as a result of “this long unnecessary disguise” put on by senior members of the government over the issue.

“The deputy prime minister ... should step down,” Mr McCartney said yesterday. “The minister of agriculture was negligent throughout this entire ordeal, he should also step down.

“If this was another country, this entire administration would be gone,” said the former Bamboo Town MP.

Mr McCartney raised concerns about the possible abuse of public funds through the creation of BAMSI and accused the government of not wanting to be accountable over the matter.

“BAMSI is just the latest in a long line of issues with this administration,” he added.

He suggested the administration is “stalling” on implementing Freedom of Information legislation because it does not want to be transparent.

“If this was my administration, as leader I would be the first to ask for my deputy’s resignation. Not only his resignation, I would assure that the people would not be punished for the government’s mishaps,” he added.

“There has to be transparency on the government’s behalf, they have to resign.”

The dormitory was damaged in an arson attack on January 15.

His comments came the same day Mr Davis backtracked from earlier statements he had made in the House of Assembly on February 25 about the dormitory.

Mr Davis had told the House that the dormitory was not insured at the time of the incident due to negligence on the part of the contractor.

Last month, Mr Davis explained to parliamentarians that the contractor, Paradigm Construction, had failed to pay the annual insurance premium that covered the structure.

However, yesterday he revealed in the House that the dormitory was never insured. Instead, he said, the contractor had only provided a quote from an insurance company and that an actual policy was not included in the Ministry of Works’ file on the project.

Mr McCartney said this debacle should enrage Bahamians.

He added: “The citizens have to get serious, we have to get outraged – enough is enough.”


John 9 years, 9 months ago

IF ELECTIONS were called today, the major contest would sill be between the PLP and the FNM. The major difference this time is that the DNA will draw as many or more supporters from the PLP, or more than it drew from the FNM last election. This would be interesting because the DNA must now transform this support into seats in parliament. To go without winning any seats in two consecutive elections can spell and end for the DNA, while gaining one or two will give them political clout and the power to negotiate. The question then is should the DNA field a full slate of candidates and present themselves as a viable alternative to government, or should they focus more in divisions where they stand better chances of winning seats? While many supporters have claim to have abandoned the PLP this, at this point will not transfer into a easy victory for the FNM. Many who were disgruntled with this party last election are still members of the DNA. Some are still bruised by Hubert Ingraham's iron fist form of leadership. Yet many feel that the FNM under its present structure is not ready to stand up to the PLP machinery. The have government resources at their disposal, and Bah Mar, along with Atlantis is on stream, along with others to line their election kitty's and the Casino boys will have been tamed It appears that they have already started pumping money to mobilise their campaign and if the opening of Bah Mar does kick start the economy, persons will be so grateful to find jobs, they will quickly forget hard ties. Some believe that if Hubert Minnis does not show more 'leadership' qualities and ability to run an election that may not only be strongly contested, but fought dirty, some may come out of the woodwork to steer the party through the election and wrestle power from the PLP. Of course the DNA is till holding a trump card because if they join with either of the two parties, the chances of that party winning the election will increase twofold. Perry Christie may definitely not be up to another full term as prime minister after 2017 and the question of who will replace him is better answered sooner than later. Many in his tow has credibility issues or just do not have the dynamics, the appeal and the leadership skills to win this election. Who will you vote for?

Honestman 9 years, 9 months ago

I would vote for Mickey Mouse if it put an end to this bunch of jokers.

SP 9 years, 9 months ago

I second the motion to vote for Mickey. Spongebob would work too!

TalRussell 9 years, 9 months ago

The Comrade DPM is getting off rather lightly. Wasn't it "Bran" who in his opinion had called South Abaco's Edison, "a political prostitute." Bran had also advised the leader of FNM party to ask Edison to leave the party - cuz he Bran had concerns about Edision.. Coincidentally, wasn't it BAIC, that figured big time into why Bran was "really" all upset with Abaco's MP Edision.

Hallelujah, Jesus. for making Bran, the everlasting "unelected" leader, going on now three years since Bran did born the DNA. Tis not a party by the people - that's for damn sure.

Economist 9 years, 9 months ago

These guys will never resign. Being honourable is something that they don't know anything about.

They feel that they are above the law.

EasternGate 9 years, 9 months ago

Brave Davis was squirming like the worn that he is

birdiestrachan 9 years, 9 months ago

say what you must and find as many faults as you can, but have you ever heard an original moving forward comments, visionary that will take our Country forward coming from McCartney or Minnis. They say the PLP does not have the answer for crime. Do they? BAMSI is vision., The University of the Bahamas is vision. legalise web shops is the right thing to do. VAT is necessary. We do not want our dollar to be devalued. All Minnis and McCartney can do is find fault. but they have no answers.

jlcandu 9 years, 9 months ago


Once again you are missing the point.

BAMSI may be a vision of the PM, but it now has no credibility. University of the Bahamas?? I've been here for 22 years and I've heard the same thing from both governments -- to make COB into a university. I'll believe it when I see it!!! Legalise web shops was NOT the right thing to do -- YOUR PM was supposed to listen to the wishes of the people to deepen democracy, but changed his mind when the so-called referendum (opinion poll) didn't turn out the way he wanted. He's been waffling every since and decided to do what he wanted to do in the first place as pay back for campaign contributions. VAT is NOT necessary. If all of you tax dodgers and bill payers in the PLP would just pay your bills like you are supposed to, we wouldn't need VAT.

Birdie, you really need to take off those Gold Rush glasses and see the world the way it actually is....

Honestman 9 years, 9 months ago

The PLP said THEY had the answer to crime and plastered New Providence with their ridiculous posters. The only vision the PLP has is a vision of enriching its inner circle of friends and cronies - there is no vision for the country. How can any sane person fail to find fault with this totally incompetent administration? The farce that is BAMSI is just one example of how incapable this government is.

John 9 years, 9 months ago

Tell me if I lie the people who complain the most and cry the loudest is be the first one in line to vote PLP. Is like one ole gal u was promising to break up with since the money change. Now people worrying bout the $$ getting devalued and you and her still going strong

John 9 years, 9 months ago

crime and corruption are the biggest cries against the PLP. And while hard times started under the FNM and continues under the PLP government that promised relief, the biggest strikes against the DNA is that they are untried as a government, Bran is too aloof and does not know how to cater to the grassroots and his style of leadership is dictatorial,

SP 9 years, 9 months ago

The "untried as a government" argument doesn't hold water.

At some point in time the PLP and FNM were all "untried as a government". This is of course no consolation & bad examples, but true.

To put either back in power after 40+ years of raw collaborating piracy between them is totally unacceptable.

DNA, or anyone else for that matter, couldn't be as corrupt as the PLP and FNM simply because they do not have the 40 years of skeletons in their closets as baggage.

We can also remove the DNA or whomever if they too fall short and continue moving forward. But this PLP and FNM pendulum has proven beyond all doubt to be the wrong course of action.

Time to move on.

John 9 years, 9 months ago

Many believe that Brave Davis has now become too tainted to be prime minister. It will require more than polish to clean up his image for the number one post.

SP 9 years, 9 months ago

Nonsense......A few barrels of sun cured cow dung would shine "Brave" up quite nicely, and would make a significant improvement to his image!

realfreethinker 9 years, 9 months ago

I don't know if you can do anything to rehabilitate those grubby,sticky little fingers

SP 9 years, 9 months ago

Cutting this pirate off at the knees, amputating his arms above the elbow and an iron mask to shut his lying mouth immediately come to mind as a remedial solution!

John 9 years, 9 months ago

Then there is Michael Halkitas, Obie Wilchcombe's, Freddy Mitchell and Glenys Hanna-Martin. Take your pick. While tourism numbers are up impressively and the number houses are being regulated Obie seems to have dropped the ball on Carnival. Fred Mitchell seems to be making inroads on immigration reform but most will not trust him with question four on the constitutional amendment. Michael Halkitas seem to have done well with the implementation of VAT and going after outstanding taxes but he can't seem to get his party to control spending and wastage and double dipping and corruption? The biggest factor Glenys Hanna has against her is her gender. Are Bahamians ready for a woman prime minister? Unfortunately it is the female voter that will have an issue voting for another woman and unfortunately women make up the majority of voters. In the US the Republicans have already started to beat up on Hillary Clinton even though she is not yet officially announced as a presidential candidate for the Democrats.

John 9 years, 9 months ago

Do you think the legalization/decriminalization of marijuana will be a major issue in the upcoming elections? It will definitely be popular with the young male voter and if the issue is raised early enough, it may encourage a lot of them to go register and go out and vote

asiseeit 9 years, 9 months ago

Why has nobody called for protests? Why has nobody called for marches? What is everyone scared of. This gangster government has everyone scared to death when it is them that should be scared. Bahamians are a bunch of sheep being led to slaughter while not making a peep! FOOLS!

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