Tribune Staff Reporter
PRIME Minister Perry Christie said despite the “naysayers”, his government’s performance will not be matched “in the history of this country”, citing his administration’s legislative agenda and reform of the tax system and gaming sector as achievements.
Speaking to students of the College of the Bahamas’ journalism programme last week, Mr Christie pointed to taxation and gaming reform, plans for National Health Insurance (NHI) and a pledge to enact a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) as some of the major issues his government would have addressed by the time its term ends.
He boasted that international observers have praised the efficiency of value added tax (VAT) implementation. On the issue of FOIA, he said Minister of Education Jerome Fitzgerald is “now ready to bring the Act”.
Mr Christie said: “The International Monetary Fund will give a report to the Bahamas ... that report will be coming out; they have looked at (our taxation reform) and analysed it; they have said we have had the most efficient implementation of VAT of any country. And we did it because we incorporated the private sector.”
VAT was implemented at a rate of 7.5 per cent on most goods and services on January 1.
As for the Freedom of Information Act, Mr Christie said: “The minister responsible for the Freedom of Information Act is the minister of education. The minister of education has just told me he is now ready to bring the Act. The consultation process for the Act is coming to an end, he said. When the historians look at this government, notwithstanding what the naysayers say, there will never be any to match it in the history of this country (in terms of) what we are going to do, the legislative agenda, the reforms that we will put in place.”
The Ingraham administration passed a FOIA in early 2012, shortly before the May general election. When the Christie administration was elected, it said the legislation needed to be significantly overhauled or replaced with a new one.
Mr Christie added the government will have to repair the education system and will announce something in relation to this soon.
“We have to fix our education system and that’s what we are proposing to do early in May, announcing a special strategy to deal with (it),” he said.
He provided no details of the plan but he said that it will involve tertiary education and a move to ensure that gifted students have access to a good education.
Responding to a student who asked why COB’s tuition was not free, he said: “You are going to find that with respect to education, we are going to be able to meet your expectations.”
Mr Christie promised that improvements will be made in the lives of Bahamians in a variety of ways. He said his government will announce something big in the near future concerning mortgage relief.
Mortgage relief was a key component of the Progressive Liberal Party’s election campaign. It was first meant to help thousands of homeowners facing foreclosure, however once it was implemented, the government admitted that fewer than a dozen people had been assisted.
lkalikl 10 years ago
Tommy77 10 years ago
Yes indeed.…" style="display:none">
asiseeit 10 years ago
I sure hope and pray he is correct! This country has had enough of the PLP and their corrupt, tribalistic, greedy, ways. It is time we have a government that works for all BAHAMIANS not just those in it's party. A government that works for THE people not just the political elite. A government that is fair and balanced not all for me.
GrassRoot 10 years ago
he definitely belongs to another world, in another galaxy, "Scotty beam him up."
Guy 10 years ago
Senility is setting in. Absolutely concerning.
proudloudandfnm 10 years ago
Wow. How is it possible to be so out of touch with reality?!?!?
This is offensive....
EnoughIsEnough 10 years ago
he is correct in that his govt "won't be matched". i can't see that any other party or leader could bring this country down to the pitiful level that he and his cronies have. but he is definitely losing the plot if he thinks he has done anything productive or credible. i ask any of the PLP supporters who comment here to highlight 3 things that the PLP have done this term that have been successfully implemented without any scandal and corruption associated and from which we can see any positive return/benefit for even the smallest group of Bahamians. Just 3 things. That's all I ask.
Emac 10 years ago
Hold on, birdie soon sign in. You might even get an answer from Tal who tries to be impartial at times. But oh when whenever comparisions are made betweening past and present governing parties, Tal will side with the PLP quick and hurry.
jackbnimble 10 years ago
LOL! God, I needed that laugh.
You have to agree that they won't be unmatched as theirs is indeed a VERY TOUGH act to follow. NO GOVERNMENT in the history of The Bahamas could screw up a country more than this PLP Government. Shameless.
Lol! Jokes for days...!
ohdrap4 10 years ago
No he cannot be matched.
The difference between Competence and Incompetence is that in competence has limits.
Incompetence knows no boundaries, ergo, his government is unmatched.
B_I_D___ 10 years ago
One of the funniest and saddest headlines I have seen in a while...damn near wrecked my car when I saw the headline on the paper driving to work. Truly needs his head examined.
cmiller 10 years ago
Wow!!! He really, really, really thinks that his government is actually doing well. They just forge ahead and are not even listening to us! So many peoplE suffering, so many jobs being lost.
watcher 10 years ago
Quote "Citing reform of the gaming achievements"
It is true. No other Government will ever dare to ignore the results of a nationwide referendum, which clearly stated that we, the public, did NOT wish to legalise the numbers racket and legitimise the numbers business, which is just a front for prostitution, drug dealing, loan sharking and goodness knows what other crimes.
Please tell us more about the "achievements" and how you have besmirched the name of our once proud democracy
TalRussell 10 years ago
Comrades, admittedly - while the prime minister sounds grumpy, it's not all his fault. The journalist must share the blame.
If it weren't for them bias journalists, we would be having a debate over "what the PM really said to to the gathered journalistic students." But why should we when it lacks news sensationalism. Over the past 48 hours, blogger posts would have it that Comrade PM Christie has spilled a bad journalism secret. That he'd have to be the first PM to have become the direct target of the bias works and lack of respect for true journalism practiced by certain newspapers, and broadcasting houses.
The PM has a front row seat to read, see and hear more than the average citizen, how the so-called journalists are not big fans of truth news stories and opinion pieces that often manifests itself in the form pleasing to what the people writing their paychecks desire, or are willing to place their journalistic leanings at the begging call of the financially well to do, or the political connected others, who are more than willing to feed their needs, as long as they write and speak what they want to see and hear. Certain so-called journalists and media houses, don't even try hiding their personal political bias and best business interests, from their journalists, readers, viewers and listeners.
justthefactsplease 10 years ago
To be honest...I truly hopes no government in this country EVER matches this one because I would not want to live through this level of incompetence and b#llsh!t ever again.
proudloudandfnm 10 years ago
Tal... Bull.... Bout bias.... The PLP have failed consistently at everything they've tried this term. The media did not cause this. The PLP's incompetence and disdain for hard work caused this.
bout biased media. That's just about the dumbest damn thing said this term...
The PLP have no one to blame but themselves...
Friendly press is not given, it is earned....
Bout media bias. Drivel, pure drivel....
arussell 10 years ago
Mannnnnnn I haven't stop laughing yet unable to read the whole article!!! What a BIG JOKE!!!.........
christee 10 years ago
He is right about that. His government will never be matched with the amount of scandals and corruption. It is nearly impossible to match. Delusional is putting it mildly. This man is pathetic. If it wasn't so serious I'd be laughing hilariously.
asiseeit 10 years ago
I have been asking people around town if they voted for the PLP. Seems to me that nobody did, or they will not admit that they did. I wonder why that is? It also seems to me that if you go around town and listen, it is very hard to find anyone who is happy with this government, even die hard PLP's are actually saying that they are unhappy with what is happening in the country. It is a shame that a P.M. who has promoted corrupt practices (he only wants his supporters to get government contracts) does not fully understand that he is hugely unpopular. I guess that is what happens when you are totally out of touch with the man on the street.
Reality_Check 10 years ago
Time and time again.....promises, promises, promises......with absolutely no intent or ability to deliver on the promises! The photo above is far from flattering....looks like he was trying to find the biggest Bahama Mama in the audience to hug!! LBT is surely thankful she was not there!!!!
Well_mudda_take_sic 10 years ago
Yup...Christie is just not feeling the love these days and deservedly so. What an embarrassing, despotic, monstrous oaf of an idiot this man has become in the eyes of all decent, hard working, honest Bahamians! He's now truly a National blight of epic proportion!!
Well_mudda_take_sic 10 years ago
Christie's well deserved legacy and epitaph now cemented forever in the minds of most Bahamians is: "No single Bahamian has ever caused more harm to the Bahamian people!"
birdiestrachan 10 years ago
Mr: Christie is 100^% correct. and the Bahamas should be grateful, Dr: Minnis nor McCartney have any vision. They are both good at saying what is wrong. .any fool and every fool know what is wrong. what people should want to hear is what should be done to fix what is wrong, The FNM and the DNA leader are both lost in the wilderness no wisdom no vision. and no understanding. As for the Number business, Persons who bought numbers every day voted against it. It is good that the persons who are in the numbers business will be contributing to the welfare of the Bahamas,
Emac 10 years ago
Ahh... there we go. birdiestrachan, right on time, trying to defend the indefensible!
Islandgirl 10 years ago
Geezus birdie...are you for real?
SaltyConchy 10 years ago
Alzheimer's does not react well when mixing medications with alcohol, otherwise he may realize that using BAMSI and the hospital construction projects as slush funds would not be areas any government would desire to match this administration's example. Hopefully the cronies that had their debts written off by BOB will feed him his applesauce in the coming years.
christee 10 years ago
birdiestrachan, grateful for what? running this country into the ground? And talking about vision, please indicate what vision Christie has. This man is a total embarrassment to Bahamians. He is the exact opposite of what a leader should be. Look in the dictionary for poor leadership and there's a picture of him as an example next to the meaning.
birdiestrachan 10 years ago
You Folks are burning the torch to close to the eyes, and it is distorting the vision.. Like I said the DNA and the FNM leaders. have no vision. Here we have dumb and dumber. when It comes to the Bahamas moving forward. they are good at being disruptive and protesting and doing their best to destroy people if they can. but the floor is open tell me the one single visionary idea that has come from any of them. just jump on every thing no matter how simple and run with it.. BAMSI is visionary, Urbane renewal is vision..
christee 10 years ago
birdiestrachan, no further argument. I see where you are coming from. You are so convinced in your mind that Christie is doing a great job that nothing would convince you otherwise. People like you are who the politicians sucker because they know that they don't have to do much for you. I think I would have an easier time trying to convince Satan to convert to Christianity than to convince you that this government is doing a lousy job. BTW it is "URBAN" and not "URBANE:. Just a little spell check for a friend.
Cas0072 10 years ago
I will credit the PLP with having great ideas, like BAMSI and even NHI. So far they are not doing a good job of bringing those ideas to fruition.
TalRussell 10 years ago
With Comrade Minnis, more so Bran, not much notice is paid to what they had to say in their press releases. However, once you become prime minister, they expect that after you've entered the major league ball game of politics where the rules are to be constantly judged and changed by the politically bias reporters and bloggers - nothing you do or say will ever please your political enemies. These same bloggers demand so little from Minnis and Bran, excusing them as being no more than two political leaders “warming da bench - until somebody awakens them in time come da 2017 General Elections. It's one thing to critique a sitting PM but not to put words into his mouth, or write story headlines that would look more at home on the pages of The Punch.
A weaker-kneed PM would have been a good candidate to have been considerate as a regular patient up at Sandilands, only three years into his "by da people" mandate.
Sure as hell does not resemble, the newspapers and talk shows - love-in - they had with they Papa Hubert.
Space 10 years ago
... and thank god for that.
John 10 years ago
All Perry Christie is say is ,"yinna ainn gonna miss the water 'till the well run dry". And if you don't believe him, ask Hubert Ingraham.
TalRussell 10 years ago
Comrades I need asks something kinda personal, if any's of you's understands the difference between a split personality and multiple personalities? I was just wondering cuz I think I may have one cuz i am starting to decipher the different types some these red party types. But I'm not sure which one - is it split or multiple - or maybe both?
Though I lean more towards them being multiple personalities types - cuz some them can't seem remember much about the Papa Hubert's three regimes 15 years in power? Let's just say them memories is convenient - which leads me believe, they's faking their mental illnesses.
Even "Head Doctor" Allen will tell you, that 15 years is one big chink of time be gone missing from any red head.
duppyVAT 10 years ago
Tal ............... ur full of IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
duppyVAT 10 years ago
Do you think Perry's CARICOM colleagues have a clue of what type of brainless man is speaking for them???????????? Who writes his CARICOM speeches????????? ........ and who is his political handlers at home???????? Where is the Secretary to the Cabinet???? .......... or did the SOC give up on this old pathetic asshole?????????????
ThisIsOurs 10 years ago
He's right, they hit rock bottom and still record pace
Purcell 10 years ago
PRIME Minister Perry Christie said despite the “naysayers”, his government’s performance will not be matched “in the history of this country”
We can only hope.
asiseeit 10 years ago
I wonder if he realizes that he was elected to office by a minority of voters. In plain English more people voted against him than for him. 2017 can not come soon enough! If he thinks the people are with him, call elections now, lets see how that works out.
greasemonkey 10 years ago
As a technical teacher of 30 + years I can say without fear of contradiction that education never changes despite the rhetoric, the wasted schemes, the constant days off for useless workshops, and other nonsense. On my family island we NEVER receive supplies, get notices and salary slips months after they were drafted and work in conditions sometimes bordering on primitive. Its not more money that is needed but better allocation of assets, a proper school working environment, a total and severe reduction in in all these wasteful events and young teachers who take take days off at the drop of a hat. Maybe even promote teachers who show genuine ability to Head teacher positions rather than those that simply walk the political butt licking path.
TalRussell 10 years ago
Comrades I don't think voters will reject the PLP over emotional remarks the PM makes about journalists before a student body. They will read this story and life will go on. Not many who will vote come 2017, will vote for or against the PLP based on VAT taxes, the Renard's 650 million dollars Letter of Intent. Even angry voters without paychecks today will not necessarily be angry at the PLP government in 2017. - even if they still don't have paychecks. Talk of no insurance at BAMSI will have deflated. Talk of corruption will have settle in and it will not measurably affect the PLP at the polls. As bad as the numbers 'regularizing" came about, few voters will give it much thought. Voters are know to tolerate even the stuff they dislike the most, But as absurd as it might sound, voters will have taken some things personal and and remember them when they walk into the polling booths to mark their X's. That one thing IS Carnival 2015 cuz its personal.
That's what happen to Papa Hubert - the voters took his regime's contempt for them, as too damn personal. The rest of the red shirts stuff, didn't prevent them much, from reelecting Papa. That wasn't personal.
If the PM wants be politically as smart as he needs to be - he'd order for the plug be immediately pulled on Carnival 2015. More families, friendships and business relationships have been destroyed, over the tiniest of "personal" things and not the big stuff. Carnival 2015 is big and personal stuff.
abacogrouper 10 years ago
This is really, really sad. I feel so bad for my country at this time in history. I truly pray that the one true God will grant us mercy as a nation.
John 10 years ago
How many persons show up to the protest to make Alfred Gray resign. If Minnis don't start increasing his numbers the next election will be a "shoe in". For the PLP.
John 10 years ago
Minnis needs to become more forceful and convincing if he is to effectively lead the FNM in the 2017 elections. He is still reading most of his public statements verbatim.
Hogfish 10 years ago
Minnis needs to go or we going to have 5 more years of this wutless piece of shit.
Or even worse the tiefen sticky-finger nigga.
Well_mudda_take_sic 10 years ago
I have said time and time again that I would never vote for a government led by Minnis and there are many many more like me who feel the same way. The FNM political apparatus and fund raisers must appreciate that Minnis does not stand a chance in hell of ever being PM and with good reason. Yes, Christie and his band of banditos are about as bad as it gets for the Bahamian people, but Minnis and the cronies of his he would appoint to cabinet posts would be much much worse. The longer the FNM party waits to dump Minnis, the more likely our next leader will be Christie himself or someone anointed by him. Political contributions to a FNM party led by Minnis are equivalent to flushing one's money right down the toilet.
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