Making change ‘real’ - do you have what it takes?

NO MATTER how much people yell and scream about wanting ‘real’ change in their lives, it is often just a whole heap of lip service. Sure, they are sick and tired of being sick and tired but still lack what it takes to make the changes they want in their personal, professional and or business life.

I find it incredible that many folks are overly enthusiastic to join the so-called pursuit of happiness while faithfully avoiding the chase for change. Truth is that there can be no happiness without change.

Hundreds, if not thousands say they want to change this, that or the third. Yet - year after year - they are still stuck in the same rut. ‘Real’ change takes commitment, effort and time.

No ‘real’ (sustained) change can be experienced without sustained effort. The reason for this ‘wishy-washy’ lifestyle is the result of an insincere relationship with change. Despite the emotional declarations about going change - most have never met change due to lack of follow through.

This is where starting and stopping, flipping and flopping becomes a habit and creates a lip service kind of life.

You deserve more. Getting more and living, the life you love requires that you commit to doing what you say you will do and be on point with you. A life of happiness cannot come without connecting to the power of change. The question is do you have what it takes to make change ‘real’?

Understand that life is a cycle of continuous change - at all levels - physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. Cells are constantly changing - shrinking, expanding and transforming to keep the body functioning.

This consistency is what makes a tadpole grow into a frog, a baby into an adult and a caterpillar into an amazing butterfly. Without change, nothing is possible.

When it comes to making change ‘real’ in any area of your life, you must have what it takes. First, ask yourself some bigger questions about what you specifically want to change. Most people struggle with this key point - they have no idea what they want to change - specifically. You must know clearly, what you want. Secondly, why do you want it? What will it do for your life? Knowing your real reason keeps you motivated to follow through.

Getting through these two gigantic steps brings you closer to having what it takes. From there you can go further - take an objective assessment of how do you see you.

People more often see there so called weaknesses not their strengths. Making change ‘real’ takes strength. You must know who you are and what you bring to the table.

Leader to leader: begin today to make change ‘real’ in your life. Clarity, confidence, commitment and being consistent are all fundamental to experiencing ‘real’ change. You must begin a sincere chase after the change you really want.

Make today the day that you do what it takes to change and jumpstarts your capacity to live the life you love.

• What do you think? Questions or comments can be emailed to coaching242@yahoo.com or telephone 429-6770 or visit www.michellemmiller.com or snail mail to PO Box CB-13060.


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