Open letter to Fred Ramsey

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Weeping may endure for a night, but joy will come in the morning.

A 78-year-old citizen of this country, who was never convicted of any crime, and one who is making a great contribution to this country. It was a crying shame to see him handcuffed and taken across the courtyard, and made to look like a common criminal, without being convicted of any crime. I hope that the Attorney General could sleep well at nights.

Remember this man also has a family, he is a Sunday school teacher, a deacon at his church, an executive member of the Scouts, a Justice of the Peace (JP), the Queen has made him an MBE (Member of the British Empire), and he is also a MCM member of his political party (FNM).

You do not try to destroy somebody like this, who is trying to live a decent and restful life. Just remember that a man’s name and his character is all he has. Mr Ramsey, do not worry God will vindicate you. Hundreds of people are praying for you. Politics – politics – politics!



October 2015.


justthefactsplease 8 years, 10 months ago

So I guess because he is all of the things you mentioned, he should not be made to pay for his actions. True, they are only allegations at this point but the process requires that he goes through the court system like every other alleged criminal should...he should be given NO preferential treatment. If he is innocent he will be set free but if he is guilty his arse should rot in prison.

Emac 8 years, 10 months ago

Who Is the idiot that wrote this "open letter"? And who is the idiot in the Tribune that published it?

Sickened 8 years, 10 months ago

What Fred NEEDS to do, is tell the court and the public who he passed on the money to. He obviously didn't keep it all as he was not a decision maker. He had to pass it on to one or more persons. Fred: tell us the names or die in prison.

TigerB 8 years, 10 months ago

He may be all those titles now, but back then he was a different person, tinted, and greedy

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