A shameful act

EDITOR, The Tribune.

It seems we have hit a new low with the Ministry of Education blocking Long Island MP Loretta Butler-Turner from receiving relief supplies on behalf of her hurricane ravaged community.

What sort of example would such churlish, petty and unchristian behaviour set for the big hearted students of Claridge Primary School?

Is it any wonder we have become what we have become as a nation?

Claridge Primary is a public school funded by the public taxpayer – not the PLP government.

Puffed up little politicos have absolutely no right to use their childish muscle to undemocratically thwart an MP from fulfilling their constitutional role as a representative of the people.

If Mrs Butler-Turner’s information is correct, I cry Shame on the Minister and any of his cohorts who would be involved in such a ridiculous exercise! Shame! Shame! Shame!



November 11, 2015.


birdiestrachan 9 years, 1 month ago

Butler Turner's information is wrong to begin with she changed the date she was suppose to collect the items. and why does she need to have such a big show and a photo opportunity to collect the items. Butler loves to have her own way and she wants to do things when she want to. Unless she goes into her cry baby mode. Every body knows the Schools are not PLP nor FNM But if the writer feels the need to inform the public why not. Butler had been crying a lot lately she is just a big cry baby. especially since Rollins will be sitting right next to her.

sealice 9 years, 1 month ago

says the plp trolls......

truetruebahamian 9 years, 1 month ago

I am sure that this sadly incompetent government pays birdiestrachan to come up with this and similar useless tripe.

sheeprunner12 9 years, 1 month ago

There is no place in the public school system for politicians to be seeking brownie points ....... but for LBT to expect to go into Fitzgerald's constituency and have 15 minutes of self-serving PR at his expense is asking waaaayyyyyy tooooooooo much ......... its personal

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