Tribune Staff Reporter
PRIME Minister Perry Christie on Friday said he is “distressed” by the country’s crime problems, which he said now requires a more aggressive approach by the government and law enforcement.
Mr Christie also suggested that there could be an “impact on our own freedom to move about” as the government seeks to implement new crime fighting strategies.
He went on to pledge a greater commitment on the part of the government to dedicate all of the necessary resources to get a handle on the scourge of violent activity in The Bahamas.
Mr Christie spoke on the sidelines of the third annual National Data Protection Symposium at the Melia Hotel.
This comes as the country on Wednesday night recorded two murders taking the homicide record for the year to a record 130.
“Let me say that I am really distressed generally about the deterioration and its impact on families,” Mr Christie said. “The lady who was killed, the teacher (who was) working at Queen’s College, her father and mother came out of the valley. Her father would have been around my house with me as a child.
"The families were very close. The mother comes from further down in the valley and so it has a particular impact on me personally. Really as a constant reminder that there is so much more that we obviously have to do to come to grips with this really emerging reality on our streets.
“But I just want to be able to say that every time someone is killed it diminishes us and I accept that. I am very concerned about this matter to the point where it now will cause me to even dedicate more time and a greater degree of scrutiny to the effort.
"It sometimes (is) not easy given the demands to do the things I would like to do and it’s a frank admission that we have to rely heavily on being able to have the strategies that are going to be utilised or employed in this matter to fight crime.
“Understand and accept by that I mean that sometimes what you do will have an impact on our own freedom to move about and so it is strong as that that. We are going to have to be much more aggressive in this battle.”
Mr Christie said he has been in discussions with State National Security Minister Keith Bell regarding major strategies being put forward and also plans to meet with the heads of the country’s armed forces over crime.
“With respect to the strategies to deal with this clearly we need to move to a new dimension (and) a higher level of involvement not just with the police force but of the community in this matter. There are a number of matters that I am discussing.
"I just had a meeting into last night with the junior minister Bell of national security where he submitted to me a significant strategy to be employed that we want to be able to give consideration to and have discussions with the security forces of the country,” Mr Christie said.
Well_mudda_take_sic 9 years, 1 month ago
ohdrap4 9 years, 1 month ago
Another twenty point plan? The guardian should reprint the editorial below, appropriately named empty promises.…
juju 9 years, 1 month ago
Publius 9 years, 1 month ago
Emac 9 years, 1 month ago
Jackass with no brains! Please retire and that in itself would be your greatest legacy.
digimagination 9 years, 1 month ago
Just keep fiddling with your pinkie ring...
sansoucireader 9 years, 1 month ago
Wasn't there a cartoon character that did the same thing? I think doing that would activate his 'super powers'.
TruePeople 9 years, 1 month ago
Ya that cartoon was perry the cat and his magical bag of tricks
kairosmatt 9 years, 1 month ago
The pinky ring is historically connected to organised crime. So by saying all this nonesense and fiddling his finger, he is sending a clear message to his supporters, funders, and associates.
He is saying, "Don't worry, its business as usual. Keep tiefin, murderin, and raping, and keep dem kickbacks comin too!"
asiseeit 9 years, 1 month ago
If the crime situation "impacts our ability to move about freely", then the criminals have won. Be real Mr. P.M., you are out of your depth in regards to crime or even for that matter being an effective Prime Minister. WUTLESS!
bsStruggle 9 years, 1 month ago
Beyond LOST, TIRED and CONFUSED! This government is simply trying to buy time at this point.
banker 9 years, 1 month ago…
SP 9 years, 1 month ago
@ Banker......LOL!
proudloudandfnm 9 years, 1 month ago
This man is useless. I wouldn't hire Perry to pump my septic tank.
Publius 9 years, 1 month ago
LOL!!!!!! oh man that gave me a good laugh
The_Oracle 9 years, 1 month ago
In leading by example they have created lawlessness, at every level of society. Those without morals and ethics are the true party members. Now you would contravene the constitution to implement total control? Not that any of you have truly observed or obeyed the Constitution but, Full on tribal rule without recourse will result in more mayhem. When they start attacking politicians and senior Civil Servants, you will simply all arm yourselves, while keeping the population disarmed and subject to your own brand of Ton Ton Macoute. The writing is on the wall folks.
sheeprunner12 9 years, 1 month ago
Hey guys ............. wait and see what the new plan will be ........ maybe he got this one from the Chinese ..........
and it may start like this............ .... even though it is the FNM fault, we will do our best to curb the murder rate
TruePeople 9 years, 1 month ago
Chinee dem ein got Human Rights neither, so dem and PGC dem is easy thick like teef
The_Oracle 9 years, 1 month ago
And so, once you have curtailed our freedom to move around (and possibly freedom of association as mentioned a few months ago) when will we get these Constitutionally guaranteed freedoms back? When crime is reduced? by how much? Eliminated? I put it to you that they will never be restored. And crime will not be diminished by these measures either. You have cultivated, ignored, and participated for the last 47 years, You have politicized the police force, the Judiciary, and created this society, built on a lack of responsibility, lack of accountability, a lack of transparency. From the top down.
sheeprunner12 9 years, 1 month ago
Are we going to need a police pass to move across Nassau soon?????????
TruePeople 9 years, 1 month ago
Either a Police Pass or a Hood Pass
TalRussell 9 years, 1 month ago
Comrades let's get real and stop with the personal attacks against "your" prime minister. Why is everyone so angry? These are the type of personal attacks that should always be avoided. Why yell so aggressively. it will not resolve anything. Will it make you fell better after being so nasty?
Emac 9 years, 1 month ago
Don't you mean, YOUR prime minister? And if you have to ask why is everyone so angry, then one of the following must apply to you: 1. You are getting some of that money they stealing from the people. 2. You are living in La la land. 3. You're high on pot. 4. A combination of 2 and 3.
realfreethinker 9 years, 1 month ago
Or 5, he is Perry
Emac 9 years, 1 month ago
banker 9 years, 1 month ago
I suppose that if you lived in Hitler's Germany, you would have said to stop attacking the Fuhrer. Or if you lived in Stalinist Russia -- oh never mind that one, you are a pinko commie. Or if you lived under the rule of Robert Mugabe, you would support him. Tyrants, and non-patriots like Perry Gladstone Christie are lower than pond scum and snake excrement. He should be arrested and put in Fox Hell for the rest of his life for crimes against Bahamians.
Emac 9 years, 1 month ago
Tal, Tal the PLPs pal
Doesn't know what side she belongs.
Sometimes she’s confused
By things in the news
Even Tho’ she knows rights from wrongs.
She lives her life comfy in a bubble
Tho' she knows quite well, the PLP’s trouble.
Tal takes delight in twisting truths
For PG Christie, who rewards her with loots.
Now she's content with her split personality
But everyone else knows that in reality
That her beloved PLP spells calamity!
banker 9 years, 1 month ago
I nominate Emac for the first Bahamian recipient of the Nobel Prize for Literature for the above masterpiece.
TalRussell 9 years, 1 month ago
Comrade Emac might just make the #1 Must Read for Bahamalander Literature.
Alex_Charles 9 years, 1 month ago
Where does the muslim thing come from?
Franklyn 9 years, 1 month ago
Bet the hell outta me, its a post from another news site ...on my end (before posting) the Muslim thing did not appear - maybe a glitch in the system. Also, I am unable to access the post to edit the Muslim thing out ...will call into the Tribune, please disregard that section of the post.
BMW 9 years, 1 month ago
I tell you one thing....the last government to care about Bahamians and the Bahamas was the UBP. plain and simple. When they were defeated there was money in the treasury. Aint been the case since. Since then it has been all.about ENTITLEMENT. What bullshit. This country will continue regressing with this majority rule.
banker 9 years, 1 month ago
That's because the UBP knew that you don't bleed the goose that lays the golden egg, and you don't cut steaks off your racehorse.
Alex_Charles 9 years, 1 month ago
Do you know the history of the UBP and their relationship with black Bahamians?
TruePeople 9 years, 1 month ago
Oh yea? White against Blacks right.... but like BMW said.... they at least left us off in a better place.... our 'Black' politician sey they is our friend but they are actually the bigger enemy. And they are actually SELLING OUT THE WHOLE DAMN COUNTRY TO THE CHINESE.....
but y'all still saying the white man is the enemy.......... really?!
asiseeit 9 years, 1 month ago
The social policy's of the UBP where utter crap and had to be done away with but nobody can say anything about there management of the economy. Back then people had two and three jobs, the country was a haven for the rich and famous and the treasury had money in the bank. So the story goes a certain bag man was sent to deposit a large chunk of that cash in a Swiss bank very soon after the 1967 election. That is when the country started it's decline and it has not stopped going in reverse since. Bring back the business men and let them MANAGE the country as it is obvious the lawyers are not up to the job.
jus2cents 9 years, 1 month ago
We already curtail our own freedom to move around, you imbecile! Anyone with any sense thinks twice about going out after dark, Nassau is a ghost town where only the degenerates feel safer at night than the good people.
Seriously, this archaic approach has never worked look at the statistics. Start with the community, properly thought out TV / Radio talk shows with crime experts as guests (Not just a bunch of hotheads whining) Schools & Churches etc. education is KEY.
There is no valuable support for the Police from the government, 'Under the circumstances' the police are doing a great job but, they're overwhelmed, they need tangible Resources to do a better job, (CCTV street Cameras would be a good start) Outside help, And a judicial system that Works i.e. 24 hour courts, and judges that do what they are supposed to. And Rehabilitation in the Prison is a no brainer but it is non -existent!!?? Utter Madness??
TruePeople 9 years, 1 month ago
The prison ein even have toilets..... what you expect
The_Oracle 9 years, 1 month ago
Helicopters folks, can be anywhere in Nassau in 2 minutes flat if airborne. Not to mention patrols for illegal immigrants landing, stolen vehicles in the bushes, canals, hard to escape the eyes in the sky. B.K. Bonamy asked for them way back when, but politically it was quashed. Ask A.D. Hanna why, and Frank Watson. What were they scared of? Perhaps a police Commissioner that would be able to get ahead of crime? Go Find B.K's speech at COB, he called for it, he attended a caribbean conference on crime, he was told directly what was coming from the southern neighbors, including the message that they did not act, but that we had a chance to get it right. Why was his message ignored?
TruePeople 9 years, 1 month ago
why did PM Golding oppose the extradition of Dudas for so long...... pretty obvious .... at least for some i guess
sheeprunner12 9 years, 1 month ago
Did yall listen to Perry at the UR 2.0 symposium today talking about family life and crime????? When was the last time he walked over the hill or pinewood or fox hill?????? He is not the Chinese emperor ....... he is King Louis XVI and his wife is Marie Antoinette ..... remember the famous line .......... the people have no bread (lets give them cake) ...... they were beheaded
Franklyn 9 years, 1 month ago
The first mistake: "meeting with junior minister Bell of national security where he submitted to me a significant strategy to be employed that we want to be able to give consideration to and have discussions with the security forces of the country,” Mr. Bell has no clue and its blatantly obvious. - This is the person that you fire - first step. "It sometimes (is) not easy given the demands to do the things I would like to do" - really, the things you would like to do and not doing is where the failure is in the country - Mr. Prime Minister. The problems in The Bahamas is the people that were hired to manage The Bahamas, it was a mistake and now the country is paying for its bad decision. "And it’s a frank admission that we have to rely heavily on being able to have the strategies that are going to be utilized or employed in this matter to fight crime." - The crime in the country is the country and those who have managed the country over these years have created the socioeconomic failures that you call CRIME - it should be spelt FAILURE. A country where after 50 years of management by the people; we have not excelled beyond what was left here by the British ...actually we have regressed. For god's sake, we are still using paper journals notebooks for official record-keeping.
“Understand and accept by that I mean that sometimes what you do will have an impact on our own freedom to move about and so it is strong as that that. We are going to have to be much more aggressive in this battle.” many Bahamian will hope your aggression in this battle will translate to identifying failures in your management of the country, and not letting a sometimes violent and abusive police force violate the rights of the public and open the country up to rights violations and lawsuits. Not seeing the problems in the Bahamas for what it is but resorting to overnight fixes where the problem is much bigger and more rooted socially, morally, economically and politically - creates a bigger problems and may put The Bahamas one step closer to what we now see in parts of Haiti and Liberia.
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