Private airline partners with Long Island MP in storm relief effort


Loretta Butler-Turner


Tribune Chief Reporter


A PRIVATE airline is partnering with Long Island MP Loretta Butler-Turner to organise emergency relief for the storm-battered island.

Paul Aranha, owner of Trans Island Airways, said the airline has teamed up with Mrs Butler-Turner to co-ordinate air transport for relief efforts, which are expected to start early on Saturday morning. The first flights are scheduled to Deadman’s Cay, Long Island.

Three donation sites have been established across New Providence: Odyssey Aviation at Nassau International Airport, the Seahorse Institute on Soldier Road north of Prince Charles Drive; and The Kitchen Deli on Shirley Street.

Priority supplies are bottled water, non-perishable food items, hand sanitiser or wipes, batteries, flashlights and tools.

Mr Aranha said: "We're still tweaking and finalising, but tomorrow we will definitely be going out. Pending the storm, it will be first thing tomorrow. So far IBC Airways have offered to do a flight or two with their SAAB340 on Tuesday, and that can take 7,000lbs each.

"[Saturday] is going to be assessing and getting immediate needs down to the islands and Sunday we'll be able to bring supplies. Obviously we need supplies to bring supplies. First responders go in tomorrow morning to assess the needs and then the day after we will go in with priority items. As soon as the boats are cleared to go, then they can take more, we're taking the critical supplies.

Mr Aranha said: "We're working alongside Loretta, who is providing the government co-ordination, and we're providing logistics and private enterprise co-ordination. Our airplanes will fly whether we get money or not, but some of the other aircraft that want to assist but need fuel we will be trying to co-ordinate resources for them."

The donation sites will remain open all day on Friday, and volunteers are needed to assist with cataloguing and packaging relief items.

Matt Albury, the organiser, said: "We're setting up a crowd funding site so folks can get money for fuel. We don't know the volume of need because there has been no information but bigger items like generators will have to be taken by boats. Clothing is not critical but bedding might be. We're looking for larger corporations to do big bulk items. Chelsea's Choice has already made a donation so we are just reaching out to the bigger companies."

People seeking to help can contact Mr Albury at 477-3134. For more information visit https://www.youcaring.com/family-island-residents-affected-by-hurricane-joaquin-443828


TruePeople 9 years, 5 months ago

at least someone in gov't is doing something

birdiestrachan 9 years, 5 months ago

Butler Turner should have gone down to Long Island to wait out the storm with the people of Long Island.

sansoucireader 9 years, 5 months ago

Better to be here in New Providence arranging help to send back to Long Island.

DillyTree 9 years, 5 months ago

Birdie, as usual, your logic is astounding.

Mrs. Butler Turner can do far more for her constituents by being in Nassau and coordinating supplies and assistance from Nassau.

Which is far more than we can say for your beloved PLP - Acklins's administrator fled the island ahead of the storm and where is Mr. V. Alred Gray -- is he in Acklins and Crooked Island? Oh, and even Mr. Perry Christie can't even get the damn name of the storm correct. Please leave your brainwashed politics out of it, Birdie.

People are suffering on many of our islands -- now is not time for stupid, petty politics. Now is the time to help those poor people who have lost so much. So what are you doing to help, Birdie?

GrassRoot 9 years, 5 months ago

birdie being quiet for once would help.

TruePeople 9 years, 5 months ago

your mental is that everyone need to get kapunkle up, and no one able to help. Youse vote PLP aye

GrassRoot 9 years, 5 months ago

I agree and the DPM to Cat Island.

Honestman 9 years, 5 months ago

Birdiestrachan is as usual trying desperately to play party politics - utterly disgraceful comment at this challenging time for Long Islanders.

BMW 9 years, 5 months ago

Birdie you are a jackass!!!!!!!!

TalRussell 9 years, 5 months ago

Comrades from listening to the news (as unreliable as it has performed with hurricane coverage) it seems Long Island was hit pretty hard.
I wish all Long Islanders and their MP Loretta, to remain safe and get the relief assistance they need and deserve.

PKMShack 9 years, 5 months ago

Birdie PERRY should of gone too, he is overall in charge. But you say dumb shit but we can not expect more from our country's biggest ass.

truetruebahamian 9 years, 5 months ago

I do believe that birdiestrachan wears his pants and what is usually contained in that clothing article on top of his neck judging by what emanates from that region of his anatomy.!

Mayaguana34 9 years, 5 months ago

Good Start but a SAAB 340 won't cut it - Call Jed Munroe and Craig Symonette - Dispatch the ferries!!!

Required 9 years, 5 months ago

Ships won't be far behind, but for first fast aid, an airlift is essential.

DillyTree 9 years, 5 months ago

Already done! Both are on board -- Fast Ferries and Island Link. But the airlift is going to be the first responders to assess what is needed and provided immediate aid.

There's going to be a lot of work ahead.

SP 9 years, 5 months ago

Instead of mounting a measured response, lard ass will grand stand to the rescue focusing on just Long Island and ignore human beings in neighboring Exuma and Cat Island?

If the dancing clown had done something similar to this, lard ass would be the first one yelling inept and incompetent leader!

Our politicians are all lousy, inept and incompetent.

DillyTree 9 years, 5 months ago

Lard ass, as you so crudely put it, is on a plane this morning headed to Long Island. Can the same be said for the reps of Exuma and Cat Islands? Furthermore, there is much work to be done, which is why Mrs. Butler-Turner is first focusing on HER constituency. There are many people who need help there.

Why must we make this a political issue? There are human beings, some our friends and family members. who are suffering. They need our help. SP, what are you doing to help these relief efforts? Go buy some food and water and take it down to one of the 3 collection sites around the islands. Be a part of the solution instead of just making noise!

SP 9 years, 5 months ago

FAIL- Disaster relief cannot be effective with people running off in different directions

Any disaster remediation MUST begin with PROPER RECONNAISSANCE to determine extent of damage, remaining infrastructure for best possible access and assessment of possible medical emergencies.

If they really cared ABOUT THE PEOPLE on southern islands ravaged by Hurricane Joaquin, the best course of action would have been to offer whatever resources they could muster to the governments national response team for a coordinated approach that would translate into a concise multifaceted relief effort DESIGNED to impact the worst of the worst initially.

BLT and Paul Aranha's futile grand standing attempt at getting relief into Long Island was poorly planned and nothing more than an effort to show up the government which accomplished absolutely nothing except photo ops.

This is not the time for BLT to play politics. She proved herself inept, totally incompetent by "running off half cocked".

Did she really have to be eating something even in a photo op?..... REALLY?!!!

CatIslandBoy 9 years, 5 months ago

Where is Brave? Probably licking his wounds? Or is he too busy planning a leadership coup for next month?

SP 9 years, 5 months ago

.. Government no doubt are total cock-ups, but still has the most muscle & resources ..

PLP without question are full of hot air. However, as government, they have access to national and international assets well versed in disaster relief.

Peoples lives and well being are at stake. We need to join governments & NEMA's concerted effort being mounted to deal with this disaster in any way we can.

This is no time for politics & grand standing!

sansoucireader 9 years, 5 months ago

Hurricane Season in June-November every year. All of this goes to show the Bahamas really has no organized plan. Heard the lady from the Red Cross on the radio yesterday talking about creating a tent city (in Long Island?) but she had first to find out where she could get the proper tents and portable bathroom facilities from you; shouldn't you know that already? Silly me, I thought you're supposed to have a list of names of people & companies of who has what, and who does what. Why does it seem like these things are only occurring to them as they go along? If a hurricane hits this morning and leaves the country this afternoon an organization should be able to go in with their ORGANIZED plan soon after. I don't see that here.

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